
Rise of the Goddess of Death

Born into a family of deities, with a father who was the King of the Gods and a great queen mother, this daughter was destined to become a powerful general, fighter, and killer. She was tasked with bearing death itself in the name of her father. However, her loyalty and devotion were ultimately betrayed by those closest to her, including members of her own family. The goddess of death in the MCU and Scandinavian myths will now embark on the path of revenge. Reveal the secrets of his fate and his divinity, explore the world of the dead Helheim, and change his fate. (This is fan fiction using characters from Thor films in the Marvel cinematic universe) Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the MCU itself. I own only this story, the plot, my construction of the world, and my original characters

Daoistgecd3Q · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 11)Hela 's thoughts

Helheim. Immediately after Augustus received the power of death and took the oath.

Hela attempted to revive one of the Valkyrie corpses she had killed during their sealing, but despite her manipulation of death energy and the use of runes, she could not bring the corpse back to life.

"This doesn't make sense. How is it that the corpse on that tree instantly revived with just a small infusion of death energy, while the Valkyrie who died not long ago, even with my active assistance, remains lifeless?"

Hela didn't dwell on this problem for long, recognizing that the issue lay within her divinity, or rather, the absence of something unique within herself.

"Damn it! If only I had an eternal flame at my disposal, reviving a corpse would be child's play. Yet in Helheim, my divinity somehow managed to revive a corpse even without an eternal flame. However, I am unable to replicate this feat myself, indicating that the necessary aspect was already present within that particular corpse. But what aspect could it be?"

Hela contemplated returning to the corpse to interrogate it once again, but suddenly she sensed a diminishment of her divinity and the severing of her connection to the Necrosword.

Coming to a halt and sensing the unfolding events, she realized the truth.

"My divinity has not diminished permanently; I can already sense it gradually recovering. As for my connection to the Necrosword, it has not been severed but rather distorted. It feels as though the connection passes first through the mortal soul, then through Helheim, before reaching its culmination with me. No, it doesn't reach an end—it continues further, but where does it lead?"

Hela made attempts to discern the subsequent path of the connection, but no matter what she did, she could not comprehend its trajectory. The connection seemed to extend into the void, vanishing, yet paradoxically still existing. It was a perplexing sensation.

"My connection to Helheim has also manifested itself. No, it was already present before, but now I perceive this connection more distinctly. Hmm, something is transpiring, and I dislike being unaware of the events unfolding in the world linked to me."

For the time being, Hela chose to set aside her newfound connection with Helheim and focused instead on the mortal who had acquired the power of death and become bound to her. However, she remained vigilant regarding any potential changes that might arise due to this connection to the realm of the dead.

"This is becoming rather intriguing. I can perceive the mortal's emotions, and if he directly addresses me, I can also hear his thoughts. Yet, I cannot fully access his memories, nor can I manipulate them in any manner. Nonetheless, I can channel my power through this connection, and I am capable of sending messages to him. Hmm, I shall observe him for a while before issuing an order for him to summon me. Additionally, I cannot be certain of what else this connection may facilitate."

Hela grew increasingly dismayed when she realized that while the Necrosword ostensibly remained hers, it had become a key wielded by a mortal, and she could not reclaim it—unless she provided an alternate key, the creation of which eluded her knowledge.

"Damn it! I have never been instructed in the intricacies of divinity. I never even knew that divinity could encompass such possibilities."

In a distant, faraway realm, seated upon a throne crafted from bones and encompassed by a towering mountain of skeletons and corpses, resided an entity. Shrouded in a black cloak that concealed every inch of her form, not a sliver of skin was revealed. Arrayed beside the throne was an assortment of scythes, sickles, and instruments embodying the essence of death itself.

Extending her hand into the void, the entity retrieved a slender black thread from its depths. "I wonder if Hela has chosen to embark on the path of the Goddess of Death once more. Hmm, should she succeed, I shall finally have an heir, although she remains too young and inexperienced. Nevertheless, if she fails, I shall continue my eternal service, as destined since the inception of the universe."

Releasing the thread, it promptly vanished within this realm, no longer worthy of the entity's attention.

In another distant expanse, within the realm of golden threads and yarn, where streams of shimmering gold flowed, diverging and converging perpetually, another golden entity also took notice of the changes and beheld a black thread.

"Heh, the mischievous child has chosen to defy her fate once again, or perhaps embrace what destiny has laid before her. Heh, it would be unfair if Death were to have an heir. Hihihi. Let us introduce a touch of amusement and challenge to ensure fairness. I must also adjust a few probabilities to grant others a chance, for such opportunities seldom present themselves, and I must execute everything flawlessly. Heh."

With that, the entity began to manipulate strings and redirect rivers. The task ahead was considerable, yet it offered both work and entertainment.

In other realms, distinct and varied, numerous powerful entities sensed the ripples of fate and realized that a new game had commenced. They too elected to make their preparations, for the passage of countless eons had elapsed since the last occasion—an opportunity they could not afford to overlook.

In Midgard, the Archmage sat in contemplation, surveying the river of time for any signs of new developments, but to no avail. The future presented numerous fleeting possibilities, appearing and vanishing, yet nothing posed a direct threat to the planet's security, leaving him at ease.

Suddenly, the entire river of time erupted into turmoil, with diverse future opportunities rapidly oscillating into existence and fading away. Though Earth remained unharmed for now, he knew that the proliferation of such events indicated the commencement of a game by higher entities.

"Ah, why can't this old man find peace in death? Now I must prepare as well, for Earth shall no longer know tranquility, and all sorcerers must fortify themselves to survive the trials ahead."

The Grand Sorcerer delved into the river of time, seeking out talented individuals who had yet to attract the attention of higher powers, searching for those whose character kind and fairness rendered them ideal defenders of Earth.

"Very well, this should suffice for the time being. Now I must orchestrate their gathering within the temple. What a tremendous undertaking this shall be."

Meanwhile, various seers and prophets also began prophesying the diverse opportunities and perils that lay ahead, prompting the elder wizards to mobilize, aspiring to transcend their mortality and attain something greater than mere mortal existence.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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