
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


He felt a jolt of fear and adrenaline. He had no time to waste. He had to escape from the castle, or he would die. 


He ran to the door, and opened it. He saw a long corridor, with many doors and windows. He saw guards, servants, and nobles walking around, unaware of the danger. He saw paintings, statues, and banners decorating the walls, showing the glory and history of the kingdom. He saw chandeliers, carpets, and curtains adding elegance and luxury to the scene. 


He had no idea where to go, or how to get out. He had no idea who was friend, or who was foe. He had no idea what was real, or what was fake. 


He felt lost and helpless. He wished he had a map, or a compass, or a clue. He wished he had a plan, or a strategy, or a goal. 


But he had nothing. He had only himself. He had only the system. 


He heard another beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a glimmer of hope: 


[Tip: The system has detected that you are in a dangerous and unfamiliar situation. The system suggests that you use the Basic Guide feature, to learn more about the system and the world. The system also suggests that you use the Basic Quests feature, to receive guidance and direction. The system hopes that you will enjoy the game, and become the best Death Ruler.] 


He felt a surge of curiosity and gratitude. He had something to help him. He had something to teach him. He had something to guide him. 


He had the system. He had the game. He had the quest. 


He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the Basic Guide feature. He said "Guide" in his mind, and saw a new screen appear. He read the message, and felt a sense of enlightenment: 


[Basic Guide: Welcome to the Death Ruler System, the ultimate game of life and death. In this guide, you will learn the basics of the system and the world, such as: 


- The System: The system is a secret and exclusive system, that only you can see and use. The system will help you become the ultimate ruler of life and death in this world, by giving you rewards, benefits, allies, and secrets. The system will also challenge you, by giving you dangers, enemies, penalties, and consequences. The system will monitor your actions, and judge your performance, based on your choices, decisions, actions, and results. The system will also communicate with you, and provide you with tips and hints, to help you understand and use the system. The system has many features, such as Status, Inventory, Quests, Shop, Lottery, and Guide. You can access them by saying their names in your mind. 

- The World: The world is a fantasy world, where magic and monsters exist. The world is divided into many kingdoms, nations, and regions, each with their own culture, history, and politics. The world is also divided into two types of people: normal people and hidden masters. Normal people are ordinary people, who live in ignorance and peace, unaware of the existence of magic and monsters. Hidden masters are special people, who can use magic and fight monsters, and live in secrecy and danger, protecting the normal people from the threats of the dark. You are a hidden master, and the leader of the hidden masters, the Death Ruler. 

- The Game: The game is a game of life and death, where you have to survive and thrive, in this world. The game has many rules, such as: 


 - You have to complete quests, to earn rewards and avoid penalties. Quests are tasks that the system gives you, with corresponding objectives, rewards, and penalties. Quests can be divided into main quests and side quests. Main quests are mandatory and related to the main plot of the game. Side quests are optional and related to the subplots of the game. You can access the Quests feature, by saying "Quests" in your mind. 

 - You have to level up, to increase your power and potential. Leveling up is the process of gaining experience and increasing your level. Experience is the measure of your progress and performance in the game. Level is the measure of your power and potential in the game. You can gain experience by completing quests, killing monsters, and performing other actions that the system deems worthy. You can increase your level by reaching a certain amount of experience. You can access the Status feature, by saying "Status" in your mind. 

 - You have to use items, to enhance and support. Items are objects that you can use, to improve yourself, your enemies, or your environment. Items can be divided into consumable items and equipment items. Consumable items are items that can be used once, and then disappear. Equipment items are items that can be worn or wielded, and then provide passive or active effects. You can obtain items by buying them, finding them, or winning them. You can manage items by using the Inventory feature, by saying "Inventory" in your mind. 


This is the end of the Basic Guide. You can access the Guide feature anytime, by saying "Guide" in your mind. You can also ask the system any questions, by saying "System" in your mind. The system will try to answer your questions, as long as they are related to the system and the game. The system hopes that you will enjoy the game, and become the best Death Ruler.] 


He felt a sense of relief and curiosity. He had learned a lot from the guide, and he felt more confident and prepared. He had many questions, and he wanted to ask the system. He wanted to learn more about the system and the game. 


But he had no time. He had to escape from the castle, or he would die. 


He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the Quests feature. He said "Quests" in his mind, and saw a new screen appear. He read the message, and felt a sense of direction: 


[Quests: You can view your current quests, and their details, by using the Quests feature. You can also accept new quests, or abandon old quests, by using the Quests feature. You can access the Quests feature anytime, by saying "Quests" in your mind. 


Current Quests: 


- Quest 1: Escape from the Castle 


Description: You are currently in the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which will explode in 10 minutes. You have to escape from the castle, before it is too late. 


Objective: Escape from the castle within 10 minutes. 


Reward: 1000 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point. 


Penalty: Death. 


Status: In Progress. 


Time Remaining: 9 minutes and 15 seconds. 


Hint: The fastest way to escape from the castle is to use the secret passage, located behind the painting of the king, in the corridor outside your room. The secret passage will lead you to the underground tunnel, which will take you to the outside of the castle. However, the secret passage is guarded by a magic lock, which can only be opened by the ring of the crown prince. You have to wear the ring, and touch the painting, to open the lock. Be careful, the secret passage may be trapped, or infested with monsters.] 


He felt a surge of hope and determination. He had a way to escape from the castle, and he had a clue to find it. He had the ring, and he had the painting. He had to use them, and get out. 


He ran to the corridor, and looked for the painting of the king. He saw it, hanging on the wall, near the end of the corridor. He saw a portrait of a middle-aged man, with a crown, a beard, and a stern expression. He recognized him as his father, the king of Zalora, and the ruler of this world. 


He felt a pang of guilt and sadness. He had no memories of his father, or his family, or his life. He had no feelings for his father, or his family, or his life. He had no attachment to his father, or his family, or his life. 


He had to leave them, and never look back. 


He ran to the painting, and touched it with his ring. He heard a click, and saw the painting slide to the side, revealing a dark hole. He saw a sign, that said "Secret Passage". 


He felt a rush of excitement and fear. He had found the secret passage, and he had to enter it. He had no idea what awaited him, or what he would face. 


He had to take the risk, and move forward. 


He jumped into the hole, and saw the painting close behind him. He saw a torch, that lit up the passage. He saw a sign, that said "Underground Tunnel". 


He felt a thrill of adventure and danger. He had entered the underground tunnel, and he had to follow it. He had no idea where it would lead him, or what he would find. 


He had to trust the system, and complete the quest. 


He ran along the tunnel, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a surge of challenge and opportunity: 


[Quest 1: Escape from the Castle 


Description: You are currently in the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which will explode in 10 minutes. You have to escape from the castle, before it is too late. 


Objective: Escape from the castle within 10 minutes. 


Reward: 1000 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point. 


Penalty: Death. 


Status: In Progress. 


Time Remaining: 9 minutes. 


Hint: The underground tunnel is not safe, and you may encounter traps or monsters. You have to be careful, and use your skills or items, to deal with them. You can also gain experience and Death Coins, by killing monsters, or finding treasures. You can also find clues or secrets, by exploring the tunnel, or solving puzzles. You can also meet allies or enemies, by talking to people, or fighting them. You have to make your way to the exit, which is marked by a sign that says "Outside".] 


He felt a mix of emotions and thoughts. He had to escape from the castle, and he had to do it fast. He had to face the dangers, and he had to overcome them. He had to gain the rewards, and he had to use them. He had to find the exit, and he had to reach it. 


He had to play the game, and he had to win it. 


He had to be the Death Ruler, and he had to prove it.