
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


He ran along the tunnel, and saw many branches and turns. He had to choose which way to go, and he had to do it fast. He had no idea which way was the right way, or the wrong way. He had no idea which way was the safe way, or the dangerous way.


He decided to follow his intuition, and his luck. He chose the paths that seemed the most promising, and the most exciting. He chose the paths that seemed the most fun, and the most adventurous.


He encountered many things along the way, and he had to deal with them. He encountered traps, and he had to avoid them. He encountered monsters, and he had to fight them. He encountered treasures, and he had to collect them. He encountered clues, and he had to solve them. He encountered people, and he had to interact with them.


He used the system, and the game, to help him. He used the guide, and the quests, to learn and improve. He used the status, and the inventory, to check and manage. He used the shop, and the lottery, to buy and gamble. He used the skills, and the items, to fight and survive.


He had many experiences, and he had to remember them. He had many successes, and he had to celebrate them. He had many failures, and he had to learn from them. He had many choices, and he had to live with them.


He had fun, and he had to admit it. He had fear, and he had to overcome it. He had curiosity, and he had to satisfy it. He had challenge, and he had to accept it.


He had a game, and he had to play it. He had a quest, and he had to complete it. He had a system, and he had to use it.


He had a life, and he had to live it.


He ran along the tunnel, and saw a sign, that said "Outside". He felt a surge of relief and joy. He had found the exit, and he had reached it. He had escaped from the castle, and he had survived.


He ran to the exit, and saw a door, that led to the outside. He opened the door, and saw the sunlight, that shone on the outside. He saw a forest, that surrounded the outside. He saw a road, that led away from the outside.


He felt a breeze of fresh air, and a sense of freedom. He had left the castle, and he had entered the world. He had left his old life, and he had started a new one.


He heard a beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a sense of accomplishment and reward:


[Quest 1: Escape from the Castle


Description: You are currently in the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which will explode in 10 minutes. You have to escape from the castle, before it is too late.


Objective: Escape from the castle within 10 minutes.


Reward: 1000 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point.


Penalty: Death.


Status: Completed.


Time Remaining: 1 minute and 30 seconds.


Congratulations, host. You have successfully completed your first quest, and earned your first rewards. You have also gained 1000 experience points, and increased your level to 19. You have also gained 1 skill point, which you can use to upgrade your skills, or learn new ones. You have also obtained 1 random item, which you can check in your inventory.


Please note that the bomb in your room has not been deactivated, and will still explode in 1 minute and 30 seconds. You have to stay away from the castle, and avoid the explosion. You have also attracted the attention of your enemies, and they will try to find you and kill you. You have to be careful, and hide your identity. You have also aroused the curiosity of your allies, and they will try to contact you and help you. You have to be cautious, and trust your judgment.


The system will now scan your current situation, and assign you your second quest. Please wait for a moment.]