
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


As soon as he pressed the button, he felt a shock run through his body. He groaned in pain, and fell back on the bed. He saw the screen change, and show him a new message: 


[Congratulations, host. You have successfully activated the Death Ruler System. You have been granted the following initial rewards: 


- Basic Status: a panel that shows your basic information, such as your name, level, health, mana, attributes, skills, and items. You can access it by saying "Status" in your mind. 

- Basic Inventory: a space that allows you to store and manage your items. You can access it by saying "Inventory" in your mind. 

- Basic Quests: a feature that gives you tasks to complete, with corresponding rewards and penalties. You can access it by saying "Quests" in your mind. 

- Basic Shop: a feature that allows you to buy and sell items, using a special currency called Death Coins. You can access it by saying "Shop" in your mind. 

- Basic Lottery: a feature that allows you to gamble your Death Coins, for a chance to win rare and valuable items. You can access it by saying "Lottery" in your mind. 

- Basic Guide: a feature that provides you with tips and hints, to help you understand and use the system. You can access it by saying "Guide" in your mind. 


You have also been given 100 Death Coins as a welcome gift. You can earn more Death Coins by completing quests, killing monsters, and performing other actions that the system deems worthy. 


Please note that the Death Ruler System is a secret and exclusive system, that only you can see and use. If you reveal the existence of the system to anyone, or try to tamper with the system, you will face severe consequences. 


The system will now scan your current situation, and assign you your first quest. Please wait for a moment.] 


He stared at the screen, dumbfounded. He had no idea what was going on. He had no idea what a Death Coin was, or what a quest was, or what a lottery was. He had no idea how to use the system, or what it wanted from him. He had no idea why he was chosen as the host, or what the system's purpose was. 


He felt overwhelmed and scared. He wished he could go back to his old world, his old life, his old self. He wished he could undo his wish. 


But it was too late. He had made his choice. He had entered the game. He had become the Death Ruler. 


He heard a beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a chill run down his spine: 


[Quest 1: Escape from the Castle 


Description: You are currently in the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which will explode in 10 minutes. You have to escape from the castle, before it is too late. 


Objective: Escape from the castle within 10 minutes. 


Reward: 1000 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point. 


Penalty: Death. 


Status: In Progress.] 

He felt a surge of panic and disbelief. He had no time to waste. He had to escape from the castle, or he would die. He had no idea who his enemies were, or why they wanted to kill him. He had no idea how to use his powers, or how to fight. He had no idea where to go, or who to trust. 


He quickly got up from the bed, and looked around the room. He saw a window, a door, a closet, and a chest. He decided to check the chest first, hoping to find something useful. He opened it, and saw a bunch of items. He recognized some of them from the diary, and from the system. He grabbed the ones that seemed the most important, and put them in his inventory. He took: 


- A mask: A black metal mask that covered his face, except for his eyes. It was the mask he wore as the Death Ruler, his secret identity. It had a special function, that allowed him to change his voice and appearance, to avoid recognition. He put it on, and felt a slight change in his face. He looked at the mirror, and saw that he looked slightly older, and more handsome. He also noticed that his eyes had turned red, and his hair had turned silver. He hoped that this would help him blend in, and avoid suspicion. 

- A sword: A silver sword that had a skull-shaped hilt, and a black blade. It was the weapon he used as the Death Ruler, his signature weapon. It had a special function, that allowed him to absorb the life force of his enemies, and use it to power his skills. He strapped it to his waist, and felt a slight weight. He hoped that this would help him fight, and survive. 

- A ring: A gold ring that had a ruby embedded in it. It was the ring he wore as the crown prince, his royal symbol. It had a special function, that allowed him to communicate with his allies, and summon his guards. He put it on his finger, and felt a slight warmth. He hoped that this would help him contact, and escape. 


He checked his status, and saw that his inventory had been updated. He also saw his basic information, such as his name, level, health, mana, attributes, and skills. He read them, and felt a mix of awe and confusion. He saw: 


- Name: Leo Zalora 

- Level: 18 

- Health: 1800/1800 

- Mana: 1800/1800 

- Attributes: Strength: 180, Agility: 180, Intelligence: 180, Wisdom: 180, Charisma: 180 

- Skills: Death Slash: A skill that allows the user to slash the enemy with a black blade, dealing damage and absorbing life force. Cost: 100 mana. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Death Shield: A skill that allows the user to create a black barrier around himself, blocking damage and reflecting life force. Cost: 200 mana. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Death Aura: A skill that allows the user to emit a black aura around himself, increasing his attributes and intimidating his enemies. Cost: 300 mana. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Death Vision: A skill that allows the user to see the life force of his enemies, and their weaknesses. Cost: 400 mana. Cooldown: 40 seconds. Death Command: A skill that allows the user to control the life force of his enemies, and make them obey his orders. Cost: 500 mana. Cooldown: 50 seconds. 


He had no idea what these skills meant, or how to use them. He had no idea what life force was, or how to absorb it. He had no idea what his attributes meant, or how to increase them. He had no idea how to level up, or what benefits it would bring. 


He felt overwhelmed and clueless. He wished he had a guide, or a tutorial, or a manual. He wished he had someone to teach him, or help him, or explain to him. 


But he had no one. He had only himself. He had only the system. 


He heard another beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a surge of urgency: 


[Quest 1: Escape from the Castle 


Description: You are currently in the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which will explode in 10 minutes. You have to escape from the castle, before it is too late. 


Objective: Escape from the castle within 10 minutes. 


Reward: 1000 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point. 


Penalty: Death. 


Status: In Progress. 


Time Remaining: 9 minutes and 30 seconds.]