
Rise Of The Chainguardians

This story is about a boy who lost his parents by the hands or claws, of a race of supernatural creatures . This boy is a rare breed amongst his kind and or people. He is not only a guardian but also the savior of his people. This is Flectures story and how he saves his people from extinction and all the trials he has to go through along the way to find the one royal that he needs to protect above all others, his dragons other half. Find out if the Chainguardian race survives or dies... A/N: *This novel will contain graphic male x male actions as well as romance. If you are homophobic, then please do not read this. *This is my first novel, so please try to keep an open mind. My grammar and spelling are not the best, therefore I apologize for mistakes. *This novel will also contain dark themes and bad triggers. So again, if you can't handle that then please do not read. *for those who decide to read, thank you. it would mean a lot to me if I could get feedback on my novel, I know how to take criticism, so please don't be shy.

dragonsblade1793 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Training Begins


When I woke up this morning, I was confused and unsure of what happened the night before. I have just found out that the people I have been living with for only a week are my actual family by blood. I have also found out that my dad has a brother that I never knew about until that night when Nash had broken down in front of me and had told me everything that he had done and why I never knew about him or his mate or their son. I am confused I don't know what to think, I have been alone for so long and now out of nowhere I have long lost family? They say they love me and that they have found me and Nash, just won't let me out of his sight because he is afraid that my abilities could consume me at any given time and that my heart would literally stop if I don't gain control over it.

'flecture stop over thinking it! Why can't you just accept that they only want what's best for us?' kion says through our link.

'kion you know just as well as I do that for me to get out of here I need to train. Not play house with people I don't know!' I say back to him throwing my hands up mentally to emphasize my point.

'flecture how many nights have you cried yourself to sleep just because you thought you were alone? Now you have a family that will love you and take care of you and you are confused?' he says with a low worning growl before continuing.

'wake up flecture they are our family and that night when you cried in Nashs arms and you felt happy that you found our family. I thought you had accepted them, what changed your mind?' he asks me with a low growl worning me to choose my next words carefully.

' I have just realized that in a few days I will need to leave and that we will be on our own again. ' I say sadly looking down at my hands as I sit on the bed.

' I don't want to get attached and then they are ripped away from me once again. Kion what do I do? I know that I have a duty to save our people but how am I going to do that? We can't even shift yet kion how on earth are we going to end the evil that has been whipping us out one by one for centuries? ' I ask him as tears run down my cheaks and small sobs escape past my lips as I sit on my bed with my head in my hands, my heart was breaking at this moment and the only one there is Kion.

' With training and trust in the people that love us and my guidance. Remember flecture we can only shift if you trust me and become one with me completely. You must let go of fear and trust that I will be here to protect you. Now let's get something to eat I'm starving! '  Kion says with a smile and I just smile back not saying another word letting all that he has said sink in.

Getting up and making my bed, I give it a quick once over before nodding to myself and making my way out the room and into the hall using the back of my had to wipe away the shed tears that I have grown to loath. I make my way to the bathroom and take a much needed shower.

Once I am done I walk out of my joining bathroom with a towel around my waist when I realize that I have no clothes of my own. I turn back to the bathroom but as I do a voice stops me mid step.

"have no clothes to wear huh?" Erik says chuckling by the door, how on earth did he sneak up on me like that? Usually I'm on point with my senses. He makes his way to me with his arms folded over his chest.

"here put these on I'm sure the clothes you have been wearing for the past week are in desperate need of cleaning?" I turn round to face him and take the clothes from his hands. He smiles at me as I do and turn to leave but stops by the door before he does and turns back to look at me.

" you know I'm glad you are here and I know it must be hard for you to be around us after being alone for so long but, I hope that one day you can treat us like family the way we treat you. When you done their is breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen." he says as he turns and leaves, I could not mistake the raw emotion that came out of Erik. It made my heart ach slightly. I stare at the door for a while longer before slipping into the cloths he had given me and hanging the towel neatly back on the bathroom shower rail before making my way out the room.

I walk down the hall and as soon as the kitchen comes into view im crushed into a tight embrace. I hug back already getting used to this every time she sees me, not that I'm complaining I love her hugs but sometimes her strength gets the better of her.

"y... Your... Crushing... Me.. Again!" I whisper trying to wiggle out her iron grip.

"did you sleep well sweetie?" she asks pulling away so she could look at me properly.

"yes thank you." I say sweetly before she leads me to the dining room table and makes me sit next to Erik who is happily munching on his slice of French toast. He turns to me and gives me a nod in the form of a greeting and I return the gesture with a smile.

" good morning flecture sleep well?" Nash asks sitting across from me with a wide smile as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"yes thank you, um Uncle." I pause when I realized what I had just called him and his smile only grows.

"yeah?" he asks me giving me his full attention. I fiddled with my hands under the table as I spoke feeling the nerves getting to me.

"Um... Well.... Uh. You know how to shift right? Into your dragon I mean?" I asks him looking down at my plate of food.

"of course I do, why is this something you want to know?" he asks with a knowing smirk as he sips his coffee.

"could you teach me how, I was supposed to be able to shift by now, but I don't know how." I say looking at my hands now feeling embarrassed.

"sure I'll teach you and Erik he has been asking me to teach him for a while now. We will get to it as soon as we have eaten. How's that sound?" he asks with a knowing grin as he puts his coffee down and picks up his knife and fork and begins eating.

"thank you Uncle." I say before Dorothy brings a huge plate of stemy French toast and I feel my tummy growling with hunger. ' man I'm hunger than I thought!' I think to myself before taking a few and putting them on my plate and adding sugar and syrup.



When we had finished our breakfast we made our way outside and Uncle started explaining what's going to happen.

"alright so now you two are going to learn how to shift the way my father had showed my brother and myself. The first thing you need to know is your element or advanced elements. For example, mine is an advanced element. I can control everything to do with nature as well as heal. Now I know Erik took after me and can control nature as well. My mate is also a nature dragon, but flecture is different I've been thinking about it and it looks like your main element is one of the advanced ones as well. I believe it's storm am I correct? " he asks knowingly. Nash is a very clever man and very wise. He is a great father due to this and an even better teacher.

" yes I think so Uncle but my dragon tells me that I have more elements I can control as well, but my main element is storm. " I tell him truthfully

"I have noticed you have more than one element just like your dad did. Now that we know our elem-" Nash was cut off mid sentence by Erik.

"um.... Dad.... I have something I need to tell you, but I think it's better if I show you." Erik says with worry in his eyes before putting his hands together and a small ball of fire appears in the middle of his hands. He looks at his dads shocked face, then he looks at his hands again and the small flame begins to burn brighter and the energy around it begins to change and spin becoming stronger before the flame turned blue and starts crackling in his hand. The flame then morfes from a blue flame into a ball of lightning, he lifts his hand to the sky and fires a bolt of lightning from his hand releasing the energy from his body and collapsing on the ground gaping for air and trying to restore his energy.

"Erik how long have you had this? You can control three elements now? When did this happen?" my Uncle asks shock still written on his face.

"I have been able to do it ever since flecture hit me with that pulse." Erik says looking at me as if I know what's going on with him.

"I'm sorry Erik but I'm just as clueless as you are at the mo-" I am cut off by my dragon bursting to the surface and taking control of my body, my eyes turn a blue-white color and we look at Erik.

"Erik I am Kion flecture dragon. You have no need to fear me, because you are family to us, but getting to the point. I was the one that gave you an advanced element you need to go through the first element first before getting to the advanced elements. Which means you need to learn to manipulate fire before you can manipulate lightning, don't take short cuts with this you need to do it in order because if you don't learn to control them then it will kill your dragon. I saw potential in you and your dragon that can help us achieve our goal. " with that my eyes return to normal and I have control again.

'What the fuck kion, you know not to just take control whenever you feel like it!' i snerl angrily at Kion in my head.

'your uncle needed to know that this is not from some evil event.' he growls back angrily before closing the link.

"flecture is this true? This is no mistake I can really manipulate these new elements they are mine?" Erik asks with disbelief and looking down in awe.

"yes Erik think of it as a gift." I say kindly smiling brightly at him before turning to my uncle that is now sitting on the ground with a loss of words.

"wait... Wait... Wait a second just so we are clear my son can now use three elements?" he asks worry now written across his features.

"Uncle there is no need to be worried, he will become stronger for it, but when he shifts he will look different from the two of you and have much more power. He just needs training as well as myself." I say trying to calm my uncle and set his fears to rest.

" Okey flecture I'll trust you on this now let's get to training, first things first.. " he says standing up before continuing." you two need elemental training, and I can only help you with the ones I know so in about a week I will be taking the two of you to the elders to get proper training. " he says with a proud grin.

The elders, I have never met them before and they are here? I did not know they would be so close. I wonder what they can tell me about the woman I met in that vision and why I can do that, but more importantly I hope to see Eragon again.

I was ripped from my thoughts by a fire ball hitting me in the face, I did not fall over through but I put my hand to my cheak and glear at him.

"what the fuck was that for? Are you insane or something?" I ask turning to him clearly pissed.

"well you weren't listening when my dad said it's time for us to get some control of our elements?"he says rolling his eyes and bouncing a ball of fire in his hand.

'to use your lighting feel it flow through you and pass through you like water, be calm and focus it on one point.' Kion informs me

'thanks'  I say back to him before closing my eyes and letting the lightning flow through my body. My body glows a blue- white color and I open my eyes to reveal the same color in them with lightning passing through. Putting my hands together I focus on drawing the energy to one point. It crackled around my fingertips before I aim at Erik with a wide evil grin.

"flecture I'm sorry, please don't I'm sorry please!" Erik begs me not to fire at him, so instead I aim for the tree directly behind him and release one single bolt of lightning that strikes the tree blowing it into pieces.

"there I did not hit your scrawny ass, but... " I say as I am right behind him in a blink of an eye and kick him to the ground.

"Kion also showed me how to teleport." I say with a grin. Erik looks up at me with disbelief before standing up and taking his stance ready to fight me.


Later on that evening I am sitting outside after eating and having a chat with my uncle which was boring to say the least, but he had to tell me to take it easy on Erik because he is smaller and weaker than me bla bla bla. So here I am enjoying the night air before I will be going up to bed. I sigh at the memory that comes to me.


"flecture this is Eragon." my dad says gesturing to the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He has green-blue eyes, long hazle brown hair that seems to shine as his fringe hang down in his eyes which make his eyes look a darker shade of green-blue. He has a simple black v-line shirt on with the sleeves up and a black Jean with a dragon pendent around his neak finishing off the look.

I stretch out my hand to greet him. "hi, I-um am flecture." I say with a warm smile before he takes my hand with his amazingly soft and smooth hand and shakes it meeting my greeting with his.

"Eragon, it's lovely to finally meet you I've heard good things." he says as his eyes flash a violate-white color. I can feel my eyes change as well and he gasps letting go of my hand and turning to his father.

Did I scare him? I think to myself before my dad spoke again.

" flecture you are Eragons protector. That means you are to be by his side at all times and be whatever he asks of you without question do you understand?" I nod knowing exactly what he was saying and accepting it completely before he continues. "he is only 13 the same age as you and I trust you will give your life for his if needed. I had one two and she is now my wife, you will understand that part later in life." he says kneeling in front of me with his hands on my cheeks.

"of course I will dad I swear no harm shell come to him as long as I breathe." I say with complete confidence trying to puff out my chest to look stronger.

"good I'm proud of you son." was his reply as he wraps his arms around me and hold me close to him like he always did. Behind him was the beautiful boy I knew I would do anything for even if it kills me. I could feel it in my bones that I am destened to be with him.


End of flashback...

'Gods I miss him kion, I need to see him I need to know that he is alright that he is safe. Why did we have to be separated why Kion?' I ask Kion through our link as tears begin to fall from my eyes.

'it was not time yet... Don't you think I miss Skylar just as much? What was done was nessasry for our servival, you were not ready for all my power yet and nither was he. We will see them again soon flecture just breath and find a way to get through this I'm here for you brother be strong for me be strong for us! ' Kion says softly as I sob calming me down enough to breath and wipe away my tears. He was right I will see him again and when I do it will be worth it...

I slowly stand and walk into the house and make my way to my room. Once I'm there I close the door and take off my shirt and climb under the covers holding myself as I slowly fall asleep...