
Rise Of The Chainguardians

This story is about a boy who lost his parents by the hands or claws, of a race of supernatural creatures . This boy is a rare breed amongst his kind and or people. He is not only a guardian but also the savior of his people. This is Flectures story and how he saves his people from extinction and all the trials he has to go through along the way to find the one royal that he needs to protect above all others, his dragons other half. Find out if the Chainguardian race survives or dies... A/N: *This novel will contain graphic male x male actions as well as romance. If you are homophobic, then please do not read this. *This is my first novel, so please try to keep an open mind. My grammar and spelling are not the best, therefore I apologize for mistakes. *This novel will also contain dark themes and bad triggers. So again, if you can't handle that then please do not read. *for those who decide to read, thank you. it would mean a lot to me if I could get feedback on my novel, I know how to take criticism, so please don't be shy.

dragonsblade1793 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The bond


The darkness surrounded him as he scrambled to get away. The stench of death, thick in the air as I followed the teen running through the trees bobbing and weaving up coming branches as well as shrubs and bushes. I watch him run close to a cliff and then without hesitation he jumps over the edge and plummits into the dam of water at the bottom of the cliff with the waterfall pushing him deeper into the ice cold water. I tried to scream for him but I had no voice and I was floating above it all feeling helpless and the feeling of daggers being stabbed in the regen of my heart. I watched him get to shore and pull himself out the water shivering and laying on his back. I came closer and got a clear look at him.

He has the most beautiful sea blue eyes that seem to glimmer in the moonlight to make them a lighter shade of blue that I can't help but get lost in. He has bright honey blonde hair that looks almost brown from the water. His face was perfect, a sharp jaw line and a face that could have been hand crafted by angels. His slightly blue lips have never wanted me to kiss another more than this moment it sends shivers down my spine with want and need. He stands up and takes off his shirt to reveal a perfectly toaned body with just the right amount of mussels in the right places. I trail down his upper body with my eyes and notice a perfect V landing from his hips and into the waist of his pants, I bite my lip with lust, but the sight was short lived as he put back on the now damp shirt and turned to run through the forest once again.

I follow him as he runs at a steady pace and exited the forest. He stopped at the treeline before heading to the cabin in the distance across the medow. He makes his way to the door and knocked a few times. About a minute later the door opens to reveal a woman wearing a night gown and her hair pinned up into a tight bun, probably ready for bed. She has brown eyes and a pretty face but then her eyes changed from brown to green as her dragon came through 'she's a dragon?' I look at the boy and his eyes turn a white-blue clour and my dragon goes crazy screaming in my head 'Mate!'. 'what he's my Mate?' I was ripped from my thoughts as I see him put his hands to his head and scream with pain before passing out. I tried to shout for him I even tried to touch him, but I had no voice and my hand only went through his body like he wasn't even there.

That's when I knew who it is his voice and his features and his eyes confurmed everything....

It's Flecture....

He's my Mate...

I know where he is. I'm coming Flecture we will be together again!


I woke up gasping for air and sitting straight up in my red velvet colored bed, dripping with sweat from head to toe. My face feels like it's on fire as if my whole body would burst into flames with all the heat in my body. I slide to the side of my bed and put my feet down on the fluffy obsidian black rug at the foot of my bed. With a sigh I stand up and make my way to the bathroom. Turning on the shower and setting the temperature before removing my clothes and slowly getting into the shower. I stand under the water and think about what had just happened in my dream. It scared me, but also excited me at the same time. I thought he was died and now I have hope once again.

'Eragon we need to find our Mate! He could be hurt!' Skylar my dragon says with worry and concern in her voice.

'Sky I know don't you think I'm worried about him too? We have been having these visions about him for about a week now, and finally we know where he is. He's with Dorothy, Nash and Erik. I know they will keep him safe until we come to bring him home with us.

I will bring my Mate and protector back to me!! I don't give a fuck what the elders say.... I'm tired of being without him.' I tell Skylar through our link before getting out and drying myself off.

I walk out my bathroom and into my room with a towel around my waist. I walk over to my red and black double door closet. Reaching for the cold bronze handles I open the doors.

I take out a pare of black Jeans and one of my favorite shirts. A red and black v- neck and long sleeves which come up to my eldows. I go to the other side and pull out a pare of black and white sneakers and slip them on. Closing my closet doors I walk over to my desk that has the same colors as the closest. Looking into the mirror on the wall above it, I comb my hair like always. When I'm done I walk out my room while slipping a silver necklace with a violate dragon pendent around my neck.

I walk down the long halls of my apartment and make my way to the front door and step out into the open fresh air. I stretch out before smelling the air and catching the sent of the elder that has been taking care of me since I got here. I run over to him and bow my head in respect before talking.

"Elder Jacob's. Can we talk?" I ask seriously. He simply nodds and puts a guiding hand on my back while walking with me. We walked in silence for a while before he spoke not looking at me but rather he stared into the distance ahead of us.

"Eragon what's troubling you this fine morning? You still having those visions?" he asks with Slight concern in his deep voice. He was the one that took me away and took care of me after the slayers came along and tried to kill Flecture and his family as well as myself. So Elder Jacob's took me in and protected me. At first I would fight him and tell him to go back and save Flecture. At the time he was not strong enough to protect me and was still undergoing training to become my protector. We were very close after we met and always together, but now I understand why we were always like that. Now I want my Mate by my side where I can hold him, talk to him. I look up at Elder Jacob's tall frame and answer his question.

"well you see that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I know who the boy is in my visions." I say sadly. Now knowing he is my Mate and watching everything has been going through hurts me to the core.

"well then who is it? Do you know him?" he asks with slight curiosity

"yes.... It's.... Flecture!" he stops and turns to me

"Eragon are you sure of this? We presumed he had passed if he is still alive we need to inform the council." he says looking me in my eyes before noticing something else there.

"Eragon is there something your not telling me?" he asks as he puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at my eyes that are ready to stream tears down my face.

"Elder Jacob's.... Hes.....my.....Mate!" I says as the tears begin to fall freely from my eyes and my chest clences.

"he's been through so much and I wasn't there to help him or comfort him. I fell useless when I see him in my visions because..... Because." I begin to sob now clenching my hand over my chest in pain. "I can't touch him or talk to him and.... And... Tell... Him... It... It's... Going to be Okey, I miss him and I want him here an-" I am cut off by the elder pulling me into his arms and holds me close to his chest.

"Don't worry Eragon we will bring him home. Do you know where he is?" he asks pulling back and wiping the tears that have fallen with the pads of his thumbs.

"he's with Dorothy, Nate and Erik." I say and his eyes widen.

"Nate has requested the council to bring his boy and another to come for advanced training in two days. He must have been talking about Flecture. Eragon go get some things ready for two nights out we are going to them. We leave in thirty minutes meet me by the car when you are ready. " he says before hugging me again and placing a kiss on my forehead before walking away.

I feel an overwhelming happyness serge through me as I look to my bedroom window and in an instant I am in my room. (teleporting some royals have it and some don't) I quickly grab my red and black shoulder bag and run around my room grabbing clothes not even bothering to fold them first before throwing them in the bag. I get my toothbrush and other essentials before putting them in the bag as well. I take a look around the room to make sure I have all I need before closing the bag and grabbing my leather jacket. I look over at the clock 'Okey 15 minutes left' I think to myself before heading out of my room and closed the door with my bag over my shoulder.

I make my way down the long hall and almost in the middle of the hall and to my right, I open the door to reveal stairs leading to the car park. I make my way down the stairs taking two at a time before stopping at the bottom. I look around for elder Jacob's mustang when I spot it I get shivers down my spine I love that car it's just perfect and it's Elder Jacob's pride and joy so he says. I run over to the car and get in the passenger side and put my seat belt on, finding him already in the driver's seat.

'Im coming Flecture, well be there soon!' I think to myself overjoyed.....



Erik and myself are outside as per usual these days and we are spareing honing our skills. I have noticed a great change in myself and in Erik. He has wickedly fast reflexes and his control of his elements have improved drastically over the past few days.

I sometimes find it hard to keep up to him, he has drive and a will that can rival even the strongest opponent. I am glad Kion and myself have chosen for him to be by our side when the time comes to put an end to those monsters that have plagued us from day one when him and I have mastared our abilities we will be ready for what is to come.

I am snapped out my thoughts as Erik comes under my guard and palms me in the chest shooting an electrical current through me and blasting me away, but he doesn't stop there because before I know it he is above me attempting to punch me in the face that would surely knock me out, but I evade and roll to my left as his fist connects with the ground spreading cracks under it. I quickly roll onto my hands and flip myself to my feet, before I can recover however he's up in my guard again going for a lethal blow to my chest, but I quickly evade and bring my knee up hard to his gut and he doubles over, not giving him a chance I upperkut him then follow up with a round house kick to his chest and watch him fall on his back unable to continue.

"come Erik let's take a break we've been at it for hours. Let's just relax for a while." I say sitting on the grass and holding myself up by my elbows.

"fine, I could use a break anyways." he says laying on his back clenching his still sore stomach.

I lay down on my back as well and look up and try to find shapes in the clouds. We lay like this for almost thirty minutes before two figures come towards us I don't even bother getting up because I thought it was probably my uncle and aunt again coming to cheak on us.

I close my eyes and then the most delicious sent hit my nose, it's the smell of sea salt and fresh lavander as well as the hint of wood. I open my eyes sit up and turn around to find a figure standing in front of me I follow his body until I see his beautiful green-blue eyes that I longed to see for years.

I stand up as soon as I do he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight embrace. I rap my arms around his waist and bring my nose into his neck in hailing his intoxicating sent and hug him tighter.

"Flecture I've missed you so much!" he whispers trying to leave no distance between us.

"I've missed you too Eragon." I say pulling back and looking into those beautiful eyes and find myself getting lost in them before he spoke.

"I thought you had died when I was taken away. I thought I had lost you, but th-" I pull him into another hug and say.

"I know I'm sorry I tried to find you bu-" he cuts me off and puts his head in my neck Inhaling my sent.

"I know I saw everything. I will never leave you again." he says softly pulling me closer.

I pull back and look at him confused. "how?"

"I am royal Flecture I get visions of the present, past and future. I have seen everything you went through while I was away. Everynight for the past week I've seen you and then last night I finally found where you were." I see the most beautiful smile spread on his face and I feel as if I'm going to melt on the spot.

" I'm so glad your here with me again. " I say softly as I pull him closer and whisper in his ear " finally together. " he looks up at me with those dam puppy dog eyes of his I could just jump his bones and ravish him right now if I could, but then he puts his arms around my neck and pulled me closer until our lips were inches away from each other. I close my eyes and kiss him, my lips glide across his soft heavenly lips for only a minute before he pulled away earning a soft whine from me. I open my eyes before speaking again.

"I will never leave your side again. You are my Mate and I will be dammed if I allow anyone to take you away from me again. I completely accept you as my Mate Flecture." as soon as he said those words I felt my heart skipping beats as a mixture of love and warmth filled me to the brim with happiness.

I have been in love with this boy ever since I first laid eyes on him and now I know he feels the same way." I completely accept you us my Mate Eragon now and forever!" I whisper as I lean in and capture his lips, in a silent promise to myself and to him. I will protect my Mate and be his everything, I will love him and only him for the rest of my life and after life. Forever by his side.