
Rise Of The Chainguardians

This story is about a boy who lost his parents by the hands or claws, of a race of supernatural creatures . This boy is a rare breed amongst his kind and or people. He is not only a guardian but also the savior of his people. This is Flectures story and how he saves his people from extinction and all the trials he has to go through along the way to find the one royal that he needs to protect above all others, his dragons other half. Find out if the Chainguardian race survives or dies... A/N: *This novel will contain graphic male x male actions as well as romance. If you are homophobic, then please do not read this. *This is my first novel, so please try to keep an open mind. My grammar and spelling are not the best, therefore I apologize for mistakes. *This novel will also contain dark themes and bad triggers. So again, if you can't handle that then please do not read. *for those who decide to read, thank you. it would mean a lot to me if I could get feedback on my novel, I know how to take criticism, so please don't be shy.

dragonsblade1793 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: My family!


I got rudely awakened by the sound of my front door smashing into a thousand little pieces and the echo of a body hitting the hard marble floor with an 'oof' and a short cry of pain. I only noticed the distant sound of electricity in the air after the other sounds.

I quickly jump up from my bed the blankets falling to the ground in a messy pile. I quickly run to the door almost breaking it off its hinges to get it open, before running to the hall all the while thinking to myself 'please let them be alright i cant loose them.' coming to the end of the hall i notice my son rolling on the floor groaning in pain with his arms wrapped around his torso.

"Erik what the hell happened?" I ask softly as i kneel down beside him watching him closely as well as cheaking for any serious wounds.

"h-he s-sent a p-pulse o-of lightning a-at me out of nowhere!" he begins to calm down and lays on his back before me. my eyes widen with his words.

"Erik are you completely sure about this?" i ask him questioning him with my eyes as i wait for his answer.

Erik looks up at me "well look at me do you really think i would joke about this?" he asks more as a statement as i look to Dorothy.

"Dorothy you know as well as i do what this means right?" she looks at me confused

"no i don't know what you are talking about Nash?"

"he's an elemental, he needs to learn to use his abilities and fast before something bad happens. Erik can you stand?" i turn to Erik after speaking.

"yes i can stand just give me a minute to catch my breath." he says laying there breathing heavy shaky breaths.

With that i stand up and make my way past them and out the broken doorway towards Flecture. as soon as i spot him, i kneel down beside him. i notice he has a burst lip and a blackened eye as well as blood running down his temple.

"dammit, Erik!!!" i curse putting my ear to his chest, trying to find a pulse.

"shit he has no pulse, DORATHY COME OUT HERE QUICK!!!!" i shout for her desperately.

Not even a minute later she is kneeling beside me Erik standing beside her.

"give me some of your energy, i will not allow him to die like this!" i say franticly. my whole body erupts in green scales and my eyes go from brown to green as my dragon comes forth. Dorothy looks at Flectures unmoving form then back to me. she looks at me with understanding as her body erupts in green scales and stands up putting her hands on my shoulders. our body's glow a lumo green colour and i feel her energy pour into me. Placing one hand on his chest and the other his head, my eyes close as i begin to focus pouring my healing energy into him willing his heart to start up again.

"come on Flecture breath, breath!" i shout before feeling my wife and mate let go falling to her knees reaching her limit. Erik walks around us and kneels on the other side of Flecture his eyes glowing a neon green colour. he puts his hands over mine as Flectures body begins to glow green, the energy pours into Flecture as it heals his wounds and replenishes his energy.

"no, no, no, he's not he's not he cant be!" Dorothy cries out as she begins to sob. i pull her into a tight hug and rub her back soothingly.



My eyes open to a blinding white light as my vision comes into focus. looking around i notice i am in a forest, the first sent that comes to me is the smell of pine and oak also the smell of dried atom leaves on the wind. i take a look around and notice that the overgrowth and trees in the forest was not what i have seen before. Everything was glowing with colour and more intense from what i am used to.

While my eyes scope out the area, i notice a path into the forest and a pull making my legs move on there own. I have no clue where my legs were taking me, but i somehow feel safe and protected. I come to some kind of archway made of vines with violate roses in between each dark green vine. Without even knowing it I'm walking through a archway and find myself in an extremely large cave that seems to go on forever. there are all kinds of jewels in the walls of the cave shining with their different bright colours that seem to become brighter the closer i got to them.

I continue to walk down the cave the jewels lighting my way as i follow the smooth sandy path. eventually my legs come to a stop at the end of the cave which i thought was not possible, but bright light can be seen ahead showing the way out. As my eyes adjust standing before me I notice a beautiful woman standing only a few feet away. She has bright royal blue eyes and bright blue scales covering her body. She was wearing no cloths but the scales make up for that, a soft smile appears on her face as she looks up at me. i fell this overwhelming urge to bow down in submission to her, but i fight the urge instead looking away from her.

"Flecture I've been expecting your arrival. I'm sure you have many questions to ask me and I'm happy to answer them." She says in a sweet tone that makes my body relax.

"who are you and where am i?" i ask her with a confused expression.

"well i am one of the very first elders and we are on our home planet Draconis a few million years before everything went wrong and the war broke out." She says walking around me not taking her eyes off me for even a second.

"How is this possible that i am here talking with an ancestor?" i ask as she stops to look at me with understanding.

"Flecture im sure you well know by now that you are different from the other Chainguardian's." she asks with a raised brow.

"what do you mean different?" i ask confused.

"Flecture you are half royal and half guardian, do you have any idea what that means?" she asks stopping and touching my face with her hand and moving around me again.

"no n-not really" i say as a shiver runs down my spine as her long nails trail down my back.

"that means that you are the one to save our kind. The only one 'other than royals of course' that can talk to your ancestors as well as have unimaginable power. You also are the only one that can use all five elements and advanced elements." i stare at her with shock and disbelf as she continues.

"You need to put an end to the slayers and find Eragon your other half and the person you were protecting before your elders took him away for his own safety. but first learn to master those abilities of yours and make sure to come visit me again Flecture." She says putting her one hand in my hair and the other on my face. Before i could say anything more she closed the distance between our faces and gently pressed her warm lips to mine. I felt a peaceful sensation come over me as if i were kissing an angle. Her lips glided across mine a little while longer before pulling away, i was out of breath and longing for more to my surprise.

"Mmmmh, just as i thought, you are a good kisser and very attractive, its too bad I'm dead or i would clam you for myself. but those lips are not for me but for another, Eragon to enjoy. Come see me again when you need more questions answered." she says touching my head and then it all went black. again...


I wake up sitting taking huge gasps of air as my heart begins to pump my blood once again. I fall on my back again with not even enough strength to move my head. I get pulled into a sitting position and arms wrapping around me the body hugging me shaking with her sobs.

"Flecture i-i, thought....you....were..g.gone..." Dorothy sobs into my shoulder, i did not understand why she was so upset, she doesn't even know me, but i hugged her back anyway knowing she needed it.

"Don't worry im Okay" i say in her neak as she sobs harder. i didn't know what to do or what to say so i looked over to Nash's dumbstruck face pleading for him to do something. he understood and pulled her off of me and i fell on my back again not having the support keeping me up anymore. I close my eyes a sigh escaping my lips as i thought about what that woman said.

'Flecture you are the only one that can end the slayers' she thinks i can kill them all i cant even be in the presence of one before running like a coward. Ugg. i grown as i feel sleep coming over me and i welcome it as i drift off leaving my thoughts for when i wake.


I help Dorothy up after about half an hour of constant sobbing and me trying to console my soul mate after nearly getting the fright of my life when Flecture came back from the dead.

I haven't told him yet but his father was my brother which makes him my family by blood. I really don't know how to tell him because i actually thought he was dead until two nights ago when he came to my door in the state he was in. I had told my wife the night he came in, the only reason i know is because my dragon had told me the second i saw him. My wife has already started treating him as part of our family, I am really glad she feels this way and i know that Erik will be fine with it when i tell him so the only thing left to do is tend to my nephew.

I walk over to my nephew looking at his pale face and his slightly moving form letting me know that he's still breathing. I sigh with relief and pick him up carrying him into the house and into the guest room which i have decided to make his room, i place him gently on his bed.

"I will tell you when you wake up, just rest now." i say kissing his forehead before making my way outside.

i walk over to Erik and pick up his weak form off the ground and into my arms, carrying him into the house and into his own room. I place him gently on his bed and lean over to his face and leave a kiss on his forehead. "thank you son I'm proud of you. i love you sleep well." i watch him turn onto his side in his sleep and a smile appears on his face almost as if he had heard me. i turn around and walk out closing the door as i do.

Dorothy comes into the house shortly after and i pull her into a tight embrace. She pulls her arms around my neak and i hug her tighter putting my face into the crook of her neak inhaling her sweet sent of roses and the earthy smell of vines, that always makes me instantly calm and love her even more.


Its been three days since our duel and I'm starting to become worried. When i woke up the day after, my dad had asked me to join him for a walk. so i went with him and we just walked around in the forest for a while before he told me that Flecture is my cuz and that he will be staying with us from now on. I was a little shocked that i am related to such power that boy holds and it scared me a bit, but when i thought he was dead my dragon told me to help my family to will him back to life. i did not understand until now, i finally have someone my own age to share my thoughts and abilities with.

So now I'm sitting in his room waiting for him to wake up my mom has been going crazy in the kitchen making all kinds of different cakes and things like that. She says because he had not tasted proper food in a while she wants him to have everything she can make. i guess she just wants to keep herself busy. My dad well he comes back here to cheak on him every hour on the dot like clockwork. man if he doesn't wake up soon i might go insane from boredom. i used to train to pass the time every day and also read, occasionally i would walk around in the forest, but now I'm prohibited from going there. i let out a huge sigh and turning to leave before a hand grabbed my wrist


I begin to wake to the smell of someone sitting next to me just in arms reach. i pick up on the sent of Erik and remember what had happened. I hear him get up and turn to leave before he takes another step i grab his wrist and slowly open my eyes. I blink my eyes a few times before he comes into focus.

"Erik i-" i try to say before he slams into me hugging me tightly. i hug him back before he slowly turns away and looks at me in the eyes with worry and concern also the slight tears that threaten to fall.

"Flecture it's okay, I'm glad your finally awake. i thought you had died and slipped into a coma or something. i was so worried and i don't blame you for what happened you had no control over it. I'm just glad you are alright." he says leaning over me to give me a gently hug for some reason my dragon already sees him as a brother and is feeling guilty for what we did to him. i try sitting up to give him more access and as soon as i do he hugs me tighter.

"Im okay Erik stop worrying. i was only gone for a short time." i say hugging his slightly smaller form and rubbing his back in an effort to comfort him. he lays his head on my shoulder and we stay like that for a while before i notice Nash standing at the door watching us, then walking over to us and hugging us both before tears run down his cheak and what he says next shocked me.

"Flecture im sorry i did not try to find you Nathan and Lillian. I should have tried harder after we had fled our planet." he lets go and looks me in the eyes with regret and hurt as well as guilt before he continues.

"a year before you were born a war broke out on our planet. The slayers were out numbering us ten to one. Your father and his Mate as well as myself and my mate were some of the few thousand chosen to go to earth. We were attacked and Nathan your father told Dorothy and myself to get out of there. I tried to tell him that i was not leaving my brother behind to die, but he teleported us into a spaceship that was set for earth. before i had the time to react the ship blasted off with many others. The planet blew up after that. i was broken and angry when we got onto the planet the elders already living here took us in. shortly after we left and found this place where we had Erik and finally felt safe again. about a year or two ago i was asleep when my chest felt like it was being ripped open. i heard your dads screams in my head and felt the pain of his death." i watch as he begins to break down now in sobs of pain and sorrow . Erik puts his arms around him and he begins to calm down before he continues.

"After i felt that, i searched for him for almost three years before giving up, and now over 15 years later you pop up out of nowhere. Flecture you are my nephew my blood." he says giving me a tight hug. i hug back before he says.

" I wont let you go through any of the things you went through ever again. I love you Flecture and you are home!" i cant help the tears that begin to erupt out my eyes as i begin to sob in his arms. After so long of running and hiding and fearing for my life . I'm finally with family and i know i will be safe with them and i will grow to love them, because they are my family...