
Rise of Pokemon in Beast world

Reborn in the world of beasts with " Poke System" Let's unveil the adventure of our mc and unearth the secret of his reincarnation. ------------------------------------------- Ps: this is just a fanfic of pokemon, i just own the characters. Every character used in novel is a fictional character so resemblance to any dead or alive is just a pure coincidence. Cover doesn't belong to me, if original creator has any issues they can inform me ------------------------------------------------ I am novice writer , writing for first time that's why there might be many mistakes English is not my mother tongue, that's why there are bound to be many grammar mistakes. My aim to write this novel is to hone my skills. Please bear with my weak vocabulary. ______________________________________

Loogy_3425 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Six : The Mysteries of High rank talents

<p>Rai couldn't understand how Mira can entertain guests here.<br/><br/>"Well i guess I forgot to tell you about my self" it seems that Mira didn't has any ordinary identity.<br/><br/>"So you are ? " Questioned Rai. <br/>Being perplexed as he still can't figure it out the real identity of Mira.<br/><br/>"My name is Mira Guis and i am President of Beastmaster association of this Rainbow City branch " answered Mira with a smile on her face. <br/><br/>You could have never guessed that this kind looking lady was the president of this branch. <br/><br/>In Rai's mind a president should be someone with an aura of superiority but Miss Mira looked totally amiable.<br/><br/>"That's quite surprising" Rai still hasn't got over the shock.<br/><br/>"Then Moore? " Looking at moore Rai got confused since they didn't look like siblings at all. Although miss Mira looked young it was a fact that she was still a middle aged woman while Moore was still under 18.<br/><br/>"Moore is son of my big sister, unfortunately they both died when Moore was kid" said Mira but with an melancholy tone. It seemed that she still hadn't forgotten that.<br/><br/>"Yeah but she never allow me to call her aunt , I only call her sister " suddenly they were interrupted by Moore who was pouting and complaining about Mira.<br/>Suddenly Room got cold Rai could feel a chill going through his body.<br/><br/>"Heheheh, Moore did you say something" Mira was giving an scary expression unlike her previous amiable face. <br/><br/>At this moment moore knew that if he didn't say something then surely he would experience something terrifying.<br/><br/>"No no no big sis , i was actually saying to let Rai come with us . We wasted alot of time " trying his best to save himself, Moore gave a wink to Rai to save him.<br/><br/>"I guess Miss Mira Moore has point, why don't we head in " Rai helped moore in calming down Mira.<br/><br/>"Well it seems so, then let's head towards our apartment " agreeing with Rai , Mira led them to apartment.<br/><br/>Rai could have never imagined that upper floor was home of Miss Mira and Moore while lower floor was branch.<br/><br/>"Confused right?" Mira looked at Rai and guessed his thoughts easily as his face was showing the confusing expression.<br/><br/>"Yeah" Rai didn't mind if he was seen through, for him it was indeed confusing<br/>.<br/>"Well you can say i don't have family except Moore. When Moore was kid i couldn't leave him alone at home, so i made my arrangements here . This way i was able to complete my work and take care of Moore too". Answered Mira while reminiscing about past.<br/><br/>"I understand" nodded Rai while taking a look at Moore who seemed carefree as it was never his concern.<br/><br/>"Yep , but no one played with me. it was rather boring" making a regretful expression Moore acted and made it seem like he truly suffered.<br/><br/>"Oh, and who is at fault that no one played with you" Mira narrowed her eyes and gave Moore a vicious look.<br/><br/>"Cough, Big Sis we have arrived at the door" looking at door of apartment Moore truly felt like he was saved again.<br/><br/>They got in, it was just normal apartment not what you expect from the president of branch.<br/><br/>"You guys sit on sofa , i will be back with tea" she went to kitchen saying that.<br/>"Come on bro let's sit hurry up" Moore pulled Rai and made him sit on the sofa.<br/>"Quite soft" murmured Rai.<br/><br/>"Say brother do you have any beast" suddenly out of blue Moore asked Rai.<br/>"Yes" although confused Rai still answered.<br/><br/>"Can i see " although it might be a illusion but Rai could see stars shining in Moore's eyes that showed his excitement.<br/><br/>"Sure but not here , i am sure Miss Mira won't appreciate it " agreeing to Moore's demand Rai told him to be patient.<br/><br/>"True, Big sis never allow me to have contact with beasts " dropping the excitement Moore had that downcast look.<br/><br/>"Why" Rai got curious about it. Since it's not a big deal for President to let Moore have contact with beasts after all , unless there is some special circumstances.<br/><br/>"I don't know , but in past when i tried to initiate a contract with beasts they all ignored me." It felt like Moore was quite hit hard by rejection of beasts.<br/><br/>"You didn't awaken any beast talent?" Looked even more perplexed at this situation unless Moore lacked talent there is no away that beasts would ignore him.<br/><br/>"Yeah i awakened talent , it's A rank talent Rock Armour " Moore still held the disappointment as there was no happiness for A rank talent<br/><br/>"Wait A rank!!!"suddenly Rai jolted and looked at Moore with hungry eyes like a hunter looking for prey.<br/><br/>"Brother Rai , you are giving me goosebumps " Rai's expression scared Moore, he felt chills down to spine.<br/><br/>"Cough* i got excited. Don't mind me " Rai knew he made a fuss about it. It was quite embarrassing to lose his cool like that.<br/><br/>" You sure?" But Moore still looked suspicious.<br/><br/>"Ofcourse, just believe me " Rai tried to fend off that embarrassment.<br/><br/>" Okay i believe you " Moore nodded but it is not sure whether he believed Rai or Not.<br/><br/>"You have A talent but you still can't contract beast why?" Rai couldn't help but ask.<br/><br/>"It's because his talent is still not awakened completely" suddenly a voice was heard behind them , Rai looked back and saw Miss Mira holding a tray with 3 cups of tea on it.<br/><br/>"Not awakened completely?" It was weird as Rai had never heard of such cases before.<br/><br/>"Mhm, he needs pure rock energy to absorb and unlock his talent. A rank talent always have some requirements to completely unlock it " Mira answered.<br/><br/>It was a new thing for Rai to hear. Indeed it seemed like Old Rai didn't know anything about A rank or S rank talent it seemed like you must pay a price for everything. <br/><br/>In this sense heaven indeed did justice, Although B rank or below seems low they have no requirements to unlock.<br/><br/>"But i don't think you lack resources right" it would be weird for president to lack resources.<br/><br/>"It's true but those treasures can't help Moore at all. He needs pure rock energy to awaken" shaking her head Mira <br/>seemed disappointed, after all he is only son of her dear sister but she can't help him.<br/><br/>"It's indeed complicated" Rai seemed quite perplexed too.<br/><br/>He looked at the cup of tea that was handed to him by Miss Mira and fell into contemplation.<br/><br/>He took a sip of tea and started to wonder about things happening around him. <br/><br/>"Wait rock energy!!!" Suddenly a thought hit Rai's brain.<br/><br/>"Hey system" Rai Called out system in his mind.<br/><br/>{You still remember i am here} but as usual the answer was quite sarcastic.<br/>But this time Rai didn't snap like before as he knew about the character of system now very well.<br/><br/>Seeing that Rai was able to stay calm disappointed system.<br/><br/>"Do you have something that can provide Rock energy and can be bought with the amount of Poke points i have right now"<br/>{Ding..... There is only one thing that host can afford now } System answered with usual cold and monotonous voice.</p>