
Rise of Pokemon in Beast world

Reborn in the world of beasts with " Poke System" Let's unveil the adventure of our mc and unearth the secret of his reincarnation. ------------------------------------------- Ps: this is just a fanfic of pokemon, i just own the characters. Every character used in novel is a fictional character so resemblance to any dead or alive is just a pure coincidence. Cover doesn't belong to me, if original creator has any issues they can inform me ------------------------------------------------ I am novice writer , writing for first time that's why there might be many mistakes English is not my mother tongue, that's why there are bound to be many grammar mistakes. My aim to write this novel is to hone my skills. Please bear with my weak vocabulary. ______________________________________

Loogy_3425 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Seven : Veil of Mysteries

<p>"Just one?" exclaimed Rai.<br/><br/>Although points were low but it was still thousand points, there should have been more things to buy though.<br/><br/>{yes , you can buy a bottle of spring water that nourishes your body} system told Rai but it was a ruthless blow leaving Rai stunned.<br/><br/>"System you are doing this deliberately right" holding back the abuses he had in mind he was trying his best to communicate with system.<br/><br/>{it's not my fault that Host is poor} another blow to Rai's heart but he could not even refute that one.<br/><br/>Seeing that Rai was gritting his teeth and looked in bad mood Mira got curious.<br/><br/>"Rai what happened? " questioned Mira.<br/>"Nothing Miss Mira, just remembered a past thing" naturally Rai couldn't tell that he was getting abused by his own System.<br/><br/>"It's fine , you should look forward for future" nodded Mira.<br/><br/>"Yeah, thanks" agreeing with Mira, Rai nodded his head.<br/><br/>Calming himself down he started to ask System again.<br/><br/>"System you sure i can't afford anything that can help him with the amount of points i have right now" Rai inquired.<br/><br/>{Only thing that can help him is pure rock energy, only Hard stone has that energy but the price of Hard stone is 10000 points which you lack} System no longer teased Rai and answered him.<br/><br/>"Pity" shaking his head he knew he could not help him.<br/><br/>Rai finished his tea and pondered about going back now since he couldn't waste his time, he needed to find a disciple to complete the task.<br/><br/>"Miss Mira i guess i should be going out now , i still have some things to do" Rai told Mira.<br/><br/>"You are right , we indeed took your time " Agreed with Rai.<br/><br/>"It's fine if you wanna stay for long time brother Rai" it seemed that Moore is reluctant to let Rai go.<br/><br/>"Moore Rai has still works to do, don't forget" but he got scolded by Mira for that.<br/><br/>"Well, we will meet again if I get time" tried to coax Moore.<br/><br/>"Okay" seemed like Moore got downcast.<br/>Looking at Moore , Mira shaked her head.<br/>They got up and went to downstairs of Branch building.<br/>Finally reached near bulletin board.<br/><br/>"Rai , if you need anything don't hesitate to come here" Suddenly Mira spoke.<br/><br/>"Ahh, sure " Rai got taken back but he reacted since it would be a good help for him too.<br/><br/>"Okay I am going back , thanks for you hospitality Miss Mira" reaching at the exit Rai thanked Mira.<br/><br/>"It's fine, it was no big deal" Mira spoke.<br/>"Brother Rai you can come here again I will show you around" Moore also didn't hold back.<br/><br/>"Okay thanks too Moore" thanking Moore, Rai got out.<br/><br/>just after reaching some metres away from building Rai's eyes diluted.<br/>"Damn, my heart would have jumped out" Rai swiped his sweat that he was getting now.<br/><br/>"It was fortunate that I didn't do anything suspicious" feeling relief Rai exhaled a breath.<br/>"I never thought President would be so dangerous " Rai muttered.<br/><br/>Yes Rai was just acting there if there was another person he would have believed that they did out of good will, but Rai who had aura power coul feel people's feeling.<br/>He could see enormous aura residing inside mira.<br/><br/>"But why were she so amiable to me" Rai got curious.<br/><br/>It's quite confusing for Rai since he knew the old Rai never had any connections with them before. Everything looks so blurry and confusing.<br/><br/>"I will think about it later, first let's find a disciple " clearing his thoughts Rai knew it's best to find a disciple for now to complete the task.<br/><br/>************Inside Branch**********<br/>"Well seems like that old man has chosen a worthy guy to be his successor" Mira said.<br/><br/>Her expression lacked the amiability she was showing to Rai. Her current aura was totally majestic which made people shudder to the point they never dare to meet her eyes.<br/><br/>"Is he? I didn't find anything special about him" with a smile Moore expressed his doubt. <br/><br/>He still had same smile but the vibes he was giving was totally different compared to before. <br/><br/><br/>"Big sis why do we have to befriend him?" Moore expressed his thoughts.<br/><br/>"You will know eventually but " paused Mira.<br/><br/>She looked at Moore and continued,<br/>"Moore , let me tell you something. Never ever try to scheme behind his back" she said simply but the words were heavy enough to put the whole room into coldness.<br/><br/>"Why?" Moore still was perplexed.<br/><br/>"You don't know about that old guy. Believe me if something goes wrong with Rai that Old man will burn down this whole branch" Mira said with a heavy tone as if something like that had happened already before.<br/><br/>"What do you mean Big sis?" at that moment Moore felt like ignorant. He was totally confused, what was Rai's identity that could scare her Big sis. <br/><br/>He knew her well, even if the real elites comes she won't flinch a bit yet here she was totally scared of that old man.<br/><br/>"Just know one thing, help him if you get the chance but don't try to hurt him. if you did that even Champion may not be able to save your life" a shocking threat to Moore by his aunt left him stunned.<br/><br/>"Who is he? " gritting his teeth Moore wanted to know badly about Rai.<br/><br/>"Someone we can never mess up with, not time to for you to know about it yet." she refused to tell all the secrets.<br/><br/>"Go to apartment now" that time her voice was full of command.<br/><br/>"Okay" although unwilling but he knew he had to go once his Aunt had spoken.<br/>She turned back and looked at that direction of Rai.<br/><br/>"Bernard i still can't believe you chose him to be your successor, you think royal families will let him go once they know he has that thing." muttered Mira. <br/><br/>Everything was shrouded by mystery veil that refused to reveal itself.<br/>Who was Rai what was his real identity who was old man, everything was messed up in this mystery.</p>