
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Hidden Inventory X: Meteor fall

Standing side by side, Kenshin summoned his three sectioned staff which he had later on named, Fang.

"Phoenix Burst!!"

Transforming into the flame devil form, he could feel the buff in his strength, speed, durability and cursed energy output, as phoenix flames swirled around his body, covering even his theee sectioned cudgel.

Holding onto either ends of Fang, he got into a stance and turned towards Toji who was in a stance with his two special grade weapons.

'Oh? What is that? I've never seen or heard of any technique of the Rinnegan with this ability before. I can feel his overwhelming strength and output nearly triple, and that flame. Was he holding back the whole time?'

Watching Kenshin's blazing hair and eyes, Kenjaku thought as a frown appeared on his face.


Right on cue both of them blasted forward in an instant, shattering the sound barrier and reaching the opponent instantly. Kenshin twirled Fang and smashed it out, while Toji simply slashed out his special grade blades at speeds that was untraceable to the naked eye.

Dodging every attack from the two fighters, Kenjaku hurled himself into the air and back flipped, before he waved his hand, summoning multiple large vines from under the earth in an attempt to immobilise his opponents, but in a second of distraction, Kenshin appeared beside him in an instant, and smashed out his Fang covered in golden flames, sending Kenjaku crashing into several buildings.

Before he could even crash into the ground, Toji appeared behind him in a ghost like fashion and slashed out the soul splitting katana, a blade that could ignore all defences, and created a large wound that span from Kenjaku's neck to his abdomen, before he unleashed a 360 degree back kick that hurled him away.

Both of them regrouped instantly and shot towards him readied and prepared for another bout.

'Those flames, they are affecting my soul…and that blade, it's ignoring all the barriers on my body..'

Landing with his head slightly, Kenjaku deeply thought, feeling immense pain from the burn on his face, and the wound on his chest.

"Cursed technique: Sonar cannon!"

Opening his mouth wide, his stomach bulged, as he fired an immensely powerful sonic wave that devastated everything around him.


Like an explosion had set off, Kenshin and Toji was sent flying into the distance while coughing out blood.

"Sonar cannon!"

Watching the direction in which both of them had been sent flying to, continued to fire blasts of sonic waves, wanting to incapacitate his opponents, however using the almighty push in a creative way surround him and Toji in a bubble of energy that repulsed all the sonic waves that came close to him, Kenshin and Toji bid their time and waited.

The minute Kenjaku stopped firing the sonic waves, both of them zoomed out at sonic speed, as even Kenjaku couldn't help but be surprised as to how they were perfectly fine, after his barrage of sonic waves.

Toji leaned in for an attack, using his dual blades. He moved so quick that even Kenjaku was not able to properly capture his movements. Letting out slash after slash, he completely caught the millennia old sorcerer in an attack and nearly took his head off in one swift movement.

Meanwhile, using his weapons as steps into the air, Kenshin used the almighty push to control them in the air, as he ran atop his swords and soared higher into the air.


With a command, his Fang suddenly lengthened, assuming the form of a rod that could stir the skies and seas.

Summoning all his strength within his body, Kenshin used his two hands, grabbed onto his fang and descended with a overhead smash that could probably lay waste to city.

As Kenjaku tried to escape from Toji who was hot on his heels, he only noticed the overshadowing cudgel that crashed towards him when it was only a couple of meters from him.


He roared and summoned a barrier of cursed energy, before Kenshin's Fang crashed into his body, shattering the entire land, as an earthquake set off, tearing apart the entire vicinity.

It was just as they said, a fight beteeen special grades was enough to cause irreparable damage to an entire city, and make it unfit for human survival.

After a while, the dust settled, as Kenshin stood by Toji with a small smirk, while he wiped the blood that flowed out of his nose. His own attack had caused damage to himself.

"You fools hahahaha!"

Kenjaku who Kenshin had presumed to have been turned into paste by his attack, walked out of a bunch of collapsed stones in a disheveled state.

One of his arms were missing, and the whole left part of his face was completely destroyed, leaving only a bunch of bones that stuck out disgustingly.

"Adding up to your father and that dammed ancestor of yours, you're the only one whose been able to best me in close combat.."

Kenjaku laughed as he walked to a piece of stone and gently sat.

'My ancestor? What the he'll is he talking about?!'

Kenshin's grip on his cudgel tightened. All of a sudden he felt that the man before him had done something unspeakable to him to overshadowed what he did to his parents and sister.

"That's right. Think about it. Why do you think I hated you, your father and that Gojo clan brat with such emotion. All you see isn't all there is, Kenshin…You see, I was the one responsible for annihilating that damned Hayato clan. Me! From the women, to even the little borns, I killed each of them mercilessly!! Hahahaha!"

He laughed, as Kenshin's eyebrows furrowed in anger.


Pain evident in his tone, Kenshin couldn't help but ask.


"Because I hate every single one of you to my core. I lost everything because of you! And now with you being the last heir of the clan, your death will signify a turning point in my life. From that day onwards, the Jujutsu world would once more worship the name of Kenjaku! It will be-!!"

His villainous speech did not end as Toji moved like a ghost and punched him right in the face, but before he could even be sent flying, the sorcerer killer grabbed him by the foot and repeatedly smashed him into the ground, before he tossed him away.

"Toji, Toji, Toji. In my grand scheme, you and your family were just....collateral damage. Hahahahaha!"

As Kenjaku laughed, he pulled on a string on his forehead, as the upper part of his head slowly fell off, revealing the pink grotesque brainy figure with teeth that comfortably lived there.

'That disgusting creature. It's as if it's controlling the entire body, with a few nervous mechanism. What in the hell!'

Kenshin thought trying to figure out the role of the creature in the body, but his chain of thoughts were interrupted by Toji who rushed towards Kenjaku with his katana in hand.

"No wait!" Kenshin chased after Toji who seemed to be hell bent on killing Kenjaku.


Kenjaku laughed and interlocked his fingers, before he uttered underneath his breath.

"Domain Expansion: Cerebral Nexus!"

In the instant he spoke, a deafening silence reverberated, as space and time seemed to twist and turn. The next moment, Kenshin and Toji found themselves before a large throne, surrounded by multitudes upon multitudes of souls.

'This domain. It isn't like anything I've ever seen. It seems to mould into space itself, achieving some sort of barrier less state..'

Kenshin thought as he scanned around with Toji.


And while they scanned their surroundings, a figure walked out and sat on the throne with a laugh.

"This is by far one of the most useful domains in my arsenal. This domain allows me to directly manipulate the minds of every human being that appears in the domain. You see now, with this God- like ability, I could for example turn the whole world against both of you, through mind control. I could rewrite the neural pathways of people, making them completely subject to my orders.

But for this special occasion, I think this era of Jujutsu has lived for far too long. It needs to be reformed and who better than non sorcerers to take up this mantle. With but a single command, all of the non sorceres and some sorcerers in the world will be rushing towards Japan to kill all Jujutsu sorcers in the most brutal way possible!"

Kenjaku laughed and weaved a couple of hand signs ready to command the multitude of minds at his disposal.

"Sigh. I thought I wouldn't ever need to use this technique..hehe."

Kenshin suddenly laughed and powered up his Rinnegan with nearly all of his cursed energy, shocking even Toji and Kenjaku at that instant.

"Cursed Technique: Meteor Fall!!"

Raising his head, as a drop of blood trickled down his left eye, Kenshin roared out, as immense cursed energy burst out of his body.

Suddenly, the blue colour of the sky seemed to change into a fiery one, as a round spherical object materialised, blasting down from the heavens with immense speeds, like the wrath of God.