
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


Blasting forward at full speed through the mountainous forests of Asakusa, Kenshin kept his Rinnegan active, as he viewed his surroundings with the level of clarity of a magnified X Ray machine.

After a few minutes, his body came to a stop before a crossroad, and tried viewing further beyond the overgrown trees, however, a thin of cursed energy with an unusual property covered the mountains beyond, distorting the vision of the Rinnegan.


Kenshin couldn't help but squint his eyes a bit. The level of output or the quality of the cursed energy was something that even someone as strong as Geto was inferior to.

Among all the Jujutsu sorcerers he had met so far, only he and Gojo had a level of output that surpassed this.

The next moment, Silver appeared and halted in its tracks, as Ieiri descended from its back looking around in confusion.

"Where did it go?"

Standing before the crossroads, her vision was obscured by the thick tall trees before them.

"There's a particularly strong cursed spirit beyond the forest. If I'm right it should be at least first grade..."

"Y-your eyes?!!"

Rather than paying attention to him, her eyes were transfixed on Kenshin's Rinnegan, displaying shock, and surprise on her face.


Kenshin sighed and explained why his eyes had suddenly changed and what it represented.

"So between your Rinnegan and Satoru's six eyes, which would be more useful?" Ieiri asked with a smile.

"Mine would probably be more useful, cos it allows me to see through matter,and track movements now, but in Jujutsu, Satoru's would probably be more useful since it can see cursed energy down to its atoms. Although mine can also see energy now, it can't see it down to atoms..."

Kenshin explained, however the next moment, a look of realization appeared on Ieiri's face as she covered her body with her arms instantly.

"Does it mean you can see through my clothes?!! Disgusting pervert!!" She cried out and glared at him.

"What's there to see?...."

Asking with a raised brow and an innocent smile, Kenshin replied which nearly earned him a slap from the young lady.

"Humph!!! I'm going to go search for that disgusting cursed spirit this way, you can go that way and don't follow me..."

Coldly harrumphing, Ieiri grabbed her two swords from Silver's back and rushed into the forest, evading Kenshin as he tried to grab her arm.

"Let's head the other way, buddy. We'll meet up with her on the other side.."

Gently brushing the wolf's fur, Kenshin jumped onto its back, as silver bolted into the forest like the wind.

After what traversing more than a mile, Kenshin reached a roadblock, as he sighed and turned around with the wolf.

This particular area was concentrated with that unusual cursed energy he sensed previously.

As he lied lazily on the back of the silver wolf, he glared at the figure of the sun with his Rinnegan while in deep thought.

Now that he thought about it, it'd been a while since he last saw that Kenzo.

He couldn't help but wonder what tricks he was up to this time. While he deep thought, he suddenly sensed a sudden flare of cursed energy coming from an area to his left.


Coincidentally, that was the same area Ieiri had chosen to scout. Gritting his teeth, he tapped Silver as the wolf instantly bolted away, taking a detour through the woods.


Walking with her twin swords in her hands, Ieiri continuously examined her surroundings for any trace of cursed energy. Being good at using Reverse Cursed Technique made her quite good at sensing cursed energy itself.

"What an annoying guy. He didn't even choose to follow me to keep me safe. And here I was thinking he was some sort of angel.."

Chuckling to herself, she rubbed her head in frustration and took a leaned against a tree.

While still deep thought, she failed to notice the subtle fog like cursed energy that was drawing nearer and nearer to her.

The next moment the fog coalesced into the figure of the oni with the torn arm, as a wave of cursed energy spread.

Being only able to notice this at the last moment, July the time she turned around, she was met with a punch to her chest which hurled her flying a few meters away while puking blood.


Instantly recovering, she blurted out in anger and shot towards the oni, ready to cleave it into two, forgetting that although the oni had lost to Kenshin, it was mainly due to Kenshin's overpowering physical stats.

Raising its arm, the oni blocked the slash as if it was nothing, shattering the blade in the process, before it unleashed a backhand punch which smashed into her cheek and hurled her away, however in midair, the oni stretched its palm, conjuring a thick chain made out of bones and tied her up, before pulling her to him.

*MoThEr wIlL bE hApPy wItH gIrL...*

Speaking in a scary voice, it instantly breathed through it snout, unleashing a terrible and foul breath of air that knocked her out instantly.

The next moment, it turned into a fog and disappeared.

It didn't take long for Kenshin to arrive in the scene with Silver, his eyes darting everywhere trying to find traces of her. Examining the surroundings like a CIA, he squatted beside a small pool of blood and examined it thoroughly.

'This is human blood....also the remnants of cursed energy here is too strong. There must've been a battle...'

Thinking to himself, he sighed and stood before he called out.

"Silver..we gotta go help her..."

Patting the snout of the silver wolf, it let out a howl, and instantly began examining around, trying to use her scent to track her location.

The next moment, after sensing something, it howled once more and instantly blasted towards a certain direction at full speed while Kenshin followed behind.

In addition to the ability to manipulate wind energy, it had an ability to track objects be it persons or even inanimate things that was second to none.

As they moved through the forest at super speed, Kenshin kept his Rinnegan active, continually examining his surroundings for any trace of her. However the only thing he realized was that the strange cursed energy from before seemed to be getting stronger and stronger the more they traversed the distance.

'Could it be that Ieiri's attacker was taking her to the unidentified special Grade?'

Thinkijgnwith a frown, Kenshin front flipped, and maneuvered through the multiple large trees, as he closely followed behind the large silver wolf.

A/N: For those of you who have gone through my works, there's an ff called Arc Angel's Heir. Seeking you opinion on this, do you guys think I should update it or let it be the way it is.