
Riches and Bitches: I have a gate to an isekai and leveling-up system!

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  • 467 Chs
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What is Riches and Bitches: I have a gate to an isekai and leveling-up system!

Read ‘Riches and Bitches: I have a gate to an isekai and leveling-up system!’ Online for Free, written by the author MotivatedSloth, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Be better"Peter was cursed by those words, the very last words of his dying mother. Cursed to be better. To be above th...


"Be better" Peter was cursed by those words, the very last words of his dying mother. Cursed to be better. To be above the small squabbles... And so, the last five years of his childhood, he spent as a target of bullying, both in school and in his adoptive, step-family. But it all changed, when a portal to another world appeared in the middle of his shed! ***** Every supergift (castle or above) = 3 bonus chapters

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【每个女孩,心中都应该有过这样一个少年。白衣飘飘,眼神凉薄。】 * 十六岁。 她是安城一中出名的小太妹。 张扬跋扈、臭名昭著。 所有人都唤她甄甄,唯有他,冷淡无趣,连名带姓地喊她“甄明珠。” “甄明珠,停止你这些无聊的游戏。” “好啊。”她仰头看着少年清凉无波的凤眼,笑得没心没肺,“只要你当我的男朋友。” “……不可能。” 后来她知道,这世上没有什么不可能,只要用心,一切皆有可能。 * 他是她第一眼看上的仙气飘飘的少年,值得她奉上全部的热情和勇敢。她是甄明珠,他是程砚宁,终有一日,她是他的掌上明珠。 * 那一天,甄明珠二十岁。 高档酒楼豪华包厢。 中学同学会。 三年河东、三年河西。曾经卑怯寡言的同班女生穿着高腰短裙黑丝袜,妆容精致,自信飞扬。 她们当着她的面,畅谈名校的历史和光辉。 有人看着沉默的她频频发笑。 当年飞扬张狂的跋扈千金家道中落远走他乡,T恤板鞋牛仔裤,惨,不忍直视。 有人笑问:“你现在在哪上班呢?” 甄明珠淡淡一笑未开口,修长身影拨开人群,微笑着抬起她的手:“冒冒失失的,手机都忘了带。” 包厢里静了几秒,有人迟疑唤:“学长?” 当年不染尘埃的一中明月,如今姿容清绝的笔挺青年,终归,一头栽进了臭沟渠。 * 甄明珠:她没有这般不顾一切地爱过人。 程砚宁:她是他的小太阳,她是他的光。 * 看起来好像除了美再无优点的小太妹VS清冷无尘仙气飘飘大学霸,学妹和学长,女追男,校服到婚纱,沿袭阿锦甜宠暖虐风,1V1双处,演员VS建筑师,结局H。(^__^) 谨以此文,重走韶华。 献给所有一直陪伴阿锦的小可爱们…… 笔芯。 * 本文已出版,出版书名《小时光,微微甜》,当当、淘宝、博库有售。

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :From the rags to riches
Volume 2 :Busy are those who stand at the top
Volume 3 :Leave no call unanswered


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Hello everyone, Author here! I know this is supposed to be a review, but in my private fashion, I will turn it into a post with some basic information about the novel if you are more into solid explanation rather than vague synopsis: Genre: Fantasy/Urban with added romance Har*m? No idea, honestly. But I'm not going to add more and more girls just for the sake of it. It's not a lemons oriented novel (even if it will have elements of it) so I wouldn't consider this a har*m story. There might be more than just one love interest, though. Daily update: 1 minimum (unless something happens IRL) 2 preferable. Whenever we hit some arbitrary goals (100/1k/10k collections, set number of reviews, high vote count for the week etc) I will be adding bonus chapters to the count, that will be published within preferably a week, but up to 2 weeks in the worst case scenario. General feel of the story: MC using his portal to exploit the leverage of modern world in the fantasy one, while using the benefits of living with a system back on earth. In simpler terms, he takes advantage of both words to grow in the other. You want me to simplify even further? Look at the title. MC gets rich, gets bi*ches and slaps back at those who bullied him. Oh, and there might be a story happening somewhere in between :D As this is purely an informative review, feel free to post any questions below and I will do my best to answer them!


30 chapters in and I’m…bored. It’s pretty much just been fluff for the last 10-15 chapters. It was interesting for a bit but now it’s pretty much only focused on the weird romance between mc and fl. Wish I had know the main focus would be the romance before I wasted my time. Sad because the author is really good, just isn’t for me. I’m still waiting for the getting rich part. As of know virgin mc is just taking advantage of a young fox turned girl. There is nothing unique about the mc, same bumbling virus mc we’ve read in thousands of stories. Unfortunate because I was really looking forward to reading this story. Maybe I’ll come back and try reading it again at a later date. But the author need to learn how to balance their stories better. Focusing on one aspect for to long looses the readers attention. For example, cheesy romance for 10 chapters straight.


it's somewhat similar to an anime I watched some time ago he travel to other world through a gate in his house left behind by his grandpa and becomes op there the name of the anime is I got a cheat skill in another world and become unrivalled in the real world something like this


I stopped and took a break at chapter 31 I think and it’s way too much filler, the actual story hasn’t even started yet before it becomes pay to read. At this point the Author already lost a good amount of readers because the story is minimal and the filler/cheesy romance just took over. I’m not saying romance is bad, but if it’s just the same thing 10-15 chapters in a row than obviously people tend to get bored and want to see something virtually interesting. The story seemed to start off good, I liked the idea of being able to go to another world while taking items through both (like that one manga/anime), but Author kind of sold, the “cringe” chapters are happening too often and are just going back to back. Really could be a good read but I don’t know, I’ll keep reading for now and let you guys know if it gets any better.


Really good story by a really good author. The title is already hilarious and catchy but the story is a bigger surprise. The amount of action and character development is very good and grounded and the immersive writing breaths life into the world background. The balance in between the serious stuff and the spicy stuff is also just perfect, can't wait for more!


Good first chapters lots of potential, excited to see how it goes!


the writing is good but the actually story is slow and utterly boring. the mc is also pathetic


Made it to chapter 25 and had to stop. The MC is unbelievably pathetic, and I do mean Unbelievable. Also inconsistent. Way too much Rom-Com/ Slice of life filler chapters too early imo.


All the best for your new book. Good title, haha


I wish there was another free read😭 This novel is absolutely amazing👍 Keep it up


too much filler/drama/monologue ...maybe i will change the review if the novel get better in the future


This work's settings had more potential but it didn't even reach it's potential not even reaching anywhere close


so honestly, I'm not very far into this novel, but I felt compelled to make a review. I am at chapter 30, and the title does not do this novel justice. the title made it feel like a wish fulfilled novel where the Mc gets rich, makes lemons, and slappes people in the face. but really it seems pretty wholesome with a realistic Mc. whome is yes perverted but is realistic. he struggles with the "do I make a move? I'm probably just imagining that she likes me" normally I would find that mindset to be annoying. but in this novel there is a reason for the Mc to be "dense". I may update this later, but I am excited to see the character development, not just being the Mc but other characters as well. I actually hope this does not become a wish fulfilled novel because I think it has so much more potential that that. regardless of to name


loving it! found it through the sep wip or whatever that is.I don't much say besides good work author, hope you are able to continue this work for a long time.


Really enjoying this novel. Fun world and great characters :)


awesome story good read [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


No likey ...............................


i gave the story about 35 chapters to see if there was an overarching BBEG at least but there was none. The initial foray into the other world happened quickly and it almost lulls you into thinking things will happen.I will commend the author on excellent grammar, it is honestly the best part of this novel.


Muito bom e envolvente. Vale a pena!!! Parabéns ao escritor!


Great work, title brough me here but I stayed for a plot. Sloth came back with another great story


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