
Rich Family's Pamperings: Mysterious CEO's Proud Wife

Author: Ye Fei Ye
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 149.1K Views
  • 40 Chs
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What is Rich Family's Pamperings: Mysterious CEO's Proud Wife

Read ‘Rich Family's Pamperings: Mysterious CEO's Proud Wife’ Online for Free, written by the author Ye Fei Ye, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering CEO Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Do you think sleeping with you once isn't enough after what you did to make me famous? Would you do it a second time?"L...


"Do you think sleeping with you once isn't enough after what you did to make me famous? Would you do it a second time?" Li Qingshen remained silent. Ling Momo pouted before biting her finger. "Ten times?" She asked. Li Qingshen still remained silent. Ling Momo tugged at her own hair. She clenched her jaw. "Twenty times?" Li Qingshen turned around to leave. Ling Momo was frantic. She stomped her feet. "Is twenty times still too little? You can't possibly want a hundred times." Li Qingshen smiled. "That'll do..."

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Lynneage · Urban
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华听兮,纵横杀场的团宠女王,死得其所后,穿越了。 华听兮,秋宁国楚王府大小姐,仗势欺人,残忍歹毒,作死的一把好手,以一己之力,树敌无数。 妙的是,昔日被她踩在脚下的“蝼蚁”们,翻身了! 更妙的是,她也翻身了!只不过是从天上翻到地下! 于是,在被疯狂报复后,她去了西天。 当华听兮成了她后,每日不干别的,光琢磨着怎么团灭仇敌打赢逆风局! 【男主】 秋宁国太子殿下,当年被封太子时没有轰动天下,被废时反倒举世皆惊—— 他一人一剑一日夜,屠了一座城!葬了万民,也葬了鼎盛国运,自此事后,秋宁国天灾不断,民不聊生,一衰再衰。 华听兮也很衰,跟太子同样有仇。 【男女主】 初见,太子想弄死华听兮却失手了,所以记住她了! 后来,太子仍想弄死她却总是失手,见鬼般地放心上了! 再后来……太子狠狠栽她手里,一辈子都没翻得了身。 面对示好,她哼笑:“少献殷勤,当我傻不识糖衣炮弹?带着一肚子坏水麻溜滚,不然锤你。” 太子冷笑,他身为债主都放弃报仇,还把心给了她,她一个欠债的,还这不信那不要,是想气死谁?真是小疯子! 后来,他顿悟—— 真正的疯子其实是他!因为他竟会无力地想:既然她怀疑,不如把心掏出来给她看看?

臻棠 · General
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220 Chs
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Volume 1


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Interesting…. For those interested…. Raws[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update] 向他的小祖宗服个软 (叶非夜)


Couldn't even make it past chapter 5. FL is "at the end of her rope" so goes to the room reserved for the most powerful person in order to offer herself up. WITHOUT BEING ASKED??? What on earth made get think that this WOULDN'T offend someone? Secondly, after they get into a fight, she kicks him, THEN WONDERS if she'd offended him. WHERE IS THE LOGIC?! Then, to top it all off, she RUNS AWAY after doing the deed, shocked, without getting any benefits. NEGATING HER ENTIRE PLAN OF SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE FOR BENEFITS?! Idk I can't deal with this kind of FL who doesn't have a brain. ML gets a shout out for sleeping with her only after confirming her identity, but what kind of lover would take advantage of someone who's only doing this because they don't have any other option?


🥰🥰🥰raw plssssssssssssdd 🤞🤞🤞🥰🥰🥰😍😍😊😊😊 story is quite nice




Plea choose this book, it’s really a different plot thn I hv red before. Can’t wait to see how the story will unfold






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