

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Movies
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Chapter 20 - Wakanda Mission | Kain - Part 1 |

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


Kain Pov.

Well, this is not going as expected. Although being honest from the beginning he felt that this was a stupid plan, infiltration, technology theft, practically almost a real fucking kidnapping.

Taking into account all that Wakanda represents, it doesn't surprise me at all that it was discovered, damn it at first I thought I would have to infiltrate an underdeveloped town in Africa, I was excited about my first mission thinking that finally would have a chance to excel.

Yes, dreams are usually funny.

Raising his hands in surrender, the black-haired man looked up with a crooked smile. Hundreds of soldiers armed with weapons he had never met, pointing at every vital part of the body, if that wasn't strange enough.

A thing or person dressed in a strangely decorated black suit in the shape of a panther was staring at him right in front of the soldiers.

"What is u doel hier vreemdeling ?."

The hoarse voice, muffled by some vocal transmuter, abandoned the figure of the strange panther dress.

My eyebrows arched slightly in surprise. It wasn't to sound smug but he was always good at studies, especially languages, one of the many reasons he was teased.

Including the fact that after his rebirth his sensory capacity increased exponentially, along with this his general nervous system gave him an Eidetic memory, he could recall everything that he once learned or saw briefly.

Even so, he could not identify the language with which they were speaking to him, the person in front of him.

Hearing no answer, the soldiers advanced, waving their weapons in a warning so that he would answer the question asked by his majesty.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand the language you are speaking to me in." He said with a slightly nervous smile.





They were several minutes which lasted in intense tension.

I knew that I could not stay here, the fact of allowing them to lock him up never crossed his mind, not even a minute in fact could simply make me intangible and escape from the place. But again if he did it, his main goal would be a failure, maybe? You could use the fact that they don't know your language to your advantage.

The ghost cursed inwardly for not reporting everything correctly, I'm almost sure he did it on purpose.

There is no time for that, you will have to go with the semi plan, to take advantage of the difference in languages.

Before he could continue to think again, the voice of the guy dressed as a panther finally broke the silence with something that surprised him greatly.

"What is your purpose in these foreign lands."




Location - Lake Turkana | Kenya 6 hours before.

Lake Turkana (formerly known as Lake Rudolf or in the Spanish version, Lake Rodolfo) is a lake in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya that, in its extreme north, penetrates Ethiopia.

Inside a long caravan of Indians, Kain advanced disguised as one more. Wearing simple clothes, rags covering his body up to his head, only revealing his face stained with sweat and dirt, just a few hours ago he had left the ghost zone for his first mission.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't nervous, not too long ago a week to be exact he was still chubby with no self-esteem that he was throughout his life.

And now he is on a mission of infiltration, robbery, and looting with a possible murder, if someone had told him this a week ago he would have laughed all night.

But here it is.

Half informed, without experience or skills in this. Walking to a country hidden from the world, how irrational his life has become since he met the ghost, oh the ghost emperor without equal as he calls himself now.

Pretty cool the name by the way maybe at some point he'll get one, back to the topic.

I knew that this was his second initiation, the litmus test so that he could become an Assassin's in all law. To his consolation at least there is no other after this, he still has nightmares in remembering the first initiation, after all making someone jump from the highest building with their hands spread to the sides into the void on their back, is damn scary.

Still, he has to admit, after the first time. He felt that nothing could scare him anymore, and he enjoyed it a little the adrenaline rushing wildly through his veins, you could call him crazy but I swear I heard an eagle caw as he did it.

Releasing a sigh, he looked aside at the infinite true-colored lake that advanced to the horizon. It was quite rare for a lake to survive the African environment, as he recalls this lake is quite special.

With an area of ​​6,405 km², which makes it the largest permanent lake in the world of those located in a desert environment. It is also the longest alkaline lake in the world.

The environment is warm and very dry. The geological features of the area are predominantly volcanic, and the breeze produced by the lake can be very strong, as the lake heats up and cools much more slowly than the land. Three rivers, the Omo, the Turkwel, and the Kerio, flow into the lake, which only loses water through evaporation. Despite this, the water level dropped 10 m between 1975 and 1993.

The lake was christened 'Rudolf' in honor of Archduke Rudolph of Habsburg by Count Samuel Teleki and Lieutenant Ludwig von Höhnel in 1888.

It was renamed Turkana in 1975. The area has been well-preserved thanks to its isolation, as the drive from Nairobi takes three days and receives very few foreign visitors. The local population belongs, above all, to the Gabbra, Rendille, and Turkana ethnic groups. One of the main towns by the lake is El Molo.

A smile appeared on his lips, having an Eidetic memory helps a lot now it can practically be considered a walking Wikipedia.

Coming to himself, the murmurs of the people around him brought him back.

When he looked forward he saw a pair of twin mountains, it seems that the indigenous people were afraid of getting too close to the place.

Putting my finger to my ear, I pressed the communicator "Karen are you there?"


"Am I about to start the infiltration, any advice?" I replied, with a nervous smile.

I am still fascinated with Karen an AI. In the real world that could lead to excitement to any nerd, according to the ghost, Tony Stark was also a possessor of one, but with what he was planning to do, Karen would advance light-years from any other existing AI soon I call it.

Primordial Goddess Protocol.

I don't understand it very well, but according to his idea he wants Karen to get real Artificial intelligence to create life, she would be the core of the brotherhood.

That is why I am asking her for some advice, even though she still does not have Artificial Intelligence, she is the most advanced in the world, she should know everything, right?

'Processing request ..... looking for the answer ..... answer found ... Mr. Kain'

I was excited and immediately answered "Yes?"

'Don't die '.




F * ck!

For a moment I saw myself vomiting blood.

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