

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter 19 - The kain resonance.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


Inside the underground facilities of the laboratory, complete silence reigned the place the lights of the different devices shone with their dim light as well as the main computer.

If you pay attention you could see a countdown activated, to the soothing sound of the processors working inside a large capsule made entirely of reinforced glass, Kain's plump figure stood erect with his eyes closed, his body being naked leaving only the lower garment.

Still next to him, belonging to the capsule, two mechanical arms kept large syringes inserted in front of his forearms, the green watery liquid inside them seemed to drain into him slowly.

The veins responsible for directing the invading liquid glowed faintly green through the skin, any normal person who saw this scene would have a very serious panic attack, the cold environment of the place constantly created a slight mist causing a constant gloomy film.

Inside the capsule, Kain was kept in an induced sleep, the eyelids in his eyes moved without direction having slight muscular contractions from time to time.

Kain POV.

Reborn? if the concept of this word had lived in his mind for as long as he could remember. His childhood, the stage that marked his end, was not his birth, countless times he had dreamed of having the opportunity to change, as in those magical tales where the ugly becomes beautiful or awakens special powers that make him a winner and thrive in life if that will be great right ?.

These thoughts led him to shut himself up in fairy tales and fantastic stories, as an attempt to escape the life he had. What was that family? Do friends even exist? He had nothing, looks, charisma, talent was in short a waste waiting for the end.

It was then that he appeared.

Out of nowhere, without warning, he stopped in front of me in one of my recurring beatings. He extended his hand towards me, he did something that no one would ever Aryan, or would even think about doing, he helped me, on this day even if heaven planned my misery, even if nobody cares about his figure, it covered the infinite path of pain planned for me. , an opportunity? If an opportunity finally, finally after so much someone offered me what he considered a mere fantasy.

As Kain's inner thoughts flowed like a rich river, the hours passed outside, the countdown was coming to an end, and with it, the serum was injected into him.

Reborn? If I want to do it, I'm going to do it, even if I have to go against the sky and have millions of enemies, so what? You can all come together sons of bitches. The Assassins creed will always play against you.

End POV.

In that instant that the countdown ended, intense pain like he had never felt invaded his body, the blood inside him began to boil intensely. Gritting his teeth blood came out of his pressed gums he could feel his bones crunch, the tendons of his body ripping apart, the fat in his body was burning like cold water on a hot surface, his whole body moved in strong contractions, beginning to secrete a black substance, lots of it came off all over the place.

The unimaginable pain he felt might make the toughest person cry but not Kain.

He was so used to the pain keeping his teeth clenched full of blood his eyes popped open after a while, when the pain subsided he tried to focus his blurry gaze felt as if the world was spinning non-stop, he could faintly hear a computerized noise.

'Procedure finished .... opening hatch.'

With a thud, the door of the capsule opened slowly, filling the interior of the capsule with cold laboratory air.

When he was finally able to react a little, he slowly left the capsule, his steps were slow and staggering, his vision despite not fully returning he could see the black substance around him, a large amount of it remained on the floor, like a mass of aspect unpleasant without paying too much attention he continued his walk until he was a few meters away from the capsule.

He felt strange a chill ran through his body when the cold air entered through his open pores his disorientation ended when a voice called his attention.

'Mr. Kain due to the evolution process the serum has him in a disoriented state, calm his breathing so that the heart rate of his body levels off. '

The voice didn't sound human, it was rather computerized looking surprised as he looked at the big screen behind him.

"Who you are?." Now, this surprised him more than his voice, it was completely different.

But before he could ask himself something the same voice spoke again.

'I'm Karen, an advanced AI created personally by Mr. Phantom. '


The boy's mouth dropped open like a fish, unable to say another word.

'Mr. Kain the process of evolution of him, was a success according to the orders of Mr. Panthom you will be granted free access to all the areas of the ghost zone, non-essential tests please confirm. '

Kain was lost right now, he just stared at the screen as if the most interesting thing in the world was on it. Although perhaps this idea was not entirely wrong.

But then the word evolution entered his ears, he quickly came out of his surprise while he was still approaching the mirror of the interior when his eyes fell on his current self, they almost popped out of their sockets, there were no words to describe what he was currently, his round, oily face changed to fine features. Perfectly highlighted with a light air but maintaining masculinity, characteristic, large eyebrows in perfect balance, slightly larger than normal eyelashes sharpened up without errors, Greek-looking nose turned up a few angles.

His lips marked the perfect pink and fleshy "M" pattern, on the other hand, his hair became even darker except for a few streaks painted metallic white in front of his face. The light brown eyes that he had from birth changed to intense green, despite not having the same feeling of power in them like Peter, they gave off a great power from within him.

But without a doubt what left him most incredulous was seeing his body.

There was nothing left of that chubby boy all the physique without exception was strongly chiseled marking the muscles with intensity, the classic Sixpack that everyone dreams of was in front of him could easily put normal male models to shame at this time.

The words were drowned in his throat, he wanted to speak but the words did not come out, his incredulous eyes gradually transformed into a slightly nervous smile, from the nervous smile to an intense smile, his eyes shining like stars in excitement, this may not be I have noticed but in the end, his smile turned into a wild one,

"Ha ha ha, HAHAHAHAHA !."

A laugh with multiple embedded feelings resounded throughout the place, frustration, hatred, joy, and many more were taken from the chest, if Peter had been here, he would have thought that the serum having the power him would drive everyone crazy like him.

After a long time, Kain's laughter died down. He took several deep breaths trying to calm the accelerated rhythm in his heart, when at last he could calm down the same robotic voice took him out of his thoughts.

'Mr. Kain, I remind you that acceptance of him is needed to enter the facility. '

Looking at the big screen, he smiled slightly "Ah, it's true, I'm sorry, Karen, I was overly excited."

After a brief moment, he accepted the authorization.

"Karen, can I ask you a question?"


After gathering his ideas he asked, "What is the whole concept of Mr. Phantom's plan."

'Sorry, his level of authority is not enough to answer the question'

Kain was a bit surprised at the answer, it was quite obvious that the AI ​​was intended to operate within the creed by levels. This was honestly very well thought out.

"So where is he?"

'Mr. Phantom has already been advised of the end of his evolution and is currently on his way, please wait a few minutes.'

Nodding this he prepared to wait when under his gaze an unpleasant smell entered his nostrils. Forcing him to wrinkle his eyebrows, he looked at his body and remembered the black substance secreted by his, smelling again immediately tightened the bridge of his nose.

"What are you doing, this smells like shit." I retort forcefully and then look at the big screen "Karen are there bathrooms in this place?"

'The sanitary facilities are at the end of the hall.'

"Thank you." After this, he advanced to the bathrooms to take a well-deserved shower.


Peter was arriving in the ghost zone, a slight voice escaping from his lips repeatedly seemed a long time but finally, the first member of the Creed was formed.

Despite having all the clans under his command it was still too early to recruit members on a large scale, he needed a couple of people of his trust as the first step, after all, the Chinese wall was not created in days.

Although to be honest, it was not a big problem for him. The way his plan was progressing had exceeded his expectations, he still needed some important steps to get the core ready, but for that, he would worry later, something more pressing was that he was already a week away from returning to classes so much in the boring school as with sensei colleen.

He already missed her, he did not know why or well actually if he did know it, it has to do with the likes of him in his past life at the You are mature, these weeks he was watching her, it seemed that she was working for the Hand, of course, she does not know they were using her but he will take care of that.

While he was lost in thought she entered the research facility.

"Good morning Karen." He said she with a smile.

'Good morning sir'

"How is the guest?"

'In perfect condition, 20 minutes ago she finished her evolution successfully at this moment she is finishing changing her clothes.'

Nodding this he dropped into his sliding Cilla "Tell him to come up."

'It is understood'

After a few minutes, in which Peter kept typing on the computer, the sliding door opened by itself.

Showing the new Kain he was still nervous, the fact that he changed does not mean that he could be calm in front of the chestnut tree, but now especially with the evolution of his physical body his senses developed to a new level, he was more perceptive with the environment and the Auras in people, when he saw the brunette turn around in his face, he felt the ridiculous amount of force that his aura gave off, he honestly thought that the distance between them had shortened, after today he thought that thought was funny, how were they? equal? Despite his evolution, this guy still felt like a monster.

"Oh? It seems like it worked. You look like someone else Kain, how do you feel now?" Peter asked.

The brown's voice brought him back looking at him for a few seconds he replied "Like someone else."

This caused a laugh in Peter

"It certainly seems so, I think the correct term you are looking for is Reborn."

A nervous smile appeared on Kain's lips "But I think that with this appearance if I go out I will attract a lot of attention."

Peter smiled "Not really, your current appearance is because you have activated your spirit power."

"W-spirit power?" Said this confused.

Nodding Peter explained, "It is the way I decided to call the power granted by the Extremis 5.0 serum when coming into contact with the system the combination of these powers creates a new force."

To say that he was surprising was little "How did you meet this new power?" Kain asked

Peter looked at him seriously for a few seconds and then gave way to the explanation "The serum is created of 5 different powers, each one alone can create superhumans when putting together a chain reaction was created, the power together of all carried to the creation of something completely new that transcends anything ever thought. " With a smile, he raised a finger "Pay attention to the following is what you will have to do."

Kain just nodded.

"Spiritual power is quite complex despite its enormous power, users cannot fully access it, it is like a limiter that forces the practitioner to challenge these limiters or we can also call them a bottleneck, a beginner will have to work the power for his whole body getting used to it and consequently accessing more power that is why a support system was created, it comes in conjunction with spiritual power so that a practitioner is aware when he can advance or is close to this same, the system it will grant you the knowledge. " I look at Kain and then continue "The so-called Ranks are a series of titles which will be fundamental within the brotherhood since with these the members will enjoy different benefits and treatments within, they are basically like the social classes within the ranks There is a subclass called Kingdoms, these are within the ranges and can vary in numbers depending on the range created, for example, you are Rank reborn in the first-time kingdom Currently there are 7 ranges which are.

Rank - Apprentice.

[Recruit] [Newcomer] [Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Disciple.

[Recruit] [Novice] [Beginner]

[Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Practitioner.

[Cellular Alteration] [Muscular Alteration] [Advanced Senses] [Meditation] [Resonance]

Rank - Reborn.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced] [Expert] [Pseudo Master]

Rank - Master.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced] [Expert] [Elite]

Rank - Grand Master.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Elite] [Demi- god] [Sovereign]

Rank - Supreme Master

[Consolidation] [Soul Deification] [Phantom Tribulation] [Sovereign] [True Ghost King]

As you must already realize, you skipped three ranks because you were forced to advance, you do not have to worry there will be no side effects, specifically, the third practitioner rank is auto in the cultivation system, that is because when you arrive The last resonance realm is when the body is reborn. "I finish explaining with a sigh.

As he looked at the boy in front of whom he was still processing the information, his mind kept thinking.

According to his idea, the system would be to stabilize the power within the brotherhood the first two ranks would be applied for the preparation of the new member or recruit which would be trained in every sense both physically and mentally, the real change would come in the third rank is where they would move away from the human potential to move on to something further, simply put, normal superheroes would have no chance against someone of the third rank.

Only someone from the final kingdoms of the third rank would already be stronger than Captain America, this is because the spiritual power will be imparted with a variety of serums created from the same combination that Peter created in Extremis 5.0, naturally they will be very doses lower than those that he injected himself because their normal human bodies would not support the energy overdose he had planned to create the doses in pills according to his estimates the members who are in the master rank of them would have the necessary power and resistance to face even hulk level monsters in a melee battle that alone is already incredible.

Now if we talk about the grandmaster rank, these would be at another level, they could face gods like Thor and his crazy sister with a complex, even Odin himself would not have it so easy against a supreme Master, this force would be necessary to face all the obstacles are yet to come, the implications of this would shake the whole world if they knew it, seeing created a new transcendental force without negative effects of any kind.

It is a masterpiece if the powers of the world knew it they would vomit blood of how worried they would be.

"That's ... wow amazing you're a genius." Kain said after seeing out of the strong impression from him.

"I know." With a smile the brunette replied.

"Inventing a new force is by itself extremely impressive but the fact that you invent such a perfectly combinable adjunct system is just insane, this is a completely different level of being a genius." Kain retorted as his eyes sparkled with admiration.

This caused Peter to chuckle, he didn't invent the system, he just copied it from his past life in the other world, he took advantage of the fact that there were no cultivation novels in Marvel, but he didn't mind taking credit at all.

"You will have this week to get used to your new body and its powers, you will discover something exciting after this I hope you are ready because you will have your first mission."

Kain nodded seriously, he was ready he was no longer the previous loser now he was a new person. Due to even a stroke of luck he was part of a growing brotherhood he was more than convinced that it would skyrocket, and being part of the beginning gave him a golden opportunity, he was not wasting this opportunity.

"What do you have in mind boss?"

Before her question, Peter turned around in his chair, remaining in front of the screen, he began to type "There are two pressing problems that we have to carry out, the first and most important is to update Karen even though at this moment it is the most advanced AI of the world, it is not enough for my plans, she has to evolve to a new height more than one machine can grow the second is something that I will personally take care of. "

Time to go meet Shield.

Kain thought for a few seconds bringing his finger to his chin, an idea crossed his mind "Beyond? Like an MRI but is that even possible in an AI?"

"According to today's world no, but we are not limited by today's world." He said as he lightly laughed his classic crazy laugh while still typing "The Brotherhood of Assassins will create the first Artificial Intelligence in the history of the world."

Artificial Intelligence !? "He had already lost count of how many times he had opened his mouth in disbelief.

"So is."

'Boss can you do that!?. "

"Yes, but before we can create it we need two very essential Things for its creation." He said as he turned around facing Kain for a few seconds.

With some nervousness, Kain asked "What things?"

A mysterious smile was drawn on the chestnut's lips "Your mission after this week is to enter a secret facility to obtain the complete information about all the technological advances and how to create them."

"I-in the government?"

"Government? No of course not those guys are way behind." He explained still with the same smile.

A chill ran through Kain


"You will go to a small town that is hidden from the world." he said calmly.

Kain let out a sigh, but for some reason, he felt more concerned than before "What's his name?"

Peter let a few seconds pass as he looked at the first member of the brotherhood, his smile changed to a fiercer one.



hey, here mayito.

It's been a while since I updated the story, I apologized for that this month and I had to help out with the family business, and I haven't had time for anything but sleep.

for those who like the story, with all its grammatical problems I thank you from the heart that you are supporting it, I cannot promise that I will update normally this month, I will do my best to do some more.

without more to say I say goodbye wishing you a merry Christmas. ^ u ^ /

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