

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter 15 - One last desperate cry.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


"If you suffer it is because you are alive."

Thoughts like that collide in his mind, a young man who is currently lying in a mud puddle, without crying, without emotions of suffering that for him is not worth demonstrating from them, much less answer the mockery of those thugs adolescents who are considered their classmates, it was a total waste to try to further victimize those who in themselves could make the situation they control worse.

It is not as if it always happens, five or six times a month it happens right after school as if they, the predators, feel the prey flee with certain stealth and feel the flavor of that moment to go after it, while He is walking, they always throw papers at him, even one or another colleague grabs a piece of clay or earth to make his situation worse as a victim, the shouts of "fat" and "Unpleasant" plus other insults are always chasing him.

"Maybe, I deserve it ..."

At some point, the young man wondered that, and it was not the only time since then ... For years these dark thoughts have haunted that block him from being able to overcome himself, he did not even dare to consider that, when other alien thoughts hit his mind A bit strange, he knows perfectly well that his "person", of society and its rules, is a bit cold and insensitive, he develops an empathy for others.

feelings of others and many notice it, mainly in a social institution such as every stage of schooling, someone who with that kind of aura and adding his intelligence passing the average in student fields, is already out of the question that he would not be able to have friends who understand him in that stage of life, and surely even less when it reaches the real world of the young adult.

Sometimes he wondered if the juicy touch of all that abuse was because of his fat and greasy appearance, or even his familiar social rank. Maybe yes, children tend to mark the different and without malice or with it, but they let you know. It may also be that being in an agricultural city everyone knows each other and knows about every action they do, whether good or bad and of course, their family is in the latter.

"It wasn't that bad, I know there are worse situations," he said constantly to remind him that he is not one of those people who centralize his world because of the tiny aspects that surround him as if he were unique and special.

With those thoughts, he always gets up, as now with the rain falling by surprise, cleaning but staining his clothes with mud, leaving him in a state of "pig" that several colleagues say when leaving between many laughs, and already with Their heads glued to the cell phone screens illuminating their grotesque smile of satisfaction, evidencing their statements of how fun it would be to show their other groups of friends his tragedy.

All the way home he squeezed his hand tightly, occasionally shivering from the cold or stopping to appreciate the gray and dark storm, unusual in this area where he resides, his eyes unfocused looking for something in the sky to give him strength. … One that knows well that it does not exist.

The water took most of the dirt, but not the one that makes him truly despicable in the eyes of those who look at him, perhaps seeing his true interior and emotions one will not be surprised that he has a certain reason Likewise, those who saw him constantly They kept remarking how dirty and useless it is inside.

His own family let him know every day, he didn't have to expect anything from them when they saw him like that when they entered, they would just pretend nothing, there was nothing else worth getting to that house to call it home, it was another guy of more psychological torture, it was a void that he could fill before with a truly pure love that welcomed her happily when she entered and got smiles more laughter from someone like him. Now no one human would give her pure and sincere love and would not replace the one she had for 12 years, no one in the world will be willing to love something so broken and rotten inside. Thus, he remembered with great pain the only time in his life he knew pure love, but it turned out to be one that is not human and ended up being on his deathbed to the words of all "it is only an animal", an object of entertainment for all, a toy that you manipulate.

"So I'm an animal too?" he said with irony but pain in turn.

People seem to want to manipulate it, break it and play with it, as if they had no feelings and would always be faithful not to give in to some unnatural law and at the same time not so much, all because society imposes how what you suffer from is necessary to overcome to call it life.

"You must live in pain to find happiness ..."

In the rain the steps are slower and slower until he stops, a bubbling laugh comes out of his mouth, bigger and louder, it is not a laugh that shows fun or evil, it is a new kind of laughter, of anguish, self-contempt, and above all with dark tones that those who heard it now would know that it is not a characteristic that can categorize him as a human.

His laughter begins to wane, his anxiety disappears and he continues walking at a slow pace, his eyes focus on the ground but at the same time without anything interesting to see in it.

I travel between a lake of thoughts, between them if he was born to suffer if his existence is something among the billions, did he deserve compassion or even someone to listen to him? Wouldn't that be selfish and hypocritical on your part? He only lived a reality that would be bearable over time, currently, others, deserve to be listened to and helped, children dying of hunger, wars, the planet itself needs the full attention of each selfish human so that they do not rot as the like thus the conclusion came, so simply: he cannot blame anyone, no more his own inability to act or change

"Can humans change?"

He knew from his studies that humans are social beings, they do and are part of society, so if someone wants to change they have to have the support of society ... And they don't.

When he looks at his small house with damp-stained walls under a half-rotten and bare oak, he sighs loudly, he feels himself entering a mental battlefield. His mind replayed the entire scene below, the door would have to be forced open, his father would be watching TV asleep and with some beer cans around him, his 20-year-old older brother laughing in his room at videos he sees on the internet with some suspicious smoke coming out of his room, the dirty kitchen and the table with several wrappers plus clothes accumulated everywhere possible, and the photo hanging on the already dirty white wall from the years of his younger brother who fled two years ago for his problems of violence and drugs, currently since his disappearance he must already be 17 years old.

Above all, he knew how his mother acts, he will find a list of what he should do at home while he covers shifts in the hospital that leave her exhausted, adding a touch of threats when he arrives that he only works for it and does nothing else of his life maintained. Yes, every action he thought happened, no one cared about him, there was not even bark of endless happiness to make her smile and give her strength. He is a broken tool that walks without meaning or direction, followed by the natural laws that his society established and that ended up excluding it.

What do you want to change in his life? A sexy girl letting him know what is special? The death of his parents and him finding out that he inherited their money and had a makeover? Get the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and decide to change on your own and get out of it? That your life turns into a romantic comedy, that has twists of depression and suicide to end in personal self-improvement and grow as a "person"? Love? Friendship? Death? All this was what could improve her life, or of course, make it worse ... But what one hopes is to see her happy and to leave those negative aspects, it hurts that she is undoubtedly a strange character, who did not follow those rules. Because his and everyone's reality would change, just with a few words from those girls ...

At the right time. I wish the end of humanity would come. I would be happy with any event, but that breaks every society and makes all humans suffer seriously. His solution was to wait, for an external factor to end everything. You will stupidly laugh at that thought and it does, but trust me, maybe in this reality. That is fulfilled.

The next day, a calm and sunny Saturday, it was difficult for him to get up, after finding his chocolate half-melted under his pillow and eating some, he got up stunned but with energy. He looked at the half-open book on the floor, and remembered the plot and then was disappointed, it always had to be so cliché everything, the protagonist who fought against everything that would come against him, the factor of world change and a forced love for his personality unique and special. Despite that, the boy would continue reading it, there was little left to see if his predictions of the end would hit the mark and he liked that, knowing what is to come and considering each little piece of information, many theories, and various results.

After relieving himself, he wandered through the silent house, his mother will not return until sunset, his father will surely already be spending the money that almost forces his mother to give him by right, and his older brother will be traveling to the capital to Partying at night with some friends and buying your fix for the week.

Lonely but relaxing, he loves silence… He loves solitude, not listening to anyone, not even cars passing by.

If he thinks he would be silent, he was very wrong. When he barely came to look at the landscape outside, that window that overlooks a clear and flowered terrain in early summer, strong light and buzzing make your eyes immediately focus on the cause

A burning light. Red? Exactly, as his eyes see, in the sky a red cloud leaves evidence of his trajectory, from which with fearful calculations, he cannot react in time. The collision of that strange object against a house and the deafening noise makes me instinctively duck and I stopped witnessing the result. When a strange calm and recognized smells and sounds hit him, he looks up to the window The field that he currently appreciated every day is lifeless, black and in red flames, with that strange and unrecognizable object they give off a dense red smoke, the heat hitting the room, the air missing and becoming heavy to swallow.

He looked at that scene with a certain inhuman curiosity, finding it between marvelous and spectacularly macabre.

Distracted, red smoke seeps through the door and window.

First, it is an itch, and then an unbearable burning, the boy immediately puts his hands to his legs to rub himself, the scream of pain left his mouth quickly and falls as he writhes on himself because of that smoke slowly being consuming your body. What he feels is a mixture of the sting of small red ants with that shock of hot oil to the body and then pulsating perforation in every muscle and bone, the pain reached such a point that his nerves broke, only the screams of agony remained. , trying to inhale air to continue living was shown to be real suffering and the only thing he achieved is to feel the iron taste of the blood for which he began to constantly choke Thus, spitting and trying to take the air, like an animal he writhes from the pain in life emitting grunts and weevils of blood for one last wave of fiery heat to set his entire body ablaze and in just a second afterward.

He explodes.


Go dead.








Note: Presentation of new character.

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