

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 - A mad genius.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.



A loud pounding of a hammer against a boiling metal surface created an intense echo throughout the darkroom, while the smoke caused from the forge kept flying through the sky, sparks came out in large quantities due to the constant hammering of the hammer.

Huge drops of sweat were released from his body to the rhythm of his calm breathing, in his eyes, you could see the emotion contained in these moments the smile on his face was impossible to erase in a short period, even though he would admit that he left carried away by emotion and ended up destroying the entire laboratory room, but who could blame him at this time was creating his mount something that even in the Marvel universe is considered impossible, how many geeks have not dreamed of something like that damn, to be able to fly by the sky with its giant mount.

"He! He! He! He!"

When he realized that he was laughing again, he immediately pressed his lips to stop him lately he has been laughing a lot without realizing it like a mad scientist, he will have to hold back a little more, even if technically he is a mad scientist, but hey nobody wants to know the little details is also alone in this place.

Delivering the last forceful blow accompanied by that strong metallic sound under his gaze as a slight sigh left his mouth, the quiet smile on his lips turned wild at the sight of what would be his mount, large red-hot metal accessories rested under his look even though these were not finished yet because I would need the technology to make them retractable, mounting accessories that can adapt to the size of the host in question.

He did not have that technology at hand, but at least he knew well where to get it, raising his right hand he directed it to his face to remove the protective goggles, accommodating them on his forehead.

Lately, he had some unsolved problems, or rather I would say that they were being solved little by little, to begin with, the great animal in his laboratory, I could not let him walk free around there he could destroy the whole place because of his size not to mention his strength and powers He needed to enlarge the Phantom Zone or make the animal shrink in size, in general, that problem was easy to solve, he was not in such a hurry to do it, coming out of his thoughts he looked again at all the pieces scattered in the forge his smile returned making use of his Powers lifted all the accessories into the air as he walked towards the water container, where he submerged them all for a few minutes.

Almost immediately the water in the container began to bubble reaching the point of turning into boiling water, large amounts of whitish smoke were released by the water causing a drop in the water level constantly.

Another problem if not the most tedious was his plan to form the brotherhood, in general, the plan was working out wonderfully, but the internal functions of a solid brotherhood needed a lot of work and time, especially ensuring a strong core impossible to break was a tedious job, just planning it, for example, the ranks within it each rank would be divided into kingdoms which will be composed of 5 sub-divisions that any member needs to pass to rise in rank within the brotherhood.

Rank - Apprentice.

[Recruit] [Newcomer] [Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Disciple.

[Recruit] [Novice] [Beginner]

[Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Practitioner.

[Cellular Alteration] [Muscular Alteration] [Advanced Senses] [Meditation] [Resonance]

Rank - Reborn.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced] [Expert] [Pseudo Master]

Rank - Master.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced] [Expert] [Elite]

Rank - Grand Master.

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Elite] [Demi-god] [Tyrant]

Rank - Supreme Master

[Consolidation] [Soul Deification] [Phantom Tribulation] [Sovereign] [True Ghost King]

Rank - Peerless Ghost Emperor

According to his idea, this would be to stabilize the power within the brotherhood, the first ranks would be applied for the preparation of the new member who would be trained in every sense both physically and mentally, the real change would come in the third rank, where they would move away from the human potential to move on to something beyond, only the end of the second rank would already be as strong as Captain America, this is because these kingdoms will be imparted with a variety of serums created from the same combination that Peter believed in extremis 2.0, naturally they will be doses much lower than the ones he injected himself because normal human bodies would not support the energy overdose, according to his estimates the members who are in the Reborn expert or pseudo-master rank would have the power and the stamina required to face the green monster hulk in a melee battle, that alone is incredible.

Now, if we talk about the great master rank, these would be at another level, they could face gods like Thor and his crazy sister with a complex, even Odin himself would not have it so easy against a tyrant, the rank of the strongest, few entities could face the supreme masters this force would be necessary to face the dangers that the earth was about to pass both outsides and within it, the last rank is not so much a rank rather it is the title of it, as a lover of novels Martial arts in his previous life could not miss the opportunity, also come on that name sounds great.

The sound of boiling water had stopped some time ago so lost was Peter in his thoughts that he did not realize this, when under his gaze he noticed the water in the container that had dropped more than half, shaking his head slightly sack the water accessories, I walk to a long metal table and put them all in order, everything was almost ready now I just needed to go get some advanced technology from Stark Industries, by taking it refers to stealing of course this, one of its advantages is that no one could recognize him due to his powers and that was good considering the large number of people who were currently tracking him, or good his alter ego, having in the long list the police, government agencies including the largest and secret Shield others not so secret as the Wester Dragon clan or rather one of them sent his servants to find him, which is stupid because going around asking everyone in the underworld for him is not at all smart, and of course last but not the least Miss Cherry Osborn with her private investigations.

It should be noted that each one was looking for it for different things which is ironic, even comical because none of them have any clues at all and I would very much doubt that they could have it if they continue to search the same way they are going, a laugh escaped from their throat as thinking that while taking off the protective clothing he used in the forge, he looked up to see the time.

"Shit, it's already 6:00 AM !." I reply with fatigue in his voice, he had gone to work at 10 p.m., it seems that the time was too fast.

He had decided to go today for the things that Stark Industries was missing, he would have breakfast after coming back making the decision he began to leave the room little by a little while stretching his arms in the air, enjoying how his joints relaxed after a hard period of work though, it wasn't long before his clash with the Wester Dragon clan happened, he wasn't worried if it wasn't for his discovery of the eagle he would have already acted, but a new idea was born in his crazy mind.

How about going to the clan directly mounted on an imposing eagle over 5 meters high, with feathers that could pierce through steel like butter, just thinking about it made his blood boil with emotion.

Location - Stark Industries.

At this moment, the brunette was sitting in front of a large computer, his eyes moving at high speed capturing all the information that appeared on the screen in front of him.

Something he always liked about Tony is his AI Jarvis, so he already had his one, it helps him a lot, especially it saves him time so that he can focus on other things, it also helps the Solitude that currently exists in the Phantom Zone, even though I'd have to admit I liked it too because it was kind of lazy.

"Well since I'm here I could take the Jarvis plans with me." He replied with a smile as he arranged a water-filled base still on the side "Don't you think friend?"

He asked at nothing, glancing to his left where an unconscious man was sitting in a chair supported by his ghostly power.

"If I think so too I bet Stark won't feel angry once he gets back from his vacation with the terrorists and even if he is it's not like he can do much now that he's no longer the majority shareholder." I laugh slightly.

He leaned back on the seat while watching the screen as the secret data appeared in sequence, being sent to his portable memory, he was surprised how easy it was for him to enter the places that are supposed to be impossible to penetrate, of the clans he would have members of the brotherhood and facilities, Stark Industries would have the technology as well as resources now only needed to make a good comfortable and very cool resistant suit.

The current materials did not meet his requirements, the hardest metal in the world that is known was like butter before his mount that canceled all known options, at least that only leaves him an option to choose where he could find the hardest metal in the world actually and are technologically very advanced


The weak words escaped his lips creating a savage smile on them of course he was also very interested in the heart-shaped grass used to give the powers to the black panthers of all generations, it would be a very good component for the creation of the future Extremis serum that were in the making.

The materials and plans with which the black panther suits are created were of great interest to him, although he does not have a suit itself due to his powers, he would like one, once this the brotherhood would need to make suits similar to the ones in the game only more modern so far I only had some ideas about the first potential members to cultivate one of them was La sensei, Colleen, I was sure I could get her to join by showing him what The Hand is, and for that, they were using it.

A sound coming from the computers brought back the chestnut of his thoughts looking at them all the files had been successfully copied, with a weak smile he got up to grab the memory before leaving the place he said goodbye to his good friend Freed.

"See you freed, say hello to the family." Said this while simply flying through the walls.

As he crossed in front of the workers of the place he saw Pepper Potts, Tony's cute secretary who probably wins the millionaire just for taking care of the rich boy, he stopped for a moment if he had to admit is that she was very cute, her face was a mix between the actress of the movies

Gwyneth Paltrow and a fan art there was no way to describe it was just like her but even more beautiful.

Curiosity overcame the brunette, so he approached her to see her more closely, now that he thought about it, all the famous girls in this universe that he had met were similar to the same actresses from the movies, except for Gwen and those who They have not appeared in the films themselves, they were a very beautiful curse, especially those of greater relevance, for example, such as Natasha or the direction Hill or Wanda among others, just thinking about it, his virgin heart went out of control, I need all his strength to calm him down.

Shaking his head better he walked away after giving it one last look if he would be a future Peerless Emperor he needed to stop being a virgin if not what a joke that would be.

Location - Hell's Kitchen City Bar

On the other side of the world, where criminals roam the streets almost freely in an old country music bar there was a girl living quietly from the bottle, no one around her was approached by men who were stupid enough to try ended up at least with broken bones the atmosphere in the place was relatively calm, despite the noise caused by the customers nothing else was out of control.

The bottles in front of the bar were increasing alarmingly, but the barman himself did not dare to say anything it was as if this woman could not get drunk.


The whole place was silent when they turned their gaze to the person who was entering, opening their eyes in surprise, not exactly because of something bad but because the person who was entering did not belong to this place, to the same city itself, it did not seem to do the contrast that all the residents gave off, his movements were smooth and constant, he advanced at a slow pace to the bar where he took a seat, each moving with grace.

A few seconds passed until the barman approached smiling kindly "I can get you something, miss."

With a slight nod, he replied "Dry Brandy with two ice cubes."

Nodding in response the bar 'Man left the place to prepare the order, that girl looked to her left side where the first one was still fighting with her next bottle taking it as if it were simple water, a weak smile appeared on her lips.

"You shouldn't take that much, it will be bad for your health in the long run." She said with a melodious voice.

In response, the black-haired girl stopped drinking without looking at her replied "I don't remember asking for your opinion."

Without removing her smile, she replied "It was advice, you can take it or leave it at the end, it's your decision, I'm very sure that you are capable of 'investigating' yourself the results of what I indicated a moment ago.

The black-haired woman stopped drinking for a few seconds lowering the bottle, she could hear the change of tone in the word investigate for the first time her gaze found against the other girl sitting next to her "Cut the shit and get to the point."

"Straight to the point, I like that."

There was no response from the jet, she just looked at her, narrowing her eyes slightly who the hell was this girl appearing out of nowhere dressed as if she were a rich girl, obviously she was not from this city, she doubted that someone like that existed. "I have heard from good sources that you are very good at what you do, and I am, let's say, interested in hiring your services," I reply with a smile while having a shot of brandy.

"I'm not interested!." Getting up suddenly, she started walking towards the exit, but the next thing she heard froze her body immediately.

"20 million."

The jet's eyes widened in disbelief, 20 million was a huge fucking amount it was astronomical for a job she did almost seemed to hear wrong, her body automatically turned towards her.

"You're kidding?."

This increased the weak smile on the woman sitting at the bar taking the last drink. She looked at the brunette "There are no jokes here, what you heard is true 20 million dollars for your services."

She had to admit that she was interested in that money to earn it would help her a lot, she would even get out of the shitty life she currently had "You know that my services are not murder, right? With that amount of money, do you want me to kill the president?"

Her question was accompanied by a laugh "No, no, we don't know exactly what your services are at all and this offer is precisely why I'm offering you 20 million dollars because you can find just one person. Are you interested? "

At a slow pace, this returns to the bar taking a seat next to the said woman staring at her for several seconds "Who is the target?"

The woman at the bar smiled at her as she took out an envelope from her purse, placing it on the bar right in front of the black-haired woman, I wait patiently seeing how she began to open it when the lid was open a sheet of paper with all the known data and a photo in the In front of said sheet despite not having anything you could distinguish something blurred.

The black-haired girl looked at him in immediate amazement "This is ..."

He couldn't finish, since the woman at the bar spoke first that him going from a smile to a face would immediately be "I want you to find whatever you can from the ghost."

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