
Revolutionizing a new world

Thank you for reading! this book has finally taken off and we’re officially releasing actual chapters now! this fanfic will be about our MC, who will be thrown into a world, with simply one goal. improving his and his people’s life style and possibly even conquering the stars, ah and of course we can’t forget video games. how can you conquer universes without Fallout? enjoy reading dear readers, your feedback will be greatly appreciated alongside the occasional stone.

MeepsNewGroove · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

Silence—something we humans have known for millions of years, something both feared yet yearned by many...and here I find myself in what seems like nothingness? The very definition of it possibly. A place so silent that silence doesn't even seem to describe it.

"Why am I here?", "How'd I get here?", and "What am I?" were just the start of the many questions I've had for myself, questions I'd think I would've known, and yet I can't even come up with a single clue of what's happening to me.

As an enjoyer of gaming and a multitude of animes, mangas, and fanfics, the thought of me possibly being in such a cliché scenario passed by my mind, yet seemed unbelievable. Where was the truck that's supposed to take me out? The meteor? The randomly deranged knife-wielding psycho? Or the blazingly bright R.O.B that's supposed to give me the chance at overpowered wishes with my choice of world?

Nothing seemed to...click for me. I still remember my name and for some reason every minuscule moment of my life, and yet I still can't recall why I was in the situation I'm in currently.

Weeks pass by as those weeks turn to months, and those months into years...

And yet my questions still have yet to find their answers, and I am yet to find my 'honeypot' that'll give me a chance to at least get out of whatever I'm trapped in.

Uncountable light-years away…

"This… is truly something rather unexpected… maybe my new project is rather closer than anticipated."


After a couple of thousand more years, I still haven't noticed a change physically or mentally, until a rather faint yet noticeable glow in this what seemed to be an eternally dark place... 'light'—something I haven't seen in centuries... no... millennia.

As if something snapped inside of me, the feeling of my possible chance at freedom. The thought of this glow being a mere illusion of my delusions or an eldritch being tempting me to eternal doom passed my mind, yet I didn't care for the outcome as all I could feel was something I haven't felt in decades... hope—something I thought I'd never feel, and yet here I am, watching as this glow grows at a minuscule but noticeable amount due to its abnormality in such a dark place.

????? Pov -

"This... thing... it shouldn't be here, and yet it thinks, has consciousness, and... a fully shaped soul... it seems Lady Luck is finally cashing in her debts... Hmm... this will be interesting."

MC pov -

My eyes, ever fixated on this light for what seemed like weeks. It's size growing noticeably as the hour passed and finally. After 4 months I could finally make out this anomaly which seemed to be human shaped? No, such description seems to not do it Justice..it's as if something unholy yet holy at the same time took the form of what seemed, no, felt like every single person I've ever came in contact with or seen.

Glimpse of my mother, father, hell even Adam Sandler seemed to passby as I stared at whatever being this was..and hopefully it was omnipotent and atleast somewhat similar to those Webnovel…

???? Pov -

"This seems to be a good enough distance.."

MC pov -

"Hello? Are you possibly an R.O.B? Or an eldritch being looking for a quick snack?" I asked, squinting against the blinding light.

"After reading your mind, I can say that yes, I am what you'd call a 'R.O.B,' and no, I will not eat you, child," the being assured.

"So… does this mean I'd be free from this place?" I asked, hope flickering in my eyes.

"That would be correct, dear child," the being confirmed.

Yet, before I could fully embrace my newfound hope, the next words struck like a lightning.

"But, this will come with a price, child, a steep one? No, but a price indeed... will you be willing?" The being's tone hinted at with a twisted sense of amusement.

Faced with the choice between accepting or facing an unknown fate, I knew my decision was clear.

"I agree," I affirmed.

"Good," the being said, a chilling smile forming on its every changing face.

And with a snap of the being's hands, my entire scenery changed. Years of enduring such a dark place, only to be thrown into what seemed like an endless garden of flora I've never seen or could've ever imagined. It was everywhere.

"Welcome, child, to my small garden of Eden," the being said with a hint of pride.

'Garden of Eden,' I thought. 'Truly a place worthy of such a title.'

With a clap from the being, my attention was drawn back to its blinding form.

"Now, child, please, sit," the being said, motioning towards the table and chairs that seemed to pop into existence.

"This process will be similar to those fanfics, as you call them. Where I, R.O.B., give you, the MC, three wishes, an appearance change, and a world of your choosing. No more and no less. You will not find a loophole nor will you attempt to 'cheat' to get more wishes. Do I make myself clear?" the being stated.

"Yes," I say.

"Is there a power limit on my wishes? Is it possible to wish for Kryptonian bloodlines and other scale-breaking powers?" I ask in a stupor of excitement.

"Although there is a limit, a Kryptonian bloodline is well within it and is accessible. However, be aware that we will not shield you from their God should you make this choice," the being explains.

"Why would becoming a Kryptonian anger their God? Wouldn't it be pleased to have another kin?" I ask, feeling both confused and disheartened by this information.

"Child, we Gods act upon what we feel, believe, and embody. Do not impose mortal notions upon us, for we operate beyond your comprehension," the being states.

"I understand. I apologize for any unintended disrespect," I say, maintaining courtesy.

"You are forgiven, child. Ensure such errors do not recur. Now, onto your three wishes, appearance, and world," the being says with a chuckle.


Thank you for reading! This is the official first chapter of this story that I hope lasts and that you readers enjoy 🙇‍♂️.

What wishes should the MC pick?

I've already decided that one wish WILL be used for the MC to get a system that will aid in his kingdombuilding/game development so you, the readers have a chance to pick his other 2 wishes.

The most voted wishes will be placed into a randomizer and chosen.

What should we name MC?

What appearance shall he take?

(And yes the gods excuse of the kryptonian God getting angry is just an excuse I came up with so MC isn't flying plsnet to planet and selling them at the start.)

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