
Revolutionizing a new world

Thank you for reading! this book has finally taken off and we’re officially releasing actual chapters now! this fanfic will be about our MC, who will be thrown into a world, with simply one goal. improving his and his people’s life style and possibly even conquering the stars, ah and of course we can’t forget video games. how can you conquer universes without Fallout? enjoy reading dear readers, your feedback will be greatly appreciated alongside the occasional stone.

MeepsNewGroove · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Which system format would you guys prefer?


1. [Status][Shop][Inventory][Skills]

[Time- 1:38]

[Owner](MC name)

[SC] 492,279

Body - [ Level 3]

-Capable of lifting 300lb with some difficulty

- Speed of 23mph/37kph

- Enhanced endurance giving the user the ability to prefer strainous task for longer than usual

- ????


Mind - [ Level 2]

- 1.3x Thinking power of the average human

- 2x processing power of the average human

- Enhance memory

- ?????

- ?????





HP: 300/300

MP: 20/20

SC: 49,283

STR: 20 - punch, lift, and throw str

AGI : 10 - running speed

END: 30 - health/stamina

MAG: 4 - Magic(if I even let mc get it)

DEX: 60 - overall flexibility


* [ Heavy yet soft ]

Description- Learned for reaching the 50 mark threshold in dexterity.

Gives the user:

1% increases in flexibility and mobility per stat point

2% increase in the swing speed of any weapon every 5 points added

Increases bodily control, allowing MC to control even their blood flow after reaching the required threshold



(The extra tidbits I added after the stats will not be there for the first publishing)

1. For system number 1

2. For system number 2

Also, BOTH systems will have a shop tab where MC is able to either, buy knowledge he doesn't have or sell resources for system credits.

System credits will be used to buy things such as the knowledge to make primitive bricks all the way to the knowledge of building a F-22 raptor.

The shop will be MCs biggest ally.

The way MC will earn SC is by either technological advances, advancing without the usage of the system, through agricultural means, selling resources, and MAYBE from killing monsters(haven't decided if I'll add that fantasy stuff yet). MC can also use the worlds currency (or even his own) to convert them to SC.

Does that mean MC could theoretically make his own currency or turn the entire planet into his "currency" and sell it to the system? Yes, he can, but he won't because he'll never think of such an idea until I allow him.

Both systems will indeed have skills and yes, although it's cliche MC will have a infinite inventory. Can he weaponize it? Maybe, if I allow it in the future, but it'll work like a normal system since I doubt you guys want MC to have literal nukes sitting around when he can store them safely with him and become a walking nuke.

now, last vote.

1. Should the new world be the standard medieval world with kingdoms, possibly monsters, and swords and stuff

2. Or should the world be a more modern version of todays earth (MCs buyable knowledge will be scaled if the chosen world is far more technologically advanced than his previous)

3. A Completely blank world where MC focuses solely on improving his knowledge, power, and skills before using some space craft to go to a new world millions of light years away (MC will put himself to sleep in a cyro-statis chamber)