
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Hunt is on

Chapter 3 The Hunt is on

While making his way back to the graveyard he was thinking of what he learned from reading. Cadaver Dogs were not a breed of canine they were closer to a lizard with skin instead of scales. It was noted that they carried the stench of the dead on them as they were scavengers and ate almost exclusively things that had been dead for a while. Cadaver Dogs were short, long, and stout instead of shedding their skin like a normal reptile it would just hang off of them as it decomposed another reason they smelled like death. Damian thought of Komodo Dragons with dead skin hanging off them sending a shiver up his spine.

There was a subspecies of Cadaver Dogs called Canine Ghouls. These were considered alphas being bigger, stronger, and more intelligent than a normal Cadaver Dog. Canine Ghouls were about the size of a golf cart from what Damian could gather. Their tails were able to crush stone while their claws could cut through metal armor. Canine Ghouls were smart enough to be capable of limited speech and commanding Cadaver Dogs. The Normal Cadaver Dogs would be sent to gather corpses while the Canine Ghouls would stay in their den and protect the young and eggs. They put the corpses of Cadaver Dogs on their backs while staying still they would like a mound of dead Cadaver Dogs, similar to the corpse bugs of earth.

Damian mulled this information over in his head while walking. "Well it's a good thing there are no Canine Ghouls in the area." Damian thought to himself when he heard a familiar sound.

*DING* Arcane Eye Elemental Infusion Complete- Death- Life-

Damian walked into the graveyard and noticed what looked like purple mist rising from the graves. As he took a closer look he noticed the mist was not dissipating instead it would roll up then back down and seemed to disappear into the ground. Taken aback he asked the system if it knew anything about this. "Yes, this is the result of your ability Arcane Eye. It allows you to see the elemental particles that make up the manna used to cast spells in this world. By increasing the level of Arcane Eye you will gain the ability to see more of these particles and in greater detail. For more information on elemental particles please purchase Elemental Manna 101 from the store, Thank You."

The systems' answer was precise, giving him an answer but leaving him wanting to know more. Looking through the store he almost vomited blood when he saw the price "Thirty Tribute points are you crazy?" Damian said aloud. Suddenly the wind shifted and Damian caught a foul smell in the air, it smelt worse than the time the toilet backed up at home.

Choking he quickly realized the smell was probably The Cadaver Dogs he was after. He crouched low to the ground and started moving upwind trying to be as quiet as possible. He pressed his back to a large tombstone as he hears scratching and the sound of heavy breathing. Peaking around the tombstone Damian caught a glimpse of a creature with a bright pink body covered in molted green rotting flesh. Dark green bile dripped off the creature, it seemed to be wearing a blanket of skin. Its snout was poking out through the decaying flesh as a forked tongue darted out from its long mouth, tasting the air as if to check if it was still alone. Damian could see that its bottom teeth were showing even though its mouth was closed they were sharp and thin like knives. The sight was horrific to Damian as he saw the creature start digging down into a grave after a minute or so he hears the claws scratching at the wood of the coffin.

*CRRRRAAACK* Silence *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* Silence, Damian waits as he sees the tail start exiting the hole Damian see that the Cadaver Dog is dragging the dead body out of its grave. *CRUNCH* After the monster gets the body out Damian hears the sound of bones crunching, and flesh tearing. Damian glances around the tombstone and caught a glimpse of a purplish-green bloated body being ripped open at the stomach as the creature shoved its snout into the stomach and rib cavity it pulled its head back a trail of intestines hanging from the creature's mouth. Damian made a fist as he willed Shadow Dance to activate. He remembers shadows seeming to crawl up his legs moving around his arms until coming to a rest at his fists.

Black fire then seemed to form around his fists, his body started moving on its own, as he dashed out from behind the tombstone straight at the creature. He stopped inches away from the stunned creature, as Damian touched it with his fingertips, he twisted his hips, making a fist and throwing all of his body weight into the familiar punching motion. The creature was shoved back only a few feet.*SCREEEEEEEECH* The sound the creature made, made it sound as if it suffered heavy damage, yet there were no real signs of the damage, not even a bit of blood was showing. However there was fear in the creature's eyes, Damian could feel it, it was familiar to him he felt... sympathy for the creature, as he remembered his mothers' foot crashing down towards his face. Damian swayed, his knees buckled, he fell next to the bloated body. The fear he had been ignoring came cascading back to the forefront of his mind. "Am I dead?" Damian asked himself looking at his hands.

The creature took this moment of hesitation to charge Damian, as the gaping maw came rushing towards Damian's face, he did what he always did, he put his arms up to block his face and head. As sharp pain flew through Damian's nerves his only one thought was going through his mind. "I, I don't want to die. Someone help me please. SAVE MEEEE!" Damian screamed as loud as he could, the bloated body next to him exploded a dark blackish red skeleton slowly stood up, its gaze falling on Damian and the creature. In its eyes pinpoints of white lights amidst black flames *Click Click Crack Crack* the sound of bones clinking together. It reached towards the two, Damian couldn't help but think, "it's going to strangle me."

"KEK KEK KEK." was the skeleton laughing? "No harm massster."

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