
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Awakening Potential

Chapter 2 Awakening Potential

"Also there are four types of points used in the system to help you advance. Skill points, which are used for learning and purchasing new skills you get three when you level up, you can also get more from certain quests. Attribute points you get five each time you level up, you can also train your attributes. These are spent between the six primary attributes Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. Tribute Points are used in the store which will be unlocked after you have officially chosen your first class or choose freeform leveling. Earned by slaying enemies and overcoming adversities. Finally, there are Creation Points that can be used to create specific Weapons, Armor, or even Spells after you unlock the recipes from the store they can be customized. If we do not a blueprint in the store you can create custom skills or items by listing parameters and visual effects, then the system will spend saved creation points to manifest said item or ability. These are earned in a variety of ways but the easiest is to buy them from the store however they can be earned for extreme deeds. To start awakening your potential, activate the screen, and apply the first level. That is all for now, if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask."

"Interesting," Damian spoke to himself out loud. He used a mental command to activate the character screen window.


level 0/1 waiting

HP 25

Manna 20


Strength 15

Dexterity 10

Stamina 15

Intelligence 10

Wisdom 10

charisma 10


Attribute 6

Skills 3

Tribute 0

Creation 0


*DING* please choose a class or free form leveling before applying your points. Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Freeform.

"I want to be a necromancer but I don't want to be stuck as just a caster type necromancer. How should I go about that?"

*BEEP* answer *WHIIIIIIR* *BEEP* "Choose freeform apply points manually place points in either Dexterity or Strength, Stamina, and Intelligence. primary combat depends on whether you are a speed-based character or strength-based. Stamina is congruent with Hitpoints and natural soak ratings. Intelligence is used for summoner type spells, you can have summon type active for every 10 intelligence you have. Remember that the store has many spells and skills that you can purchase and level up using skill points."

"cool. I'll do that." reaching out his hand he selects the freeform option. He chooses to put two points into Intelligence and Four points into Dexterity. After finalizing his choices searing pain shoots across his head as he doubles over clutching his head with both hands. *Ding* Wisdom +1 as your intelligence grows so do does the ability to withstand mental stress and fatigue Congratulations!

*DING* hidden quest FREEDOM INCARNATE! Reward: 6 Tribute Points 1 Creation point by selecting the free form option at level one you have started tapping into your unlimited potential.

Excitedly he activates the store and starts going through skills and spells seeing hundreds of them he starts narrowing down his search mentally looking for low-level necromancy spells finding two.

Raise Skeleton: cost 1 Tribute point Manna 5

Raises a single Skeleton Servant the stats are half an average person at level 1 but by spending skill points the skeleton servant will become stronger. Gaining five attribute points to each physical stat for each level. Synergy Undead Fortitude, Skeletal Restructuring, Bone Weapons, and Bone Armor, Death Knights.

Shadow Dance: cost 1 Tribute point Manna 1

By infusing your weapon or body with death magic essence the damage you deal bypasses the body striking the soul directly. Synergy Grasping Claw, Shadow Step, and Bone Weapons.

After purchasing these skills he chooses support skills finding one that was more expensive but caught his eye.

Arcane Eye: Tribute points 4 Manna 0 (passive)

suffusing your retina with the magical essences in the environment allows observing the way those essences flow. Synergy Particle Manipulation, and Particle Absorption.

He purchases this skill as well taking note of all the synergy skills. Using his skill points he levels all three up to level 2.

"Now that I am done with that I guess I should go to the village to learn more about this place." He starts walking toward the village when he sees an old man leaning against a gravestone with a shovel. The old man was wearing a long coat and rough spun clothing a large brimmed hat. He had long silver hair a large bushy beard and big bushy eyebrows. All in all, Damian thought he looked like an old cowboy. Damian walks to the old man who snores loudly. Shaking his shoulder the old man slowly opens his eyes looking at Damian.

"What do want kid? Can't you see I'm trying to rest?" the old man asks annoyed. His voice was gruff and gravelly sounding like he tried gargling dirt recently.

"Are you the grave keeper here?" Asks Damian.

"Yeah I am but I'm not digging any more this week. It's too much work."

"Actually I'm not a client I'm looking for a job," replies Damian as nonchalantly as he could "I'm traveling and need the coin."

"EH?" the old replies looking at Damian from the corner of his eye. "Tell you what. We been having trouble with Cadaver Dogs you take care of the pack I'll pay ye' per head. How's that sound, boy?"

"Sounds good, anywhere I can read about 'em so I know what I'm getting myself into here?" Damian replies.

"What? You don't know what a Cadaver Dog is." The man asked raising a large bushy eyebrow.

"Well, this isn't my first time hearing about them but it is the first time I'll be fighting them. I just want to be sure of what I'm going to dealing with that's all." Damian answered trying to sound honest.

"Hmm." the old man grunts. "Guess that makes sense. Yeah, there's a small library in town should have something about 'em in there."

"Thank you, oh uh I'm Damian by the way, Damian De'Cantour."

"Yeah, Yeah, You can just call me Rob most people 'round here do," he answers. "Just leave the heads on the front steps of the mausoleum I'll count them up in the morning and pay ye fer em afterward."

Damian walked into town most of the buildings were built of wood with a thatch roof. A few were built of stone with a sturdy foundation the library was one of these buildings. Damian sees a lady with graying hair behind a desk. "Excuse me. Could you point me towards the sections for history and about wildlife? Uh specifically looking for information about, I think Rob called them Cadaver Dogs."

The lady waves at him for a moment then her eyes widen when she hears about Rob "Ah you must be the help Rob hired, eh?" her voice whispy and hallow "Yes, yes of course. This book will be the one 'yer lookin 'fer 'bout them damnable dogs. As for the books on history, those will be over there in that area." She said pointing at the section in the back.

"Sorry, to bother you but I have just one more question. Do you have anything on magic here?" Damian asks.

The woman scoffs at Damians' question "This is Quenestara one of the most backwater towns in all of Elandrian, No we don't have any books on magic here." she answers shaking her head at the silliness of the question.

A few hours after Damian starts reading a familiar sound resounds in his head.

*DING* Intelligence +1

Damian smiles to himself as he gets the notification.

three hours later he hears another *DING* Intelligence +1 after reading for about 8 hours all together he hears another *DING* Intelligence +1 *DING* Quest Complete Reward: 1 Bonus Point

*DING* New Quest It is time for your first hunt head back to the graveyard and hunt the pack of Cadaver Dogs Reward +1 Bonus point +3 Tribute points.

He grins to himself as he leaves the library looking at his character panel again.



level 1/

Hp 25

Manna 25


Strength 15

Dexterity 14

Stamina 15

Intelligence 15

Wisdom 11

charisma 10


Attribute 0

Skills 0

Tribute 0

Creation 0


Raise Skeleton 2

Shadow Dance 2

Arcane Eye 2

"Looks like I get to put these to the test," Damian says with a grin as he starts walking to the graveyard. "time for my first hunt." Everything was happening so fast that Damian didn't have enough time to stop think about things, not yet at least.

I plan on releasing two chapters per week unless people show intrest.

Thank you.

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