
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 4 A Fine Fellow Indeed

Chapter 4 A Fine Fellow Indeed

Its voice a low whisper shadowy and whispy though there were no vocal cords it had a voice. It reached out and grabbed the creature's snout wrenching open its mouth freeing Damian's arm. The skeleton shoves the creature away bringing a fist down on the creature's head its maw snapping down on its tongue. The Cadaver Dog snaps at the skeleton's arm catching its wrist in its mouth. The skeleton shoves its hand towards the creature's eyes, shoving bony fingers in its eye sockets, followed by another loud screech the Cadaver dog headbutts the skeleton with a *cracks* a few of its ribs can be seen caving in. Purple smoke coalesces around the cracked rib bending them back into place. As a leg whips out at the side of the monster's head. The Cadaver Dog stumbles the skeleton jumps at the creature trying to hold it down. "finish it massster." the skeleton says looking expectantly at Damian bringing him to his senses, he moves to his feet and once again uses the ability Shadow Dance this time the black flames form around his feet as he starts kicking the creature.

*SCREECH* the creature keeps screeching until its last breath, Damian takes note that though there are no heavy visual wounds the creature has stopped breathing. Looking back at the skills he remembers that Shadow Dance says it strikes the soul directly.

*DING* +1 Tribute point for slaying low-grade enemy

*DING* Secret Quest Complete: Kill your first enemy, The first step is always the hardest making your first kill is the part of the path to breaking your binds Reward: +3 skill points +3 Tribute points

*DING* +3 tribute points first time killing a creature of this type

*DING* Manna and Health refill

Damian looks at his arm as he witnesses the flesh knitting back together before his eyes, Damian growls to himself as he sits down his back to the tombstone he hid behind. The skeleton starts to wander off staying in line of sight but wandering around seemingly aimlessly. Damian opens the store up to find he has seven Tribute Points looking at the synergies he notes that many of them are too expensive to buy at the moment. However, Bone Weapon only costs five points "Well might as well give him a weapon." Damian says out loud as he purchases the skill. Damian starts looking at the rest of the skills when he sees Find Familiar immediately he remembers his dog Blackie from childhood, just the thought of his pet makes him buy the skill.

Bone Weapon: cost 5 Tribute 1 Manna each weapon

By touching a corpse you gain the ability to use its remains to create weapons made from the corpse though lower levels cannot add special effects after level 10 this changes Synergies: Raise Skeleton, Shadow Dance, Skeletal Restructuring

Find Familiar: Cost 1 No Manna

This spell allows you to summon a creature to act as your familiar. Familiars grant many benefits including acting as a Manna battery depending on the level of the skill. Synergies: Arcane Eye, Particle Manipulation, and Particle Absorption



level 1/

Hp 25

Manna 25


Strength 15

Dexterity 14

Stamina 15

Intelligence 15

Wisdom 11

charisma 10


bonus 2

Attribute 0

Skills 0

Tribute 1

Creation 0


Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Arcane Eye 2


Find Familiar

Damian decided to put all three Skill Points into Bone Weapon to try to get to level 10 as soon as possible. Afterward, he goes over to the Cadaver Dogs corpse and activates Bone Weapon most of the bones disappear leaving behind only the head, the skill makes a few shortswords out of the bones which conveniently end up outside of the now shapeless flesh. He picks up one of the swords as the skeleton wanders over grabbing another. They hear growling closing in on the two of them as three more Cadaver Dogs start to walk out from between the tombstones. checking his manna, Damian sees he has around 20 manna left and three swords, with a grin he says "Looks like I'll be able to arm all of them." he says with a chuckle, forgetting once again about the trauma he suffered.

He activates Shadow Dance as both his weapon and the skeletons become covered in the black flame, Damian grins "I could get used to this. Try to keep their heads intact we need them for Rob." Damian says before running to one of the Cadaver Dogs and clumsily swinging the short sword.

The skeleton, however, moves with precision and skill, darting towards one of two cadaver dogs, and slashing at its neck with the blade. The creature lets out a howl that seems to shake the tombstones in the area, before snapping at the skeleton, who deftly dodges before bringing the blade around for another attack. The beast is struck on the side of its head before letting out a long hiss lowering its head and charging at the skeleton, the skeleton dodges low to the left before bringing the blade up under the jaw of the creature, piercing its blade through the back of its skull before it falls over dead.

*DING* +1 Tribute point

The skeleton turns its cold eyes towards the third Cadaver Dog, before cutting off the head of the creature it just killed as if to intimidate it. Meanwhile, Damian was not doing as well. His fighting style was nonexistent as he was untrained and seemed clumsy. His attacks weren't finding purchase on the slick disgusting hide of the creature he was fighting. When he heard the ding he waved his arm towards where the other battle was taking place. Willing another skeleton into existence when the cadaver dog's body exploded a second skeleton, this one white and clean, rising from viscera left behind, the skeleton rushed to the weapons on the ground picking up a sword before turning to assist the other skeleton.

The creature Damian was fighting lowered its head to charge at him as he jumped and landed on its back. His pants almost immediately soaking through with the decaying grossness, finally after several tries he brought the tip of his short sword down into the base of the skull of the creature, severing its spinal cord from its brain, its body trembled before collapsing.

*DING* Damian swung his blade a few more times decapitating it, *DING* looking at the two skeletons who had just killed the third creature, watching them stand there Damian thought they looked like they were smiling about killing the creature, the red skeleton brought both of the heads over. Then the two skeletons started wandering off in their own directions again. Damian created two more skeletons handing them both weapons. All four of them wandering around aimlessly, they seemed like fine fellows to him. Damian was getting ready to call over the skeletons and move back towards the mausoleum when he saw another creature in the distance dragging a body through a hole in the steel fence that he wouldn't have noticed if the large lizard-like creature wasn't moving through it.

Damian gulped, where was it taking that body? Cadaver Dogs usually ate their prey pretty much right on the spot, unless there was a Canine Ghoul that commanded it not to, but that couldn't be the case, right? Surely Rob would have said something about a Canine Ghoul, right?

I will be going on a family vactation soon and will not be publishing chapters for a little while, Thank you for your understanding.

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