
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 6 The First of Many (2)

Chapter 6 The First of Many (2)

Damian selected later, sadly he didn't get the heads of any of the corpses he just detonated but he also didn't think it was too important.

*DING* Dungeon Cleared hidden quest complete reward: 30 Tribute points, 5 creation points, Skill points 5

*DING* Dungeon will reset in 30 days upon reset it will return to its original settings.

"Hmm so it's a reoccurring grind zone but I think 30 days is too long to wait. I wonder if there are any other dungeons around here." Damian said to himself absentmindedly before sending all the skeletons into his Dimensional Safe and heading back to the mausoleum. After ejecting all of the Cadaver Dog heads from the Safe, he went inside to lay down just as he drifts off to sleep he hears a buzzing, not unlike the static sound on certain channels on tv.

Memory Initialization Activated

Replaying memory 27-4.21

It's dark when his bedroom slams open he closes his eyes tightly. as he hears the breathing getting closer to him, he suddenly catches a whiff of alcohol and cigarettes he can feel the stinking breath on his face as he hears a hoarse voice.

"You bastard why did you have to live? Why couldn't it have been your sister? You piece of shit, she should be here right now not you. I HATE YOU!" suddenly Damian feels himself being yanked out of his bed by his hair, when he opens his eyes he sees mothers face, she was sneering at him angrily, she reaches her hand back balling it into a fist before sending it into his stomach, he dry heaves his body trying to vomit but he hadn't been allowed to have dinner that night, he tries to scream but comes out, his eyes are wide with fear, she sends her fist into the side of his face.

Damian remembers this night this was the first time she beat him a week after his mother smothered his baby sister, she was drunk and didn't remember doing it, or at least that's what she said. Damian didn't believe her when she said she didn't know how it happened. Damian was sure she knew what she did and enjoyed it that's why she did it to him. Something clicked in his head when he thought that. As another fist flew into his face he started to crumple as he got yanked back to his feet ad her fist started coming down towards him again his arms came up to protect his face he glared at her defiance in his eyes. This was the day that his mother started destroying his self-confidence, As another fist crashed into his arms slamming them into his face. Damian had suffered through this kind of abuse for eight years before she finally put him out of his misery. Her hand grabbed his arm and as another fist rocketed towards his temple, everything went black.

He awoke to light shining in through the stained glass window he could hear Rob mumbling to himself outside the mausoleum, he cracked the door to the mausoleum and peer out it the old man from the day before was looking at over 30 severed Cadaver Dog heads, scratching the back of his head.

"Well I certainly didn't expect the boy, to take the whole den." he mumbled to himself barely audible to Damian. "Well I don have enough fer the boy I guess I'll go to the mayor and tell him that the person I hired cleared the den, and that I don 'ave nough ter pay 'im." he mumbled as he walked off. after he was out of sight Damian counted to 100 then snuck out and sat the steps unsure if he would be allowed to stay in the mausoleum or if that was against the rules.

Damian started thinking to himself about the dream or should he call it a memory, after a while he shook the thought from his and swore to himself that he'd never be in that predicament again. From now on anyone that did him wrong would have to pay for it. If it was a tooth for a tooth Damian would take three teeth for each one anyone took from him. Damian accepted the quest completion reward a box appeared in front of him in a small whirlwind. Damian opened the box inside was a pamphlet with the words "Polearm Combat Basics" on the front, a picture of a cloaked man wielding a spear with a long hooked blade attached to the end. As he picked up the pamphlet a message popped up saying, you can spend 1 skill point to instantly learn this skill foregoing the possibility of attribute training or you can learn it by yourself training your body at the same time, Damian decided that he wanted to wait till later to choose and threw it in his Safe.

A few minutes later he saw Rob in the distance walking towards his Damian suspected that it had been roughly an hour since he came out of the mausoleum. Rob came to a stop a few feet from Damian after giving a high whistle and clucking his tongue he asked "Ye did good kid what did you say yer name was?"

"Damian, Damian De'Cantour, Thank You for the compliment." Damian replied.

"How did ye get this many of 'em? By my estimates there was only around 5 or so." Rob asked eyeing the pile of severed heads.

"I noticed one was trying to take a body somewhere so I followed through a Hole in the gate. Speaking of which I put a pile of rocks near the hole so it will be easier to find so it can be repaired." Damian answered. "I followed to a den were there were around 30 or so."

"Ah I see, fer that many there should have been a Canine Ghoul, no?" Rob said.

"Yes, Sir there was." Damian replied.

"I assume ye left when you saw it, right. seems like we need to call the guild for a party to come clean it up." rob said absentmindedly seemingly sure of what he said.

"No sir, I did not run I killed it." Damian replied flatly.

"yeah it's ok I didnt expect you to, wait you said you killed it?" Rob asked the shock apparent on his face.

"Yes sir, Sadly I was able to bring you back its head, seeing as the creature, kind of, exploded when I killed it." Damian said shyness creeping into his voice.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Rob exclaimed.

Damian shook his head "Sadly, I can't tell you. I can tell you that I am not trained, so when I use my magic it kind of goes crazy sometimes." Damian came with what he thought was a plausible excuse.

Rob nodded "I have heard of exceptionally powerful people being unable to control the magic they use when they first start out, I thought it was all a bunch of hearsay to scare people. I guess not, do you have a college in mind the training can come in handy, and whatever town gets a large chunk of griffins from the kingdom. So you would be helping the town too." Rob said as if trying to sell a car.

Again Damian shook his head at the old man. "No I havent thought about it, the issue is I have no money so getting one will be difficult, its part of the reason im traveling, also im kind of worried that if I stay anywhere around people too long I might not be able to practice my magic since im worried it will go out of control."

"I'll tell you what stays here, be my apprentice practice yer magic away from the town, and ill pay ye fer helping out around the graveyard. help me hold ceremonies and dig the holes. leave 'erey thing else to me and I'll have the mayor build ye a place till ye feel comfortable then ye can join the guild till ye get enough coin to join a college."

Damian's eyes went round when he heard everything Rob was saying, "sure, sure that sounds amazing." Damian said in a bit of a daze.

All of that happened when Damian first got here, No he had been training for a year and a half.