
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 7 Moving Forward

Chapter 7 Moving Forward

After a year and a half of his stats and skills had changed dramatically.

Arcane Eye 5 Manna 0 (passive)

suffusing your retina with the magical essences in the environment allows observing the way those essences flow. Death, Life, Wind, Light, Darkness

Particle Absorption Tribute 20 Manna 0 (Passive)

You can now absorb the magical particles in the environment allowing you to save them for later use however you must be able to perceive them.

Particle Manipulation Tribute 20 Manna 0 Passive

You can now use the particles you have stored within yourself to power your spells instead of manna

Fire Bolt Tribute 5 Manna 5

Basic fire spell that is thrown at a range

Water Whip Tribute 5 Manna 5

Basic water spell that is used at range

Earth Gaunlet Tribute 5 Manna 5

Basic earth spell that is used for melee combat

Wind Step Tribute 5 Manna 5

Basic wind spell used to lighten your steps increasing speed and evasion

Healing Light Tribute 5 manna 1 per Hp

Basic life spell used to heal yourself or others

Skeletal Restructuring Tribute 15 Manna 5

Able to use skeletons as a medium for your bone spells

Undead Fortitude Tribute 20 Manna 15

Capable of strengthening your undead and bone spells durability and Damage of those spells spike dramatically

Scythe Skill (Beginner) Manna 0 (passive)

Capable of using the Scythe in combat you have mastered the basics, also the next stage has been unlocked in the Tribute store

In addition to the skills being further developed, he had learned that his cap on skeletons was the level times ten making it so that he could summon 20 skeletons at this moment. The issue was there were so many synergies he had lost track of them all. He also made a significant improvement to his attributes. The amount required to level up increased sharply as well. By level 10 he had only used the five attribute points from level one.



level 10/ exp 50/ 1,024,000

Hp 35

Manna 31


Strength 20

Dexterity 20

Stamina 21

Intelligence 21

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 2

Attribute 45

Skills 32

Tribute 31

Creation 5


Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Corpse Explosion 1

Undead Fortitude 1

Skeletal Restructuring 1

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 1

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

Particle Manipulation 5

Particle Absorption 5

Arcane Eye 5

Scythe Style (beginner)


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe

Ring of dark betrothal

He decided that if he was going to a college he would go to the Tyrin'Thal College. He learned that Tyrin'Thal was a land where magic was widespread, Necromancy, in particular, was legal there and used in many facets of daily life. From debt collection to construction necromancy was allowed everywhere in Tyrin'Thal. The issue was that Tyrin'Thal was very far away, almost on the other side of the content, he was at the border of Elandrin. And tuition was expensive as well, so at least he would have the time to make money on his way there.

During his time here he learned that there were four major kingdoms on the continent. Elandrin where he currently was was a place ruled by the sword with vast armies of knights who rode dragons into war, though there was magic here it was much rarer than some of the other kingdoms. Tyrin'Thal Was a land where not even death could get you out of work, if you had an outstanding debt the Necromancers of Tyrin'thal would trap your soul in your dead body and you would work off. The plus side being in Tyrin'Thal your debt was never passed down to your family. Then there was Blathagar focused almost exclusively on Magitech, the fusion of magic and technology. This land many races residing in it and was the only kingdom with what could equate to modern tech in Damian's mind. Finally, there was Alandal the land of magic it's said the manna was so thick that it would form dew and drip from the trees. Of course, there were other kingdoms but they were so small that they were barely holding on if any of the four larger kingdoms turned their eyes towards them, they would be wiped off the map.

Damian went to find Rob it didn't take long, Rob was just putting the finishing touches on a grave when Damian approached him from behind' "Ahem, I think I am ready to join the guild. I'll be heading into town to do that in a little bit. I just wanted to thank you again for all your help Rob." Damian stretched out his hand towards Rob.

Rob without looking back looks into the sky and says with a wistful expression on his face "Have ye decided what college yer joining yet?"

"Yeah I have, I want to join Middlebrook in Tryin'Thal. In my time here I have kind of become connected to this kind of atmosphere. Besides, I get along better with the dead." answered Damian.

"Hmm, seems so, Ye never really leave the graveyard except to cull the number o' them damn Dogs. Anyway guess it makes sense. Just know that I'll make sure that yer hut is still here if ye 'ere in the area and te rest." with that Rob looks at Damian and takes note of how he's changed over the last year and a half or so. Originally his long dark hair, dirty face, and dull brown eyes made him look an urchin, He was short and he didn't have much in the way of muscle at the time either. However, it was a contrast to the person before him now, Now he was tall almost 5'9 with an athletic build, his hair though still long and hanging messily, had been trimmed and was stark white. The most surprising change was his eyes had turned a deep violet. Damian bows before he starts walking towards town.

The path was long so it gave him plenty of time to think about what he was going to do when he joined the guild. He asked the system to give him information on learning about the guild and how it worked. This was a subsystem he discovered after it replayed a few of his memories from his previous life. It showed him the information as text taken from his memories and could then be read by the system. This gave him the ability to quickly remember everything he learned at a moment's notice. "The Adventurers Guild was formed in order to give adventures jobs, there is a hall in nearly every official town. Usually after joining the guild people will form teams of three to five, the number fluctuates. The guild has multiple levels of ranking within it starting at Copper and working its way up to Diamond."

"Huh," He made note of this "Like a videogames ladder rankings."

"Moving up in ranking requires you to prove yourself by completing a certain amount of missions. All levels are accessible through this ranking system except Diamond which only a privileged few gain access to because you must be able to prove yourself in an extreme situation. Anyone of any level can reach Diamond under the correct circumstances." The system finished just as he was reaching the doors to the Guild Hall. This was the first step towards the rest of his life.

Thank you to eveyone for their support, and a special shout out to Draken_Phenix for supporting this story since Chapter 4, Thank You.

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