
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 The First of Many (1)

Chapter 5 The First of Many (1)

Damian looked at his skills and activated summon familiar. the ground beside his feet bulged as a young black labrador crawled out of the dirt at his feet, it was a medium-sized pitch-black dog as if the shadows themselves coalesced into this four-legged form, the only exception being a white spot on its chest that went up to its neck and coved its chin which seemed to stand out against the black of the dog. Damian thought this dog looked like a more supernatural version of his dog from childhood and immediately named it Blackie after his pet puppy.

"Alright, Blackie follow that Cadaver Dog but not too closely find out where it is taking that corpse." The dog yipped wagging its tail before seeming to melt into a puddle of inky blackness, Damian watched as the puddle started moving between shadows almost losing it a few times amongst the graves. "Okay guys follow me, we are going to continue the hunt." He said as he started moving all of the skeletons started following him in an almost single-file line.

Damian moves to where he saw Cadaver Dog moving through the fence he took a few stones and made a small pyramid by the hole to mark it so he could tell Rob where it was before he climbed through the hole. Damian tried looking for the black puddle again when he felt something in his head tugging him to the left, he knew this was his connection to his familiar, after following it for about 20 minutes he came to a large hole in the side of a tree. Looking at it Blackie seemed to materialize from the shadows next to him while growling at the hole. Damian moved a little bit closer before being assaulted by a smell that was sweet and pungent taking a few moments he focuses his vision before making a startling discovery this hole was releasing the purple mist like a creek, Damian realized that this place would have to be full of Death Particles to be flowing like this. with excitement he took his first step into the hole.


RETREAT leave now and come back later

CLEAR clear the dungeon for mystery rewards

TAKE OVER take over the dungeon and start your domination of this region

"What?" Damian was confused "Take over? start my domination of the region? System why would I want to take over the place?" Anger showing in his voice.

"You will gain levels and experience faster, also, there are system settings that can only be unlocked after you have taken over your first region. These include building a settlement and recruiting for an official army. These will be very important for whatever path you choose to take."

"I am not taking over anything, I don't want to be a ruler." Damian answers his voice is hard and unwavering. "I choose Clear."

*DING* Clear Dungeon Kill all enemies within the dungeon then defeat the dungeon boss to clear it Dungeon Clear Reward: 1 Mystery Box, other rewards ??????

Damian opened his store and took note of the cost of a particular ability he was wanting that cost 10 tribute points.

"Alright boys lets go and see what we can do here." Black flames ignited on all of the weapons as Damian activated Shadow Dance. Damian walked through a narrow passage that seemed to have been made of damp stone, it seemed odd to Damian at the time that a tree would lead into a passage, and that the passage would be made of stone. As he was pondering this Damian came across a Cadaver Dog in a small chamber off the side that seemed to be guarding a wooden chest. With a mental command, the skeletons rushed in and almost instantly slaughtered the Cadaver dog it didn't stand much of a chance four on one. Damian cut off its head and clutched it with the rest. Just three more to go gaining tribute points wasn't as hard as he had thought it was.

Damian opened the chest and found a single ring, it was a silver loop that split partway up the finger holding a pitch-black stone inset in the shape of a coffin. Damian slipped it on his ring finger when he heard a *DING* and a few things came into his view as a hud showed up it showed a meter for his health, one for his manna as a third meter showed up Damian got a *DING* NEW SUBSYSTEM UNLOCKED EXPERIENCE congratulations on discovering this hidden system early Reward subsystem unlocked, New ability available for purchase in-store "Level Cap Increase" and "level cap removal"

"Cool. now I can see my health and manna in real-time and now I know that killing those creatures will give me experience, and I can level up without relying on quest rewards. hmmm, it seems I can increase my level cap or remove it completely but I imagine those are really expensive abilities. I guess it's time to really start hunting." Damian said to himself with a grin.

Checking his character screen a few new things showed up



level 1/ exp 50/100

Hp 25

Manna 25


Strength 15

Dexterity 14

Stamina 15

Intelligence 15

Wisdom 11

charisma 10


bonus 2

Attribute 0

Skills 0

Tribute 8

Creation 0


Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Arcane Eye 2


Find Familiar


Bone Sword

Ring of dark betrothal

"Let us go, boys." Damian said aloud. the next chamber they came across had three more Cadaver Dogs in it there was a pile of dead bodies in the room Damian got a wicked idea. Suddenly there were fifteen skeletons unarmed but glistening in the darkness the white of their bones giving a malicious glimmer in the chamber. the only light the white flames in the hallow eye sockets. the Cadaver Dogs were surrounded and beaten to death.


Damian commanded their heads be brought to him he then handed the heads to a few of the skeletons. He then had the ones with the heads stay with him as he made more weapons for the skeletons who eagerly grabbed them up before marching down the corridor wiping out all enemies that they came across. When Damian had 10 points he bought the skill called Dimensional Safe, It allowed him to save nonliving items in a portal that he could summon back out at any time. The skeletons had killed nearly thirty creatures when a message popped up in Damian's vision.


Damian and his army now twenty-five strong all wielding bone weapons covered in black flames marched confidently through the door. inside the room was nothing other than a pile of dead Cadaver Dogs. Damian grinned wickedly as he spent another 10 points to purchase a new skill.

Corpse Explosion Tribute 10 Manna 10

by infusing a nearby copse with Death particles and allowing them to go out of control causing a chain reaction that results in corpses exploding one after another. Capable of dealing huge amounts of damage and can instantly destroy undead. Synergies: Particle Manipulation, Raise Zombie, Bloody Corpse.

Damian points at one of the corpses. Suddenly there was a huge explosion followed by thirty more explosions, and then one more explosion.

*DING* Dungeon Cleared Accept Reward Now/Later

Thank you all for waiting for the next Chapter. Please leave a like and vote throw your powerstones at me.

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