
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 26 Betrayals Reward

Chapter 26 Betrayals Reward

"So Crimson was their father all along." Damian thought to himself.

"CRIMSON!" at the sound of Damians' voice The death knight's head snapped toward the direction of Damian.

"My Lord." the death bowed getting on one knee in the stance that was so familiar to him.

"Do you recognize who this is?" Damian asked he motioned towards Marrissa.

"I do, my Lord, she is my daughter and the one who attempted to take your life." Replied the death knight looking as if he was chewing something over in his mind.

"I suppose it is the parents choice of how to punish their children what do you think should be done for her crimes?" Damian asked.

"KILL HER, CUT HER, PUNISH HER." The screeches of the Banshee drowned out any other sounds. Damian simply held up his hand motioning for the enraged banshee to halt.

"If I may, my Lord, keep her alive you will need a gold rank adventurer in order to get into more of these dungeons. However, I propose that we have the Banshee shadow her and if she ever tries to harm another innocent for the Banshee to do as it sees fit." Damian let out a sigh at the death knight's reply, it was calculated taking into account what is best for both Damian and his daughter. The Banshee would force her to turn over a new leaf, while still allowing his daughter to live. Damian wanted to agree however he had to make sure his servant was still loyal to him.

"Crimson, where do your loyalties truly lie?" Damian asked, expecting a complicated answer.

"With you my Lord," the answer was immediate and one-sided. "While I know who she is and have my memories of being her father, sadly I am not fully reincarnated simply brought back under your control, my Lord." the answer was enough for Damian even more so after the system confirmed it to be true.

"Fine, let's do that then. Banshee," Damian started.

"My name is Martha, I heard what was said, since it still gives me a chance to eventually get my revenge I agree to do this, this chore." Martha interrupted looking at Marrissa in disgust who just hung her head in shame.

"Make sure you remember this moment Marrissa. Damian allowed Father to choose your punishment as soon as he found out. Even though he could have taken vengeance on you for what you did." Benny said as he cautiously approached.

"Says who, I may have been able," before she could finish the blade of the scythe was beneath her chin drawing the faintest bit of blood.

"Make no mistake, you are alive because of that man Marrissa, I was going to let Martha tear you apart, even though I easily could have done so myself. However, I think doing that would have me just like you and Marcus. Martha is only there to keep you from doing anything like that again other than that I don't care what you do with your life. As long as you do it after I become gold rank." Damian said the purple fire in his eyes burning larger than before.

------ ??????? PoV -----

*DING* System Operations Active.

"What again, so soon, System Activate Locate Protocol."


"System what is taking so long?"

The owner system is attempting to hide information on the location of disruption from the system admin subsystem, locating is taking longer than expected.

"What that's never happened before, has any of the previous chosen had the system owner tag?"

Negative all previous chosen on record have a system admin tag.

"Shit, shit, shit."

Location found event still underway Retrieval Protocol Activated, Retrieval Protocol blocked.

"FUCK! Fine show me the location and set up a transport circle."

Completed transferral in 3, 2, 1,

----- Damian's PoV -----

Suddenly all of the space particles rushed to the center of the room and a blinding silver light flashed, the silhouette of a being could barely be made out through the light. "Damn it I hope I'm not late and nothing happened to the carrier, FUCK!" a deep booming voice was heard. "What the actual fuck is going on here?" the figure asked voice booming as a small army of skeletons stood behind Damian and Crimson.

"System Delete: Skeletons." The voice stated loudly shocking Damian.

"NO! They're mine," Damian shouted barring his teeth from under the hood.

*DING* System Owner has ordered the system to ignore the order of the System Admin, will the owner take responsibility for repercussions?

"YES!" Damian shouted in joy.

"Ok, listen here you little shit. Who are you and how do you have ownership of the system?"

"PFFFFT, aren't you supposed to state your name first?" Damian responded crossing his arms as the shadows faded away revealing Damian with all wounds healed. The blood was still visible on his clothes as were the holes in the back and the chest. Marrissa turned her head away from the scene as she started to sob quietly.

"What the hell? Were you in an aspect form just now?" The stranger was shaking his head in disbelief as he stepped out of the light revealing his appearance. "Shit, Ok, ok. I am Ellevan and I am a watcher. It is my job to make sure that the chosen don't use their power to do shit like destroy the world. Which judging from the army behind you, you plan on doing." the figure was tall standing at six-five with blue hair that barely went to his neck, he would have had a flat top if not for his bangs on the right side of his face nearly reaching his chin. Apart from that, he reminded Damian of the main character of a series of movies about robots going back in time to kill the savior of the human race and stop judgment day.

"You're wrong I don't want to rule or destroy the world or whatever it was I just want to fucking is that so hard to understand. Between you and the clown-faced ass hat earlier, I don't which is worse." Damian answered shaking his head. Sighing he replied "Damian, Damian De'Cantour, and I guess I'm one of these chosen."