
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 A New Discovery

Chapter 25 A New Discovery

Shaking his head while letting out a breath Damian looked at the ground, He balled his hand into a fist as he ground his teeth. "No, you should just leave." Damian looked up his eyes glowing purple in the dark. Taking a step back Marcus's top lip pulled back revealing a sneer.

"You think just because you beat me when I wasn't ready for a fight that you're tough shit, huh kid. Well I have a secret for you, I never planned on fighting you this time." Marcus said through a clenched jaw "Fucking kill this twerp I want that Inheritance." Marcus stated.

"Don't do this, if you do you'll regret it." Damian said as a sharp pain spread through his chest. He looked down to find the tip of a familiar dagger sticking through his chest. Turning behind he looked Marrissa in her eyes. "I tried to warn you, I won't go easy," Coughing up a mouthful of blood "on you." wiping blood from his mouth he looked Marrissa in the eyes as she slashed out with her hand slicing through his throat.

*DING* Death imminent Respawning at last save point. Conditions have been met Reapers Aspect will be activated, Blueprints for Reapers Aspect set will be available for purchase in-store.

Damian saw himself fading into silver motes of light "Strange I didn't feel nearly as bad as when that masked man put a hole in my chest." He thought to himself as the motes dissipated into the air.

"WHAT THE HELL WHERE IS HIS BODY! NOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THE INHERITANCE." Marcus shouted shoving people out of the way as he ran towards the body that had just finished disappearing.

Lisa fell to the ground crying her hope to stop Marcus had died. What's worse is he didn't even try to fight back. Ben and Sam went to console her.

"Wrong question asshole." A familiar voice echoed throughout the room. "What you should be asking is, How is my lame ass going to escape?" a purple and black vortex with sparks of silver appeared in the doorway. From the vortex stepped a human visage that had shadows clinging to it, two purple lights lingered where the eyes would be that seemed to burst into flames. reaching out its hand a smaller purple vortex appeared that its hand disappeared into pulling it back out it held a scythe taller than the 6-foot tall being was. The long handle was made of blackened bones, and what appeared to be an obsidian blade jutted from a skull at the top of the scythe. Purple wisps gathered and danced around the blade, sobbing could be heard from the blade giving it an off-putting presence.

"I warned you, You'd regret doing that. Now pay the price of the lives you taken." From behind the figure, skeletons stepped out of the vortex. 90 skeletons formed an unruly barely contained mob behind Damian.

"MASSSTER, Allow me to take that ones life." The red skeleton pointed toward Marcus, "The one who took my life will pay with his."

"Necromancy, Blasphemy." spouted one of the men that came in with Marcus.

"Done. Do not harm those three." Damian stated while pointing toward Lisa, Ben, and Sam. "As for the rest, Kill them," Damian stated as black flames covered the weapons of his small army.

Crimson wasted charging Marcus with a long sword and shield made of bones. A blue layer formed around Damian as Marrissa seemed to vanish from her spot, however, Damian could see the particles of shadow that were clinging to her trying to help her blend into the dark. His eyes never left her as she darted behind him. Her Dagger clanged off the blade of the scythe that Damian held. "KILLER." A shriek was heard when Marrissas' dagger made contact with the blade, As a purple claw reached out from the blade to claw at the young lady.

Marrissa dodged with a backflip before realization dawned as to where she had heard that voice before. "Ma-Mar-Martha."

"You killed me." the voice echoed from the scythe.

Meanwhile, Crimson as Damian had dubbed the skeleton was expertly dodging and blocking Marcus's fists. "You killed me, and my wife. You will die." the skeleton whispered as a bright light shined from the shield. "Bulwark." it muttered. "This time we fight fair." the skeleton said its demeanor changing as it fought. The dodging stopped as shadows crawled up its legs giving the skeleton shape.

Rolling its neck the no longer skeleton looked at Marcus "The real fight starts now, are you ready for a fair fight? IRON BODY." the skeleton shouted. Wind and Earth Particles swirled around the figure as a figure stood in the center. Bennys' mouth hung open he recognized the figure. The broad shoulders the stance the long black hair that hung from the shadowy figure.

"Dad." Ben muttered.

"BULLSHIT," Marcus shouted charging the figure. "COLOSSAL FIST."

"Wrong," Crimson muttered easily batting the stone-covered fist aside. "Lithranq Style: First Form Spiked Wall." A light shined from the shield as it was thrust forward spikes jutting from it pierced Marcus' body. "Lithranq Style: Second Form Iron Maiden." The figure danced around the furious Marcus whose punches were becoming wilder. where ever the shield went it left behind a spiked wall. "Collapse." the wall rapidly closed in on Marcus impaling his body from multiple angles. Blood dripped from his mouth as he stared defiantly at Crimson. "I see you're still alive. Nonetheless, this is your end. Iron Maiden Second Technique: Rend." with that statement from each of the spikes more grew, most from inside Marcus' body. There was very little of Marcus left afterward he resembled the victim of a horrible car accident as the light faded away.

Damian and Marrissa stared at each other as a spectral purple figure appeared between them.

"GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH." The figure let out a scream that caused many of the humans to cover their ears the ones closest to the spectral figure's ears started bleeding including Marrissa who also had blood streaming down from her eyes as if she were crying.

*DING* Congratulations on your first Banshee

*DING* Spirit Servitude skill has been earned

*DING* Your Skeleton: Crimson has been upgraded to a Death Knight Congratulations

Damian looked over at where Crimson was standing the look of surprise evident on his face. When Marrissa looked over where his eyes she dropped her daggers "Father. You brought back my father." she looked at Damian who only stared at the figure.

HUZZAH Chapter 25, it has taken a long time to get to this point. Thank You to everyone who is still reading at this point. Remember that if you are enjoying the story to vote, and add to your library. Thank you again for your shows of support.

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