
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 27 Going Deeper

Chapter 27 Going Deeper

"Well, obviously you're one of the chosen and a special one from what I can tell. I've never run across someone labeled as an owner by the system before." Ellevan stated. "Wait what clown-faced person are you talking about?"

"He called himself the Jester, The bastard nearly killed before saying something about being disappointed and teleporting away." Damina said his brow furrowing as he clenched his fist.

"Fuck Jester was here and just left, are you sure?" Ellevan said as a flash of light glinted off a piece of platinum hanging from around his neck.

"Pretty sure he told me to survive and get stronger that the next time we met we would have a duel for the ages." Damian replied raising an eyebrow at his reaction and squinting his eyes trying to get a better look at his face. "Why do you ask, other than he's a freak, I mean."

"Not just the Jester but the entire Triumverate is dangerous if the jester knows about you then that means the rest will soon as well. The system can only protect you for so long."

"Hey, uh, Damian can I ask what this system you guys are talking about is?" Bennys voice echoed from behind Damian. Who glanced back towards him surrounded by skeletons protectively.

"Uh, right, It's the name of my inheritance it's just called the system." Damian replied absentmindedly.

"Ok, but what is a system?" Samuel asked while looking at the skeletons while holding his chin as if pondering their mysteries.

"Hmm, I suppose the best way to describe it is a very advanced form of magic, one that helps in growth and knowledge gathering." Damian's reply seemed to light a fire in Samuels's eyes.

"Oh kind of like the form of magic that they use for Magitech right?"

"Right. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the magic used for Magitech is a very basic form of my system, I'm almost sure of it." Damians' response took Ellevan by surprise.

"It is the one who advanced Magitech research to the degree it's at now is a chosen as well, and a member of the Triumverate" Ellevan started nodding. "The one who left behind this inheritance actually broke it into multiple parts referred to as shards or fragments. Each of them has a name and based on the name it tells you what each fragment focuses on. Speaking of which, which Fragment do you have?" Ellevans eyes narrowed at Damian as he pursed his lips.

"I believe it called itself Demilaxas." Damian responded.

Ellavans eyes widened as he heard what the young man in front of him said. "Demilaxas are you sure?" he asked grabbing Damian by the shoulder. A smile appeared on his face for the first time since they started talking.

"Yeah, that sounds right, what the hell has gotten into you?" Damian asked shoving his hand off his shoulder.

"AH-HA, IT WAS YOU THAT I SENSED THEN! THIS IS GREAT." Ellevan replied. Before getting a glare from Damian

"Why is it so great and yeah of course I'm the one you sensed that why you're here right are you dense?" "Ok, ok look the Triumverates rulers are all members of the chosen who have decided to use the system to try to gather more power and eventually try to take over and rule. There are technically more than three but the ones who it is named after are chosen and strong ones at that. With you accounted for that means there are only two more chosen who are unaccounted for. But to think that the one chosen by Demilaxas would choose necromancy as his focus it's ironic considering his sons' death kind of drove him off the deep end." He eyed Damian with a slight hint of suspicion.

"He said he had watched me from a young age, perhaps I remind his fragments of his son. I have always straddled a line close to death even now I work in a cemetery. Anyway enough about that get back to this Triumverate." Damian said waving the matter away.

"Right, right that makes sense I can see that. right, all three members of the Triumvirate are Diamond grade adventurers the only one Diamond grade adventurer is not a member of the Triumverate in fact. First, off you should know that are four Diamon rankers and Jester is the only one not bound to a kingdom. He is dangerous and generally regarded as the strongest of the Diamond grade adventurers. He is also as far as I can tell the leader of the Triumverate. Then there is Miika Trell a shadow and fire mage with a dark side. I think she has killed more innocent people than any of the other members. She is also the one who worked on the Magitech. Lastly, there's Balthazar Miganore generally the swordsman in the kingdom. He's the king's chief war advisor, a tank of a man who only uses magic to enhance himself or as weapon arts. He can wield any weapon he picks up but he prefers the sword. Triumvirate has members everywhere I'm not sure how many people know that the group they work for is a bunch of psychopaths. Many are just fairly normal people who don't like the way things are being ruled."

"Hmm, I see. Why don't you come back to town with us? We can finish our conversation on the way, if what you say is true I don't want to stay here." Damian said as he started heading on his way out. He heard all the skeletons start walking behind him the unmistakable sound of bones connecting to stones as an idea dawned on him. He sent them all back to his vortex other than Crimson, "Crimson?"

"Yes my Lord. I am here. Are you able to train the skeletons at all while in the vortex?" Damian asked raising an eyebrow.

"I can if the made to be my regiment."

"Your regiment?"

"Yes as a death knight I can control the same number of soldiers as you, I however cannot raise them on my own. So I would permission to command the army for you my Lord." Crimson replied with a bow.

"Do it, That army is yours, train them well it sounds like things may start getting complicated soon." Damian said as he sent Crimson back through the vortex. A small grin came across his lips. With Crimson as a death knight he could double the size of his army soon he will be able to take Gold rank dungeons without lifting a finger. "System can I create Death Knight on my own now?"

*Death Knights are a special evolution only specific undead able to retain enough of their former self to become a Death Knight. It is important to note that Death Knight is the term used for any evolved undead that is proficient with martial prowess. They need not be a knight in life Rouges, Fighters, and Guardians can all become Death Knights should the right stipulations be reached.*

"Excellent." Damian thought the smile on his face would have made people question what dark thoughts were going through his head at that moment. Good thing everyone else was behind him.

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