
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 24 The battle in the Golden Rank Dungeon

Chapter 24 The battle in the Gold Rank Dungeon

Canine Ghouls were easy for him to kill if he used his corpse explosion spell. The problem was that Necromancy was outlawed in this kingdom and he didn't want anyone to report him he just couldn't bring himself to trust these people yet.

Stepping into the room Damian got the familiar notification.


Damian gave a small smile at least he knew his progress was saved even if he didn't know what that meant yet, hopefully, he wouldn't have to find out. However, glancing to his side at Marrissa he was sure that after this boss was taken care of he would be finding out.


The blue lights of the fire lighting up in the braziers cast an eerie glow as shadows seemed to dance on the floor cast from the pile of bodies and pillars that lined the room. The room was large other than the pile of dead bodies it was empty easily fifty feet wide the room didn't give much space between the pile and the walls the fight would be tight. Damian estimated the ceiling to be about fifty feet high coming to a dome shape towards the center adding another ten feet at its peak.


As the door came rumbling to a close everyone flinched, there was now no way to escape if they couldn't win they would die.


The growl was coming from the center of the room from beneath the pile of corpses. The pile was starting to rise with the sound out from beneath the mound of bodies. A large triangular shape was seen emerging from the bodies as they started to rise. A flash of red denoted the beast opening its eyes. There was a sudden movement from the opposite end of the pile.


As the beast moved its tail it destroyed the bottom part of a pillar. The head slowly turned towards the group of adventures a forked tongue at least three feet long flicked out of its mouth.


The sound was deafening Lisa and Samuel had to cover their ears. Before they could get their bearing the beast lunged forward its gaping maw revealing three rows of arm-length razor-sharp teeth. Damian Reached out with lightning reflexes grabbing Lisa before tossing her unceremoniously to the side behind a pillar. It wouldn't stop the monster but it might slow it down.

Benny Dashed in front of Samuel Slamming his shield into the ground a bright wall of energy appeared as Benny shouted "BULWARK". Marrissa's presence faded as the beast made contact with Bennys shield skill. She appeared next to the beast in an instant slashing her dagger into one of its eyes. With another deafening hiss, it shook its head flinging the annoyance away before whipping its tail towards her while she was still mid-air. Its tail suddenly halted mere feet from impacting her Damian stood holding its tail in place with one hand. His strength score was inhuman monstrous even. If a group of human adventurers could fight this thing then he shouldn't have too much of an issue.

Pulling the tail with all his strength Damian managed to pull it back a few feet before it dug its claws into the ground leaving behind foot wide gashes on the hard stone floor.

Damian started activating spells as his silhouette flashed with different colors. Suddenly he disappeared from his spot his image still visible as he appeared beside the beast for a moment a black flame could be seen dancing on his fist as it collided with the side of the monster's head the momentum of the blow sending both boy and beast back quite a few feet.

Damian was on the move as soon as his feet touched the ground darting towards the creature appearing in front of it he sent his fist into its chin picking the front half of his body off the floor with the blow. Before launching his leg forward with a piston-like motion flinging the beast back into a wall. the pile of corpses exploding on impact left a grisly scene of chunks of rotting flesh and purple viscera on the wall. Marrissa appeared next to the beast as it was slamming against the wall digging her dagger into its other eye. Benny slammed his shield against the beast as it hissed in pain and anger thrashing from side to side. However, it was unable to get any traction on the ground and its armor of dead bodies was destroyed.

It tried clawing, tearing, and biting but its bulk was not made to be in an upright position. Unable to reach the pesky creature holding its place Damian created a scythe made of ice as he started slashing into the soft underside of the beast. Marrissa had successfully detached one of its limbs. Damian opened a gash that went from the center of its chest almost down Bennys head then another vertically just above Benny's head. As purple and black viscera seeped over Bennys body the beast stopped moving as the light disappeared from what was left of its eyes.

Benny moved from in front of it letting it collapse on the floor another mess of entrails erupted from beneath it.


Three Items had dropped from the monster.

One a large chunk of flesh, one sword, and a staff.

*Canine Ghoul Hide Cloak* This cloak made of the flesh of the Canine ghoul is capable of driving away most monsters, the scent it carries is so foul that most beasts will not eat whoever wears it.

*Ghoul Claw Blade* A sword that is capable of rapidly infecting wounds, it carries a menacing aura that reeks of death.

*Lesser Staff of Corruption* Adds a pestilent effect to any Damage dealing spell cast using it as a focus, causes the afflicted to have boils and sores can cause a mild bleeding effect.

"I want the sword." The first words benny spoke since the fight had started. A slight smile played at the corners of his mouth as still covered in purple and black sludge. Damian created a sphere of water by faking motions before bursting it over his head.

"I don't care, I only came so I can join the group so I can reach gold rank as soon as possible." Damian said with a shrug something, he hadn't gotten the dungeon clear message from the system. something was off and he was starting to worry.

"I know I didn't do anything but can I have the staff?" Asked Lisa shyly. Samuel didn't even ask and just took the cloak throwing it over his shoulders. Marrissa's nose wrinkled as the scent of the cloak reached her causing her to almost vomit.

"Yeah, take it. You're the only real caster other than Damian and he doesn't seem to need the help." Marrissa replied after getting a hold of herself.

Samuel cut out the crystal and started dissecting the monster for useful parts. Just after they had gathered everything the doors swung open and a giant of a man followed by six strolled in.

"Congratulations on killing the beast." Marcus said with a sneer "Now how about we get down to business.

Thank you to everyone reading my story. Remember if you like the story to vote and add it to your library. I figure that if I see enough support for the story I can start posting chapters more often. Thank you.

Lothos_Carpathiacreators' thoughts