
Revival and Redemption: The new God of Flesh

Betrayal is a funny thing; everyone says it clear as day to see until it happens to them. That's when you start. You see how blind you were, and you realize that you lost the only one that cared for you, the one that doesn't give a shit about you. After this betrayal, Klaus is given a second chance at life. Now, he will see the world for what it really is, live for himself, and never be used by others again.

Fuckinghell69 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Dungeon boss

Looking at the large door, I took a deep breath before opening it. As it opened, I felt an oppressive air surround me; it began to push down on my body. 

"Master, I have a bad feeling about this," Simon said in a cold sweat.

"I feel the same way," I replied before taking a step back. 

Looking in the dark room, I ordered one of the warriors to go inside. As the warrior rushed into the room, I listened for the sounds of fighting, but all I heard was a loud screech and then the sound of stones falling.

[Flesh Warrior has been turned into stone by Lv.75 Medusa]

[Flesh Warrior has been killed by Lv.75 Medusa

Reading the notification, I began to look through the system to see if there was any way to deal with Medusa. After a few minutes, I found two things: a monster that didn't need its eyes to see the blind king bat. Using Attribute steal, I gave the rest of my warriors the hearing attributes of a bat while taking away their sight.

"Simon, you say here, let us deal with this," I said before giving myself the attribute and rushing into the room.

-The attribute has given temporary skill: Echolocastion[Lv.1]

Before Simon could reply, we were gone. Entering the room, I couldn't help but stubble while getting used to the skill, unlike my warriors, who had already started attacking Medusa.

Once I got my bearings, I opened my book and activated Thorn Prison. As the vines held her down by the arms and legs, my flesh warriors kept attacking, clawing, punching, and biting, but the damage they did was too small.

Activating flesh burst; I was surprised when the skill only caused her arm to blow off. Even though it took off a big chunk of health, it wasn't enough.

[Lv.75 Meduas has entered enrage stat: +50% stat boost for three minutes]


Looking at the enraged Medusa, she broke out of the constraints and stabbed two warriors in the chest, ripping their hearts out and killing them.

Using flesh control, I drained all the poisonous blood from the two corpses and surrounded Medusa in a ball of blood. Thinking the blood would poison and kill her, I let out a sigh of relief. But to my misfortune, it only angered her even more.

[Bloodline trait activated: Complete Poison Immunity]

"Fuck I should have seen this coming," I sighed. 

With one more idea, I placed my hands on the ground and activated the bone field. Immediately, I felt my body become connected with the group as hundreds of bones were being created and removed.

With the field set, I ordered the flesh warriors to hold her down. As they did, I watched as she trashed and ripped their heads off before they could touch her. Without hesitation, I activated the bone field.

Once I did, hundreds of metal bone spikes shot out of the group and covered the boss room. Thinking I had hit her, I looked up, but the only thing I saw was a fist hurdling towards me. 

As the first connected, I was launched back into the wall. As I hit the wall, I could feel that my jaw was broken, and so were a few ribs.

[Critical Hit: -900 HP]

As I struggled to stand up, I could feel my body shake from the pain. Using flesh control, I lowered my pain receptors to the lowest. 

No longer feeling any pain, I charged at Medusa, who let out a blood-curdling screen that caused my ears to bleed. 

Still charging at her, I used all the flesh stored in my body and created a giant scythe from my arm. Winning the scythe, I prayed that it would do enough damage to kill her. Before the scythe made contact, she opened her mouth and spoke for the first time.


As she yelled, I watched as dozens of magic circles appeared around here, each of them summoning a statue of an angle that covered their eyes.

[Medusa has used Skill: Weeping Angels- These are angels that were sympathetic to what Medusa went through, and to help her get her vengeance, they became her servants. Do not look away from them, or your death is assured]

"Fuck" I spoke, coughing up blood and falling to my knees. 

Looking at my arm, I watched as the scythe became a puddle of blood and bones. With no other option, I created over a dozen eyes around my head to watch each statue while also trying not to make eye contact with Medusa. 

(I got too confident; even though her level hasn't reached 100, her skills make up for it. How the hell is this just a D-rank dungeon)

Forcing my adrenalin glands to pump a continuous flow of adrenalin, I stood up with shaking legs. Opening my book, I looked for any skill that would get me out of this mess. As I struggled to dodge her attacks while reading the book, my eyes finally landed on a skill.

-Death's door[Lv.MAX]: Can only be activated when at one HP. This skill will kill everything within a 50-meter radius, but that means it could also kill your allies][Cooldown: 30 days]

"Fuck I don't have any other choice; SIMON, RUN AWAY FROM HERE. KEEP RUNNING UNTIL YOU CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!!!" yelling these words, I could only hope that Simon listened to me and ran away.

Looking at my health, which was at 97 points remaining, I stood in the middle of the room as Meduas stared at me with blood-red eyes. 

Getting rid of my other eyes, I looked back at Medusa, who had a large grin on her face when she made eye contact with me. Once we made eye contact, I felt my body stiffen. Looking down at my legs and arms, I watched as they slowly became stone.

[WARNING!!!!: The skill Petrification has been used on the host]

As my health drained, more of my body became stone; I felt a sense of dread run down my back.

"That's right, human, you feel it, don't you? The feeling of death creeping up on you," Medusa said, moving closer to me with a smile.

"NO, I already died once, so what if I die again? As long as I get to bring you down, I don't mind," I grind, looking down at my open book.

"What are you doing? You can't cast a spell; you can't even move," 

"Funny, didn't realize anything during the fight," I said with a grin as my neck turned to stone. 

Hearing my words, I could see her begin to think back to the fight and all the movements I had made. After a few seconds, she looked up at me with wide eyes. With a scream, the weeping Eagles charged at me. Their once-covered faces now exposed a twisted frown that gave off a murderous aura. 

[Condistion meet]

[Skill: Death's door Activated]

As my face turned into stone, I read the notification with my remaining eye. Once it activated, a dark aura exploded from my body at a terrifying skill. As it made contact with the angles, they all fell to the ground, not moving. 

Seeing this, Medusa attempted to run away, but the aura caught up with her, and her body fell to the ground with a thud.

[Congradulastion: You have killed the hidden boos Medusa]

x13[Level up]

New Title: The Taste of Death: You will always remain perfectly calm when in a life-threatening sisuation/+10 stat boost when health is under 5%]

As I heard the notification, my body began to return to normal. Once all the stone was gone, I fell to the ground. Unable to move from my body, being in a terrible state, I could only wait as the system healed my body.

After a few minutes, my body was mostly healed. All that was felt was soreness and mental fatigue.

Now able to move my body, I walked up to Medusa's corpse. Without hesitation, I absorbed her body. As I did, I received a notification that surprised me.

[Would you like to merge Medusa Bloodline: Y/N]

After pressing yes, I was bombarded with even more notifications. I also felt my body change; my eyes became sharper, my body felt lighter, and my mind felt clearer.

[You have absorbed Medusa Bloodline]

[New Skill: Petrification[Lv.1]: When activated, any living being that makes eye contact with you will be turned into stone. The opponent must be five levels lower than you/Angel Summoner[Lv.1]: Summon up to five stone angles that will do your bidding; their stats will be half of your current stats]

[New Trait: Complete Poison Immunity]

[New Bloodline connection: Dragon Bane: +10% exp. When killing monsters/+50% exp. from killing dragons]

[Increased Lifespan]

[All stats have increased: +75]

"Woah, no wonder she was a hidden boss; this is amazing," I said, opening my stats.

Name: Klaus Baskerville

Race: Human/Gorgan

Age: 17

Class: Dark Priest[Lv.53]

Title: Cult leader/Taste of Death/Dragon Bane


HP: 1,220/1,220 ->2,500/2,500

MP: 17,200/17,200 -> 30,000/30,000


Strength: 200 [250]

Agility: 220 [270]

Endurance: 200 [250]

Wisdom: 250 [300]

Unassigned Stat Points: 159 ->0


Skills: Flesh Control[Lv.78]Command[Lv.8]Petrification[Lv.1]Angel Summoner[Lv.1]

Sub-Skills: Attribute Steal[Lv.12]Surgeon[Lv.1]: Your control over the human body is perfect

Bloodline Skill: Abbysal[Lv.1][Locked]Complete Poison Immunity[Lv.1]

Glad with the large jump in my stats, I was about to leave when something appeared in the center of the room. It was a pedestal, and on top of it was a golden dragon egg. 

[Anceint Gorgan Egg: Feed it your blood every day for six months to hatch it]

"Would you look at that now? Isn't that funny," I said, placing the egg in my inventory.

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