
Revival and Redemption: The new God of Flesh

Betrayal is a funny thing; everyone says it clear as day to see until it happens to them. That's when you start. You see how blind you were, and you realize that you lost the only one that cared for you, the one that doesn't give a shit about you. After this betrayal, Klaus is given a second chance at life. Now, he will see the world for what it really is, live for himself, and never be used by others again.

Fuckinghell69 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Adventures guild

After receiving all the rewards from the boss, I left the room and made my way to the exit. When I exited the cave, I was met by Simon hugging me, tears running down his face.

"M-master...I I thought you died!" Simon cried

"I'm sorry I worried you, Simon; I'm glad that you got away," I replied, hugging him back.

"I didn't want to run. After I heard your words, my body started moving on its own. I couldn't control myself," Simon explained, wiping his tears.

[The skill Command forced Simons's body to run away]

(I see, I'm glad) I thought 

"Master, what happened in there? All I heard was yelling and loud bangs?" Simon asked, looking up at me

"Nothing. I just had to use a skill that could hurt you, that's all," I replied with a small smile.

"I see, but why are all your clothes tattered," Simon said with a red face.

Looking down at my clothes, I realized that half of my top had been torn, and part of my pants had ripped off. 

[Don't worry, host your clothes can be repaired by placing them in the inventory. Also, what they look like can be changed]

(That's very convenient) I thought 

"Let's get going then. I want to speak with the guild, but first, I would like some breakfast," I said before picking up Simon. 

"HIII, master, I can walk on my own put me down," Simon said with a blushed face.

"It will be faster this way," I said with a grin before dashing towards the house. 


With my new stats, a walk that took us 30 minutes, I was able to run in two minutes without any problem. When we reached the house, I placed Simon down, who was struggling to stand up and threw up after a few seconds.

"Master, I am never doing that again," He said, wiping his mouth.

"Really, I enjoyed holding you; I guess I won't hold you anymore," I said, teasing him.

"W-wait... you can hold me...j-just go slower next time," he said, covering his face.

Entering the house, we both took a bath and then ate breakfast. Before, we created two flesh warriors with my remaining reserves, and thanks to my increased control, I was able to increase their upgrades even more. 

With two new warriors in my Inventory, we left the house and made our way to the Adventures guild. I offered Simon to carry him there, but the first ride quickly shook his head no.


When we finally arrived at the city, we walked inside; as we walked, we realized the streets were empty near the city entrance. The deeper into the city we walked we could hear loud cheering, and in the sky were fireworks made from magic. 

"Is something special happening today?" Simon asked

(That's right, how could I forget? Today is the day they got married) I thought, remembering my past life

[Host, control your anger. Your bloodlust is out of control]

"...Uhm, master, is everything okay?" Simona asked nervously

"...Yeah, I was just thinking about something," I sighed, controlling my anger.

(Not yet, Klaus...not yet)

[A/N: Time for some back story]

15 years ago...

It happened when I was twelve; my family lost its title because, apparently, my father wasn't paying enough for the tributes to the Kingdom of Baelnoc. It was only after my father was killed and my mother was taken from me that I found out the truth.

"Hey Klaus, I want to end our engagement,"

"Wait, why?"

"My mother told me your family has lost their title, and I could not marry you,"

"My father said that was just a rumor,"

"Stop it, Klaus; we both know it's not a rumor; don't make this harder than it has to be," 

"Wait, Lilian, please wait!" 

Those words were the last ones she spoke to me before she got engaged with the second prince.


"You really are a fool, Klaus," Hareld, the second prince, spoke to me with a sigh. 

"Please, Hareld, speak with your father; please spare my parents," I said, begging in front of my old childhood friend.

"You really don't get it yet; who do you think told my father to end your family," Hareld said with a large grin.

"Wa-wait...what do you mean,"

"You should know I always wanted Lilian, but she was already engaged to you, so I had to choose someone else, but then I realized she can't marry you if you are no longer a noble. So what did I do? I asked my father to remove your title as a Baron and have your parents killed," Hareld explained with a large smile.

"...y-you had my parents killed...you bastard. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!," 

The anger I felt at that moment was like no other. All the words I spoke to him came from so deep in my heart that nothing else mattered to me. Even when the guards dragged me away, I kept yelling until I lost my voice.

Present time...

With a sigh, we walked towards the guild hall. When we walked inside, I was glad to see that it was empty for the marriage ceremony. Walking up to the only receptionist, he greeted us with a small smile.

"I wish to speak with the guild master," 

"I'm sorry, but the guild master is very busy; if you would like to give her information, please send a letter," The receptionist explained.

"It's about a hidden boss in the D-rank dungeon,"

When I said this, the receptionist's eyes went wide before he ran up a nearby staircase. After a few moments, he returned and told us to follow him.

Walking up the stairs behind him, we followed him into a large room that was beautifully decorated with the guild colors of gold and red. In the center of the room was a woman sitting at a desk; she looked to be in her early twenties, had short black hair with an oversized witch hat, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Thank you, Frank; you can leave now," The guild master said, looking at the receptionist.

Giving a small bow, the man left the room, closing the door behind him. 

"So you found a hidden boss in a D-rank dungeon; please, could you explain everything to me," 

"Very well," I replied, sitting across from her desk. 

For the next ten minutes, I explained the events in the Dungeon, making sure not to say everything that happened not to worry Simon.

"I see that is concerning. First, I would like to thank you for dealing with it even though you could have died. We will compensate you with 20 gold and place both of you in B-rank," the guild master said, reaching into one of her draws.

"Actually, I don't want to have my rank raised. Could I get two letters of recommendation to Palvion Academy," 

Hearing my request, she pondered for a moment before replying.

"...hmmm, Palvion Academy... I could get you one, but I could not be able to get one for your companion."

"I see it was worth a try. Thank you anyway," I replied

"Master, I don't need a letter of recommendation; I am considered a servant in the school eye; each student is allowed one servant," Simon said 

"I know I just wanted you to become a student to help you get stronger," I explained.

Once we had collected our rewards from the guild master, we were about to leave the room when she called us.

"Before you leave, I have a request to ask of you," The guild master said

"What kind of request?" I asked

"There is a territory not far from here under the rule of a man named Steffon Kelecto. I wish for you to kill him,"

"I'm sorry, what did you say? We can't kill a Territory leader; he is at least a Duke; we would be killed," Simon said

"...It's fine; we will do it," I replied, clenching my fist

"Thank you. If you complete this task, I will reward you with 200 gold and three A-rank skill books; I will also get someone I know to give your friend a letter of recommendation," She spoke with a small bow.

Leaving the room, I was filled with so much anger that I only wanted to do was break into that man's home and kill him at that moment.

"Master, why did you accept that request? We could die?" Simon asked concerned

"Because that's the man who took my mother as a slave after we lost our title," I replied, clenching my jaw.

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