
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · Urban
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12 Chs

Humble Without a Trace of Dignity

"Is it really okay? I can't possibly wear all these clothes. How about just picking two?" Xanthe said, excited yet hesitant.

"No, that won't do. Since I said I'll cover everything, then it must be everything!" Arthur now took charge.

His firm tone oddly moved Xanthe. She felt that this guy, with his messy hair, exuded a domineering CEO aura, gradually aligning with her image of a prince charming!

Xanthe: +5 favorability

Xanthe: +5 favorability

Xanthe: +5 favorability

"But... with so many clothes, I can't even fit them in the apartment I rent outside of school!"

"No worries, how about I buy you a house then?"

At this, Xanthe was truly stunned!

Could buying a house be mentioned so casually?

Though Chica's housing prices weren't as high as those in Old York and Los Ange, they were still considerable. Downtown properties generally exceeded $30,000 per square meter, and some in school districts or commercial areas soared to over $50,000. Even in more remote areas, it was around $20,000 per square meter. A 100-plus-square-meter house would typically cost two to three million, and five to six million wouldn't be unreasonable.

Xanthe was indeed materialistic, and she never hid it. But Arthur's actions truly startled her!

Xanthe: -5 favorability

Her favorability, which had risen to 63 points, suddenly dropped by five.

Arthur suddenly realized that mentioning buying a house had scared Xanthe.

Sometimes, being overly nice to someone, especially when you're not very familiar with them, can have the opposite effect.

It seemed that splurging money shouldn't be rushed; gradual progress was necessary.

"Let's forget about it. You've already bought me so much today. Actually, I didn't mean to spend so much of your money. I just wanted to mess with you, to see you embarrassed. I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood today, and I didn't mean to pick on you at the supermarket."

"I understand. Everyone has bad days."

"But I'm really happy now. And about the clothes, I'll just pick a few. We really don't need to buy so much!"


Arthur nodded.

"Waiter, do you have a membership card here?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, get me a membership card. I'll deposit $1 million. From now on, when this young lady comes to your store, just recommend the latest items to her!"

"Yes, sir!"

The female staff, who had thought they'd lost a big deal, were surprised by this sudden success. Several of them looked at Arthur with a hint of strangeness.

"This guy looks so cool when he swipes the card. Even though he's not dressed up and looks sloppy, with unwashed hair, he still exudes a different kind of charm, something ordinary people don't have!"

"Indeed, if he changes his clothes, styles his hair, and shaves, he'd definitely be a god-tier guy!"

"Looking at his demeanor, he must come from an extraordinary family. Instead of the brashness of nouveau riche, he exudes the sophistication of an aristocratic gentleman!"

"Why don't I have such a great boyfriend?"

The gossiping girls in the store cast envious glances at Xanthe.

Arthur, listening to these comments, was speechless.

How come I didn't know I had this kind of charm?

And the sophistication of an aristocratic gentleman?

You guys sure know how to flatter me.

"Here's your card. Since you seem to lack a watch, there's a nice watch shop downstairs. I think Patek Philippe suits you well!"

"No need, really. You've bought me so much today; I don't know how to thank you!"

"How about you offer yourself to me?"

"Jerk! You're such a bad guy!"

Xanthe: +5 favorability

Xanthe: +5 favorability

Damn, flirting like this actually increases favorability?

Arthur was almost amazed!

It seems there's a reason why nice guys are single.

For Xanthe, it's not that she minds a man having ideas about her; it's that she minds when a man has no ideas about her.

Receiving gifts worth tens of thousands without giving anything in return would make anyone uneasy!

Arthur's joking request actually made Xanthe feel more at ease.

Of course, she wouldn't let Arthur get there so easily.

Playing hard to get is her specialty!

But the problem is, Arthur really doesn't have those kinds of thoughts. He just casually mentioned it.

For him, trying to get a girl into bed within a few days, especially such a beautiful girl, is simply impossible.

However, what Arthur didn't know was that such girls were far more proactive in front of real tycoons than he imagined!

"Darling, you've been buying me things all day. Why don't you buy something for yourself?" Xanthe asked.

"I don't have money."

Arthur shrugged, telling the truth.

He really didn't have money.

He couldn't even spend a single cent of his backup funds.

"You're really funny, darling!"

Later, the two went to a men's clothing store. Xanthe surprisingly bought Arthur two sets of men's clothing and a pair of shoes. Then they went downstairs to a barber shop, where Xanthe found "Tony" and had him design a hairstyle for Arthur.

After this trip, they spent about two to three thousand.

Clearly, Xanthe realized that Arthur might be from a wealthy family, and her attitude changed accordingly.

She was a woman with high emotional intelligence.

When trying to play a rich man, sometimes it's necessary to invest a little. Only taking without giving anything in return will definitely make people uneasy.

This man's enthusiasm for you definitely won't last long.

You need to cast a long line to catch big fish.

When necessary, spend some money on men, give them small gifts, say some sweet words.

That's enough to keep a man hooked!

Men are just that shallow!

And you know what, Xanthe's actions really touched Arthur's heart.

He didn't even know how long it had been since a girl gave him gifts.

Even though he just spent tens of thousands on Xanthe.

But that's just backup money, not his own, so he didn't feel a thing.

But the three thousand Xanthe spent on him, that was her hard-earned money!

At this moment, another figure flashed through Arthur's mind.

It was Una.

I remember back in freshman military training, Una's attitude toward him wasn't so harsh.

She even showed some favor.

After exchanging contact information, Una replied promptly and enthusiastically.

Once, when Arthur had a cold, Una actually took the initiative to buy him medicine.

This sudden care made Arthur instantly fall for her.

He thought, love had arrived.

From that "sick" incident onwards, Arthur began a fervent pursuit of Una.

But no matter how hard Arthur tried, Una neither accepted nor rejected him!

Every time Arthur felt disheartened and wanted to give up.

Una would start to respond actively again, showing that he was just a step away from winning her over.

But chasing after girls is like chasing after shadows, you never know how close you are.

So, as Arthur invested more and more, he couldn't pull back anymore.

Three years of emotional investment, can't be simply let go, can it?

In the end, what moved him wasn't Una, but himself.

And just like that, Arthur became a complete backup.

Utterly devoid of dignity.