
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · Urban
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12 Chs

Your Boyfriend is Too Generous

Seeing Una's favorability plummeting to -10 above her head, Arthur felt a chill in his heart. Even if someone had liked you for three years, wouldn't there be at least some favorability towards you, even if they were a stranger? But Una harbored no feelings for him, not even a shred of favorability. Over these three years, she had truly treated Arthur as nothing more than a long-term meal ticket, never showing even the slightest hint of affection!

"Arthur, I've made my choice, please go and pay!" Just then, Xanthe, who had already picked out her bag, walked over confidently, instructing Arthur to pay without hesitation. As a seasoned backup, when a beauty tells you to pay, you mustn't hesitate even for a moment. In this aspect, Arthur was quite competent. "Alright," Arthur said, taking out his black card and heading to the counter. "Sir, your girlfriend has excellent taste. She's chosen the latest model of this season, but it's priced at $32,800."

"No problem, go ahead and swipe the card!" As the transaction went through, Una was filled with question marks. Coincidentally, the bag Xanthe had chosen was the exact one Una had just been eyeing. Even Stan, the rich second-generation guy, hadn't been willing to buy it for her, but Arthur, this backup, bought it without batting an eye. What was going on? Since when did this kid have so much money?

At that moment, Arthur noticed that the favorability above both Xanthe and Una's heads began to rise simultaneously! Xanthe: Favorability +20 Xanthe: Favorability +20 Xanthe: Favorability +20 Una: Favorability +5 Una: Favorability +5 Una: Favorability +5

Just by buying a bag, Xanthe's favorability, which was originally at -52, skyrocketed to 8 points. 8 points of favorability meant that Xanthe no longer disliked Arthur, and even had some positive feelings towards him, though it couldn't be called love. Una's favorability also rose from -10 to 5 points. All of this was the magical effect of money.

"Let's go, see if there's anything else you want to buy. Whatever you want today, I'll buy it for you!" Arthur casually put away his black card, looking unexpectedly handsome! Even in slippers, shorts, and a t-shirt, he exuded an unusual charm. With the latest Gucci bag on her back, Xanthe's mood was somewhat ecstatic, especially when she saw another woman who also liked the bag but didn't get it, and she did.

Xanthe: Favorability +10 "You're so good, darling!" Almost inexplicably, Xanthe hooked her arm around Arthur's and said, "You're so good, darling." This woman was very clever. She clearly noticed the unusual relationship between Arthur and Una. By hooking Arthur's arm and speaking affectionately, she greatly boosted Arthur's prestige!

As the saying goes, "Soft words butter no parsnips." Since she had received a gift from him, she naturally couldn't let him down. Watching Xanthe's shy expression, Una inexplicably felt jealous.

In her mind, Arthur had always been her backup. When she was happy, he was there, but when she was unhappy, he'd leave. No matter how she treated him, he'd always faithfully stick by her side as a loyal backup. But now, this backup was ignoring her and catering to someone else? It felt like her personal possession had been stolen by someone else. She might not care about the item itself, but it still irked her to see it taken by another woman, especially one whose looks and figure were no less than hers! That made her feel even more unbalanced!

"Stan, look..." "Una, I have something to do tonight, so let's not shop anymore, okay?" "But..."

"There's no 'buts,' just listen to me!" Stan pulled Una out of the Gucci store.

On the surface, Stan drove a luxury car, wore Versace casual clothes, and received tens of thousands of dollars in monthly allowances from home. But in reality, it was all just a facade. His car was rented, his attire was scrimped and saved for, and he never spent money on girls. While his family environment wasn't poor, it wasn't wealthy either, at most, it was comfortable! He posted photos of himself with luxury cars on social media every day, but in reality, he contributed nothing. Yet somehow, he managed to charm quite a few high-quality girls. It could only be said that in today's society, true affection is hard to retain; only tactics can win hearts.

"I'm starting to not understand things anymore. You see those rich second-generation guys who dress like models? When it comes time to buy gifts for their girlfriends, they always come up with various excuses, but those guys who wear street stall clothes don't even blink when they spend tens of thousands of dollars. Could it be that nowadays, truly wealthy people like to pretend to be poor?"

"So the store manager told you guys not to judge people with colored glasses. People sometimes tend to show what they lack. The poor like to pretend to be rich, and the rich like to pretend to be poor. We should treat everyone equally."

"It seems like I need to be careful when choosing a boyfriend in the future. I mustn't be fooled by those fake rich second-generation guys!" Several female shop assistants discussed.

Xanthe also glanced at Arthur with some doubts. Could it be that this guy was pretending all along, and his true identity was actually that of a rich second-generation? And the way he invited all the students in the school supermarket to eat and drink, and his calm demeanor when swiping the card, it didn't seem like an act! If there weren't a certain foundation, such large expenses would surely cause some nervousness, wouldn't they?

But Arthur didn't seem nervous at all. A wealthy family! He must be from a wealthy family! When this idea came to Xanthe's mind, her favorability towards Arthur suddenly soared.

Xanthe: Favorability +10 Xanthe: Favorability +10 Xanthe: Favorability +10 Arthur was a bit bewildered! He hadn't done anything yet, but just as he walked out of the Gucci store with Xanthe, her favorability towards him increased by thirty points.

Currently, Xanthe's favorability has risen to 48 points. With a favorability of 48 points, it means Xanthe is starting to like him! Just buy a designer bag for a woman, and she'll like you. Damn, isn't this too magical? At this rate, it's estimated that in a few days, Xanthe's favorability towards him will rise to 95 points. But the amount spent is too little. It's less than a hundred thousand in total. No, more money must be spent; otherwise, the rebates won't be substantial enough.

Before long, Arthur took Xanthe to a Chanel clothing store. He picked out two pieces of clothing from the rack. "Let's take these two!" Xanthe frowned as she looked at the clothes in Arthur's hand. "But, I don't really like these two. They seem a bit old-fashioned." "I mean don't take these two, wrap up everything else!" "Is this for real, sir?" "Do I look like I'm joking? Swipe the card!"

"Miss, your boyfriend is too generous!" The staff took the black card respectfully, with a face full of envy and jealousy. Chanel's clothing, even a random piece, costs tens of thousands. Although there weren't many clothes in the store, wrapping up everything would cost at least a few million. This was not just extravagant, but extremely lavish!