
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · Urban
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12 Chs

Have to Keep Licking

Doesn't the feeling of Xanthe buying clothes and shoes for him resemble Una buying medicine for him back then?

First, give you a little sweetness, then lure you in, like flying a kite. You step forward, I step back; you step back, I step forward. Over time, you become my backup!

"Damn! This familiar operation, this familiar routine, it's terrifying!"

"I just want to earn some backup gold, I don't really want to be your backup. Can you let me go?"

Arthur suddenly realized while getting a haircut.

He decided he would never casually invest emotions again.

Spending money is okay, dating is okay, buying things is okay, flirting is okay, but getting into a relationship is a big no!

Gotta admit it, the barber's skills are quite impressive!

When Arthur's messy hair turned into the trendiest hairstyle of today, and his casual attire of slippers, shorts, and a t-shirt was replaced by Xanthe's carefully chosen boutique clothing, his whole vibe changed instantly!

Arthur wasn't ugly to begin with; he just didn't bother grooming himself much. His inherent qualities were actually quite good.

Now, after the makeover, he was unexpectedly handsome, not inferior to those online heartthrobs at all!

Xanthe was almost stunned!

The transformation was so drastic; it felt like he was a different person altogether.

Xanthe: Likability +5

Xanthe: Likability +5

Xanthe: Likability +5

Unknowingly, Xanthe's likability towards Arthur had risen to 83 points.

An 83-point likability score is quite high.

With such likability, it's enough to make a girl actively pursue you.

At this moment in Xanthe's mind,

Arthur was truly a hidden gem of a guy.

When they first met, he wasn't outstanding, but the more she got to know him, the more she discovered countless shining qualities in him.

Firstly, Arthur was wealthy, yet low-key. Throughout his three years in college, he managed to blend in like an ordinary person.

Secondly, Arthur was devoted and loyal. He could silently dedicate himself to a girl for three years. As a rich second-generation, it was surprising how he could humble himself, showing such tenderness and thoughtfulness by delivering breakfast to her dormitory every morning!

Lastly, this guy was actually quite handsome?

After a little tidying up, he looked much more handsome than that Stan guy, and even more enduring.

Thinking back to Una in the Gucci store, clearly liking that bag but her boyfriend refusing to buy it for her, giving all sorts of excuses, Xanthe suddenly felt like that girl was blind!

She had already got the best, yet she chose to break up!

"How about we grab a bite to eat?"

Unknowingly, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Arthur hadn't eaten yet.

If he didn't eat with Xanthe, he wouldn't be able to use the backup money.

He only had a little over two hundred yuan in his bank account.

If he didn't take advantage of the backup money to have a meal, he really couldn't afford it!

"Sure, Xanthe gladly agreed!"

Leaving the mall, the two of them went to a high-end restaurant.

They had a very enjoyable meal.

Arthur's ravenous eating didn't bother Xanthe at all.

Anyway, he looked handsome no matter what!

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Arthur and Xanthe ended their date.

They exchanged contact information.

Returning to the dormitory, Arthur happened to meet his three roommates.

"Damn, Arthur, where did you go today? And why are you dressed so handsomely?"

Roommate Jay asked with a teasing tone.

"I went on a date!"

"With who? Una? Arthur, I think you've had enough. Una obviously treats you like a tool, a long-term meal ticket. Why do you have to be so devoted to her? Whenever she needs something, she finds you, and when she has nothing to do, she sleeps with other men. You and this woman are not on the same level at all. You should let go of her early!"

"It's not Una. I went on a date with Xanthe!"

"Who? Xanthe? Don't brag, she's one of the three beauties of the Art Institute. She's got high standards. Can she go on a date with you?"

"Arthur, you've been getting more and more conceited lately. I think you shouldn't hang yourself on one tree. Pursuing girls doesn't necessarily have to be with the pretty ones. Just find someone who's about the same level as you!"

At this moment, Arthur's phone rang.

He thought it was a message from Xanthe.

But when he checked, it turned out to be from Una.

"Arthur, are you asleep? I didn't mean to say those things to you today. Please don't be angry. I just didn't want Stan to misunderstand, so I deliberately said some harsh words. Actually, I feel very upset too. Can you forgive me?"

Here it comes again?

Here it comes again?

Seeing this message, Arthur was so infuriated that he almost threw his phone! It's this kind of hot-and-cold attitude that has relegated Arthur to being just a backup all these years. If it were before, Arthur would surely continue to be angry, and Una would continue to coax him. Within just a couple of days, Arthur would be completely won over again, continuing to play the backup role! He has always been tightly controlled by the other party! But now...

He still has to continue licking.

Just like a dog licking its owner's toes.

There's no way around it; the system has already bound them in a backup relationship, so he has to keep licking!

"It's okay, I forgive you. As long as you're happy, I'm willing to do anything!" Arthur quickly typed out the message and sent it off.

Girls' Dormitory 503..

When Una saw the message from Arthur, she was taken aback for a moment. Actually, she felt that what she did today was somewhat excessive. She originally thought it would take at least several days to calm Arthur down. Who would have thought he would forgive her directly!

"Could it have been just an impulsive remark?"

Of course, she didn't really care whether Arthur was angry or not. She just wanted to know where Arthur got the money from!

"Arthur, I'm sorry. I also have my difficulties. My mom is sick and hospitalized, and she needs $50,000 for medical expenses. I had no choice but to beg Stan. If I didn't act that way in front of him, he wouldn't lend me the money! I'm really sorry!"


[Arthur, $50,000 transferred. Click to confirm receipt.]

Seeing this transfer message, Una was stunned! Actually, she hadn't intended to actually scam Arthur out of $50,000. She just subconsciously told one lie to cover up another. But who would have thought Arthur didn't hesitate and directly transferred the money. This is $50,000, not $50. And thinking about Stan, whom she loves wholeheartedly, not willing to even buy her a bag, she felt really uncomfortable in her heart!