
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · Urban
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12 Chs

"My heart wavers," Una confessed.

"Arthur, where did you get so much money from?" Una quickly messaged.

"Oh! I had a wealthy relative who passed away. According to his will, I inherited a large sum of money!" Arthur casually made up an excuse.

"I see. But even if you have money, you shouldn't spend it recklessly!" Una replied.

"For you, Una, I'm willing to do anything!"

Suppressing his disgust, Arthur sent the message!

To him, Una now seemed like a complete jerk.

If you don't like someone, why flirt with them?

Only when someone is determined to pursue you, you start making all sorts of excuses.

Are you just enjoying the feeling of being pursued?

Damn it!

"Arthur, please don't be like this. I'm really in a difficult position..."

This time, Arthur didn't reply to Una's message.

Instead, he turned to chat with Xanthe.

"Xanthe, how about I treat you to dinner tomorrow?"

"Ah! Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a friend to do our nails!"

"Never mind then."


As a girl with an 84-point crush on Arthur, she actually wanted to go out with him. But as a girl, sometimes being reserved is necessary. Otherwise, if men get too easily, they won't cherish it. Moreover, she and Arthur have known each other for too short a time; she doesn't want to rush the relationship.

Of course, Arthur wasn't really eager for a date.

He just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to spend some backup money and enjoy a few good meals.

Since you're not interested, I'll find someone else to spoil! After all, as long as I can spend the backup money, it doesn't matter who I take out.

Arthur didn't reply to Una's message.

Una was staring blankly at her phone.

She was contemplating whether to accept the $50,000 transfer Arthur sent her.

In fact, her mother wasn't really ill.

Accepting this $50,000 would essentially be a kind of fraud.

It's one thing to accept small favors usually.

But $50,000 is a substantial amount; if she takes it, it will be hard to explain. Moreover, she just broke up with Arthur today; if she accepts it, wouldn't it seem ugly?

At this moment, Una's best friend, Maggie, walked over.

"Una, who's so generous? Sent you $50,000, is it from Stan?"

"No, it's not from Stan, it's from Arthur. Maggie, what should I do?"

Una looked at Maggie, looking very distressed.

"Arthur? This loser has so much money? He actually transferred $50,000 to you?" Maggie was somewhat surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either. Today, I broke up with him and went shopping with Stan. Then, I happened to meet him. He was with that Xanthe from the art school. I felt a bit uncomfortable at that moment. The bag I liked, Stan didn't buy it for me, but Arthur bought it for Xanthe. I was so angry!" Una complained.

"From what you're saying, it seems like you're still a bit reluctant to let go of Arthur, but can he compare to Stan? In terms of looks and family background, they're not even close, and you already gave your first time to Stan!"

"But I feel like Stan is a bit dishonest. He never lets me see his phone, and he never bought me any gifts. He's just more romantic and knows how to make me happy. Last time when I wanted to see his phone, he got mad and even wanted to break up with me. I only agreed to Arthur's confession because of that. But through this series of events, I found that Arthur treats me better, and suddenly, he got an inheritance, a lot of money!"

"Ah! I see, I never expected Arthur to be a hidden gem!"

Maggie began to feel a tinge of envy and jealousy!

She considered herself only slightly inferior to Una in terms of looks and figure.

But why couldn't she encounter such good fortune?

Especially Arthur, so devoted, so loyal, and with so much money.

He seemed much more reliable than Stan in every aspect!

"Una, I suggest you not rush into making a decision. Keep observing. Since Arthur transferred the money to you, just hold onto it for now. If he asks for it back, you can always return it. But I advise you not to treat him as you did before, at least leave yourself a way out. As for Stan, I think you're too obedient in front of him, which might lead to you being taken advantage of!"

"I understand!" Una nodded.

At this moment, Una sent a message to Stan.

"Stan, my mother is sick and hospitalized. Can you lend me some money?"

"Oh! Hospitalized? How serious is it? You should have told me earlier!"

"Stan, I knew you were the best to me!"

"I have $500 here. I'm not sure if it's enough. If not, I can borrow more. How about I accompany you to the hospital tomorrow to see your mother and buy some supplements?" Stan showed concern on the surface.

But upon closer analysis, he was clearly suspicious of her.

Una suddenly felt a chill in her heart!

Five hundred dollars!

Am I only worth five hundred dollars in your eyes?

She never let Arthur touch her body, yet with just a few words, Arthur transferred fifty thousand dollars to her without any hesitation.

But she gave everything to Stan, even had an abortion for him, and he just dismissed her with five hundred dollars?

He even suspected if she was lying.

Although she did lie.

The purpose was just to test.

But this wasn't the answer she wanted.

To make matters worse, after sending this message, Stan didn't even transfer the five hundred dollars to her, he just said it!

For the first time, Una wondered if she was really wrong?


On the other side.

Male Dorm Room 205

After taking a shower, Arthur lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Eventually, he reached for his phone and opened the ITube app.

He casually clicked on several live streams hosted by women, pondering, "I wonder if giving gifts to these hosts can deplete backup funds?"

With a curious impulse, Arthur initiated a recharge attempt.

To his surprise, the recharge was successful, sparking excitement within him.

In real life, spending money is a cumbersome task. Having to wine and dine a woman, accompanying her on shopping sprees—it's all quite draining!

But the dynamics shift when it comes to online interactions with female hosts. Here, spending millions in one evening seems inconsequential.

The process is efficient, allowing him to switch between different hosts, showering them with gifts as a backup plan.

This wide net approach ensures a focused pursuit!

A system prompt chimed in, emphasizing that only when the chosen host's beauty score exceeds 7.6 and meets the minimum goddess standard can bonus rebates be earned post-interaction. The message reminded him of the distinction between network beauty and real-life appearances, leaving judgments to the host.

Acknowledging the prompt, Arthur scrolled through various female hosts, noticing that at least a third met the beauty standards, albeit after employing beauty filters.

Some even surpassed an 8 score, with one boasting a perfect 9.

Despite this, Arthur remained unaware of their true appearances.

For instance, a renowned dancing anchor named Olivia, boasting millions of followers, likely scored between 8.5 and 9 after applying beauty filters. Rumor had it that she had also conducted bare-faced live broadcasts, indicating her real-life appearance likely met the standards.

The allure wasn't just about their beauty; it extended to their remarkable figures, with Olivia potentially being dubbed ITube's top dancer.

With a face of an angel and a figure akin to a temptress, these highly sought-after anchors were undoubtedly worth the attention.