
Reverend Apocalypse

Author: kommers
Ongoing · 109.9K Views
  • 51 Chs
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What is Reverend Apocalypse

Read ‘Reverend Apocalypse’ Online for Free, written by the author kommers, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Look! It's a meteor shower!" shouted Mark's mother, already pointing to the sky.Mark quickly turned his head away from ...


"Look! It's a meteor shower!" shouted Mark's mother, already pointing to the sky. Mark quickly turned his head away from the Dungeons & Dragons game that was over the kitchen table and glimpsed outside, "Wow! I never saw so many before!" he said while seeing the dark sky full of white strikes. "Can you turn the TV on? Maybe there is something about it on the news." asked Mark's father while washing the dishes from the dinner. "That can wait. Let's take a picture outside. The meteor shower will not last forever. Come you two, quickly!" shouted Mark's mother, already grabbing Mark's father's arm and bringing him outside. "You too Mark!" shouted Mark's mother, already outside, and when hearing that Mark took a deep breath and forced himself to go too, he hated to take pictures, but his mother would not let him off the hook no matter what.  Mark grabbed his cellphone and walked outside. "Ok, you two, give a long kiss. After all, it's your wedding anniversary!" said Mark, already unlocking the phone and pointing at them. Mark took the picture of both kissing with the meteor shower as a background, and he admitted to himself, the picture looked nice, but when looking at his parents again, Mark saw that the white strikes in the sky seemed way bigger than before. "I don't think is a good idea to stay outside," shouted Mark to his parents. "Don't worry son. Look! Everyone from the neighborhood is outside too!" said her mother, looking at their closest neighbor while waving her hand. Mark looked at his neighbor and waved his hand too. The man smiled back at Mark and exploded. Blood splashed the ground all around, turning the lawn red, while the man's hand flew high in the sky and fell only a few inches from Mark's feet. Mark, astonished, looked down at his neighbor's hand, still with the golden ring on it, and looked back to where his neighbor was before. But now, Mark saw a small beast crawling from the hole made by the meteor, the beast was barely 3 inches in size but was growing at an astonishing speed, and not even 2 seconds later Mark saw a beast the size of a cat coming out of it and jumping on the neighbor's wife, that was still there, on the door, in shock, not believing what was happening. The cat beast was extremely fast and in a blink of an eye ripped the woman's guts out of its belly. The scream made by the woman seemed to wake up everyone around and Mark's father shouted aloud, "RUN!!!!" … Currently releasing one chapter a day.

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I really love the authors writing style - it makes it easy to immerse yourself in the Story. The Story seems kind of generic at the moment and with 11 Chapters out you can 't say much about it, but since the other book of the author is great my hopes are high. The main character seems like your kind of generic coolheaded post apocalyptic MC. Till now there are no Cheats /Systems and it seems the MC is going to work his way up. The interaction between characters feels natural. The World Background is your generic Apocalypse Monsters invade earth. All in all it's a (still) generic Story with a great writing quality and huge potential - i'm hungry for more. Review with 11 Chapters out.


Well, this is my second novel, and I learned a lot during the process, but lets talk about his novel... Its slow paced, the MC will grown from the bottom with barely no advantages, and he will discover how things works along the novel, there is no established system when everything starts, the MC is learning along everyone else, the novel is on Earth during the first or maybe first two arcs, its the growing phase of the MC, and talking about the MC... He is not a dumb MC, but is also young, 19 years, so he is not the most experienced when it comes to schemes/plans (right now), he try to deatach from people for fear of losing them if he grows fond of them, and he is ruthless to his enemyes, a lesson that the apocalypse teached him. The story starts as a normal 'monster invade earth apocalypse', but will quickly evolve in something much more complex. I hope you enjoy the novel, and you can use this review for inquires or just leave a thumbs up ;)


So far, (ch 40), the MC is a very relatable guy, there are some girls for a possible harem (but nothing major happened), and the story is really crazy in a good way, there is survival, hunting, battle, and even an 'against government' thing going on, also, a few bloody scenes, i'm not sure if the MC will become some kind of villain, but judging by the REVEREND that is on the title of the book i'm expecting it to somehow be similar to Reverend Insanity in that way.


A well written story‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


The story is proceeding nicely and smoothly from what I've seen so far, the characters are quite decent and the dialogue is pleasant to my eyes... Thus story doesn't really give of apocalypse because of the way the author writes(I don't really know how to explain it) but that's the premise... Personally I don't like some things about the story but I keep reading cause they are just minor things that have to do with my preferences...The MC is a bit of a Ignorant fool with his heart fluttering around when it comes to his interactions with girls(a bit) and the personality and mental changes throughout the story (47 chapters so far) are decently fleshed out. There are a some things I like about the story right now and I'll keep reading it. (also that crow,(yeah that one, it's the only crow he comes across) make it his pet or sumthin, not major to the story but still there, I think a lot of readers will like that)


A lot of fun to read! Interesting characters and premise. I do enjoy how early on in the apocalypse it starts out at. Give it a try! It's worth the time! Keep it up author!


Good novel, slow but also fast paced, and the chapters always have some hidden detail about something, like the thing about silver swords, i had no idea about that. Already a big fan of the book, don't drop!


Loving the new book. Keep up the good work author. .


Good novel with a lot of potential.


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