
Revenge is always sweet

Hideo is a normal decent looking middle school student who fell in love with a girl and confessed to her. They became a couple but, the girl already had a boyfriend and was only using him to order him around. After knowing the truth, hideo became depressed and did not go to school. After a year of being depressed and being persuaded by his parents to come back to school, he came back but his body and his face greatly changed he became fat and his face was full of pimples. People started to bully him and girl looks at him full of disgust but, this did not got him discouraged and started to exercise and diet. After months of hard work he became more muscular than before and his face started to become clearer. For hideo this is not good enough. He wants to be more charismatic so, he can get his revenge on the people who used him, guys who bullied him and he specifically want to get his revenge on aimi the girl he confessed to but, used him. Suddenly, the end of his 2nd year in middle school he got a dream that greatly changed him and his body.... The world that mc visited: prison school, hotd, mahouka koukou no rettousei Ongoing:shokugeki no souma(food wars) and attack on titan world Disclaimer: english is not my first language and the first few chapters are hard to read and there is a lot of contradictions, since I was only writing to pass the time in this quarantine....please bear with it if you can. You can skip to the prison school fanfic part if you want to. I’m considering on rewriting the first few chapters if I have the time to do so... Art is not mine credits to the maker

Tento · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs


Hideo and the other got to their cell and starts to eat.

"Where did they took kiyoshi dono at?" Gakuto said

"Dammit! If they did something to kiyoshi"

They complained on and on.

"Guy's I think it's fine let's just pray he doesn't snitch on us helping him"

Suddenly the door opened and kiyoshi came back with blood all over his body, his face almost unrecognizable.

Hideo look at kiyoshi with pity. At first he thought this was just an anime world but, being hurt to this point made him angry.

'That bitch president, she is so vicious! I swear I will make her into a dog!' Hideo said then started to plan out something on his head.

The other guys run up with worried on their faces.

"This is too cruel! Why would she do this?" Shingo said anger painted on his face.

"What did they do?"

"They only interrogated me but, since there was no evidence to use against me they decided to torture me and gave up" Hideo said while lying down on the floor like a dead man.

"You should've told them that we are in it" jo said whole coughing

"It's okay since I had the best date ever thanks to you guys, i got closer to her" kiyoshi said.

"I'm gonna talk to her" hideo said then left the prison.

He took the key to get out of the prison and frowned as he found it strange.

'How is it this easy to get in here?'

He used the hole that they digged up and sneaked back inside the school. He sneaked inside the dorm changed his face to his normal one making him unrecognizable

He then look for hana's room, changed back to daisuke's face then opened the door forcefully.

"Kyaa! Mm? Daisuke kun!" Hana said with her bath towel on her.

"Hana! Where is your council president's room!" Hideo ask angrily.

Hideo look towards the table then saw mari sipping tea inside the dark room.

"Oh, daisuke just as I expected you will come here" mari said with a crow on her shoulder

"So, this is why it was so easy to get the keys! Then, this makes it easier! Since, you know why I'm here" hideo yelled at mari.

"Just because your father is a pervert doesn't mean all guys are like that! You know what you made the school like? You made it fucking awful, for us guys to get a girlfriend since, if we do the risk of you punishing us is there"

"Hmph, you're one of those perverts!" She said with anger on her voice.

"This school doesn't need any male we are doing fine without you!" She yelled angrily.

Hideo targeted her with his 'pheromone' not giving hana anything.

'Then, let's see who is the pervert that you don't need!'

Hideo then sat beside her.

"Hey! Don't sat beside me!" She shouted at hideo while her cheeks are red.

"Do you know what you did to kiyoshi? You almost killed him!" Hideo yelled at her face.

"Hmph! He deserves it!"

"You are really cruel huh?" Hideo said then walk up to hana.

"Hana, come here!" Hideo said then pulled hana's hand laid her on the bed beside the table that mari is sitting on. Hideo sat on top of her

"Wha- hmmmm~!" Hideo kissed her lips making her mind went blank.

"We can't do it here! Kaichou is watching!" Hana said while blushing.

Hideo kissed her again putting his tongue inside her.

Mari look at this with surprised as she felt her breathing becoming more harder.

Hideo then started to play with her breast and pussy.

He pushed her clit while playing with her pussy.


"Mm? You are already this wet I barely played with your body" hideo said while glancing at mari who is now breathing heavily while acting calm.

Hideo pulled his cock out then teased her with his cock.

"Beg me for it!" Hideo said while casting a glance at mari.

She look away.

"Mm? You are embarassed?" Hideo said then grab her head making her face him.

"If you don't do it I will get out of here" hideo said.

"Noo! Don't leave! Do it now!" She said as she wanna feel hideo's big cock inside her.

"That's all you have to say!" Hideo said then thrust all of it in.


She screamed as she arch her back while sticking her tongue out with her eyes rolled up.

"Did you just came from that?" Hideo ask then started to pound her.

"Ahhh! Hiii! Ahhhh!"

She moaned continuously as she felt her inside getting stirred by hideo's cock.

Mari looked at them go at it while panting for breathe as she can't look away.

She started to crawl towards hideo as she felt her heart aching.

"Mm? Mari chan why are you crawling towards us?"

"I just dropped something!" She said as she panted for breathe.

'I want it! I want to feel how hana is feeling now! I want it!' She said in her mind losing control but, shook her head then went back to her sit.

"I'm cumming!"

"Me, too! Cum inshide me daisuke kun!" She said while hugging hideo's back as she get pounded by hideo from the top.


Hana moaned arching her back then fainted.

"Mm? She's super sensitive today, huh?" Hideo muttered then thought of something.

'Did she got this fetish from being seen by kiyoshi just like in the anime?' He thought then grinned in his mind as he thought of ways they could do it in public while hiding it. Hideo pulled his erect cock out and his semen flowed out of hana's pussy.

Hideo sat down on the bed facing towards mari.

Mari looked at hideo's cock and started to walk towards him but, fell down then started to crawl towards hideo's cock.

"Mm? What are you doing?" Hideo ask while looking at her with disgust.

"I want to feel what hana was feeling!" She said while breathing heavily.

"Huh? Aren't I the pervert one here?" Hideo said looking at her with disgust then started to put his prisoner outfit on.

"Nuu~! Please! Do it with me!" Mari beg hideo while blushing as she pant heavily.

"Are you a pervert? Why would I do that?" Hideo said then started to walk towards the door

"I'm gonna free you! Please do it with me already!" Mari said grabbing on hideo's legs.

"Put this on, watch me do my work with it" hideo said then gave her the tiny vibrator.

"You promise?" Mari said while having hope on her eyes.

Hideo nodded then left.

Tomorrow came by they were woked up by meiko then they got to work. Kiyoshi's face is still unrecognizable even though this world is extra ordinary.

Mari came to watch then sat down on a chair.

Hideo then turn the vibrate on as he target her with his 'pheromone'

"Kyaaa!" She screamed as she felt something vibrating inside her pussy.

"Kaichou! Are you okay?" Meiko said worriedly.

Time passed by hideo did his work and taking breaks in the middle.

Chiyo saw kiyoshi's face then got angry at her sister. She said she would talk to her about it but, was stopped by kiyoshi.

They got back to the prison, Hideo kept following the group as he grinned inside his mind.

This continued for a week, mari would watch hideo doing work. She tried to approach hideo many times but, she can't get the timing.

"Ahhh! Daisuke kun! Please just do it with me!" She said while moaning as she play with her pussy.

Another week passed

As days passed by mari would look haggard as if she hasn't slept for a week. She would come back everyday with the vibrator in her to see if hideo would do it with her. Hideo only looked at her with amusement.

At this time kiyoshi's face was fully healed as if it was magic.

It's night time now, she was thinking if ways to separate hideo from the other member with dead eyes.

She called hana for help.

"Uhmm, hello hana?"

"Mmmm~! Kaichou! W-what is itttt!!!! Ahh! Ahh!"

"Are you okay? You sound weird!" She asked while thinking of what is happening.

"Daisuke kun! Don't stop moving!" She whispered to hideo.

"Hehe" hideo then started to move his hips.

Naturally, The conversation was heard by mari as she start to cry feeling sad because, hideo was avoiding her. She ended the call as she felt her heart aching but, was jealous of hana.

Tomorrow came by, she came like what hideo told her.

Hideo turned the vibrator on making her moan as he target her with his 'pheromone'.

She then drag hideo to her office making the boys and the vice president shock.

"Hey what are you gonna do to daisuke dono!" He run towards the president.

"Huh? Stop complaining and get back to work" she whipped them.

'Daisuke-kun!' She thought with concern.

They got inside the office she then hug hideo.

"Why are you avoiding me! Your promised me, right?" She said while breathing heavily.

"I thought you hate me? You said I am a pervert. In this situation I don't think I am the pervert" hideo said with confused face.

"Sorry daisuke kun! I don't hate you I like you! Please just make me feel what hana feels" she said while looking at hideo with lustful looks.

Hideo kissed her on her lips and starts to intertwined his tongue with her.

"Ahh! Ahh ahh!" She breathed heavily after parting their lips.

"Daisuke kun! Can you do it to me now?" She said while rubbing hideo's crotch.

A/n: I'm ending the chapter here. This is the second chapter of the day. I will upload the part 2 of this tomorrow.