
Revenge is always sweet

Hideo is a normal decent looking middle school student who fell in love with a girl and confessed to her. They became a couple but, the girl already had a boyfriend and was only using him to order him around. After knowing the truth, hideo became depressed and did not go to school. After a year of being depressed and being persuaded by his parents to come back to school, he came back but his body and his face greatly changed he became fat and his face was full of pimples. People started to bully him and girl looks at him full of disgust but, this did not got him discouraged and started to exercise and diet. After months of hard work he became more muscular than before and his face started to become clearer. For hideo this is not good enough. He wants to be more charismatic so, he can get his revenge on the people who used him, guys who bullied him and he specifically want to get his revenge on aimi the girl he confessed to but, used him. Suddenly, the end of his 2nd year in middle school he got a dream that greatly changed him and his body.... The world that mc visited: prison school, hotd, mahouka koukou no rettousei Ongoing:shokugeki no souma(food wars) and attack on titan world Disclaimer: english is not my first language and the first few chapters are hard to read and there is a lot of contradictions, since I was only writing to pass the time in this quarantine....please bear with it if you can. You can skip to the prison school fanfic part if you want to. I’m considering on rewriting the first few chapters if I have the time to do so... Art is not mine credits to the maker

Tento · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Helping kiyoshi jailbreak

'She looks so damn sexy' hideo thought while looking at meiko's plump ass and breast.

Hideo got back as he got back he saw andre about lick meiko's heel.

Kiyoshi interrupted

"Hmph, just do your job!" She said then walk away.

Time passes by, they were eating andre is feeling down and the others are angry at kiyoshi. Ignorant of the situation he said that the vice president went too far only to get cut off by gakuto.

Hideo only laughed at them making the 4 frown.

"Daisuke-dono what is so funny?" He ask with seriousness.


They shrug and started to eat again.

'Haa! This 5 is the best at making you laugh' he thought as he continue eating.

One day passed by, hideo started to work, he decided to fail to try to get punished but, she would just lightly do it.

'Hehe, just as I thought' he thought as a grin form on his lips.

Kiyoshi and the others would get punished hard as hideo wouldn't. Of course the five guys didn't noticed this as they were too distracted looking at her body as they get punished for 'messing up'

"Vice president! No, meiko chan" hideo said trying to test her if she will get angry.

"Don't call me by my name!" Meiko acted to be angry but was blushing heavily.

"Sorry, vice president can I ask where hana is?" Hideo ask her while looking at her body making it obvious for her.

'He is looking at my body!' She thought as she acted angry at hideo.

"Hmph, are gonna beg her to release you? Now get back to work" Meiko said then whipped hideo lightly.

Hideo wasn't hurt since he has a good mentality.

A crow came to meiko then left to go to the president's office.

"It seems like your ways have backfired, lets call hana!" The president said then called hana.

Meiko nodded then walk towards the boys.

"From now on she will be looking out for you!" She introduced hana only look at them with angry softening as she look at hideo smelling the familiar smell she has been smelling for a long time.

"Oh, daisuke-dono's sister!"

"Our work would be way easier since we are friends with daisuke"

They said with disinterest as they can't break daisuke's trust by sexualizing hana. Only interested that their workload will lessen and the punishment won't be harsh but, they will miss peeking at the vice president's.

"I'm hana! Nice to meet you all! The president ask me to look out for you!" Hana said with a fake cute voice.

"Today you are gonna look for a four leaf clovers!" She said then continued "daisuke you sit down here!"

"It's nice to have a cute sister" they said with jealousy.

Hideo sat down facing the vice president while she pants for breathe.

"What is it hana onee!" Hideo asked.

"You! Why did you do it?" She ask with anger on her face.

"Cause I wanted to do it" hideo said loudly as the vice president hear her then whispered to hana " do you want to be the only one for me?" Hideo whispered into her ears noticed by the vice president.

Making hana blushed. Suddenly they heard a "hoooo!!" Hana frowned then went towards the five guy with hideo and meiko.

"Oh, what are you all talking about? You got all the clover?" Hana asked with a cute voice.

"Hai! Hai! We are looking for it!" Shingo said while looking away from hana.

"Huh?" Hana showed a terrifying expression


"You only say 'yes one time you fucking worm!" Hana yelled as she kick Shingo on the top of his head.

Shingo squirmed around like a worm. Making the five guys be surprised.

"Hana calm down" hideo said making hana calm down.


She then walk back to hideo.

"Oh, i forgot to tell you hana is one of the inter high top 4 karate masters"

Hideo look at shingo with pity as he witnessed hana's matches before.

They went back with hideo and started to talk while drinking some tea.

Time passed by, the five guys brought all the clovers.

Hideo looked at shingo and saw that he is fine already.

'Just as expected this is an anime world'

Hana picked up one clover then saw it has three leaf.

"Why is there a three leaf ones here?!" She aaid angrily not hitting the table as she saw hideo looking at her.

"Why is daisuke not doing any work!" They whispered to each other complaining about the unfairness as they walk to find more clover.

"I'm gonna go with them now hana" hideo said then left with the other guys.

Hana look at the back of hideo wanting to tell him something while panting for breathe the same for the vice president.

"I don't like this tea brew!" The vice president complained.

"Daisuke kun likes it though!" Hana said iwht a pout.

'Oh, he likes this? Maybe I should make one for him?' She ask herself.

"I'm gonna look over there" Kiyoshi left the group hideo followed him.

"Just as I thought, people who likes sumo is not a bad person." Chiyo said as she saw kiyoshi help a crow.

"You didn't do it right?" She asked.

Kiyoshi nodded as he look away.

Then later on they heard a scream coming from hana's place.

"Oh, someone is coming I got to go!" Chiyo said

"Chiyo chan, i promise I will go to the sumo matches and watch it with you!" Kiyoshi said.

Chiyo nodded then walk away.

'How did hana not hear that?' Hideo thought as he heard it from his place as he saw hana in front of him walking towards where kiyoshi would fell and see hana peeing

"Hana! Come here" hideo pulled her on the bush then started to kiss her.

"Mmmm !" She squirmed around but stop as soon as she realized it was hideo.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Ahh! Daisuke kun! Don't do it now!" She said while her hands is on hideo's chest.

"What? Oneechan doesn't like it?" Hideo ask acting sad.

"Noo! I like it but, not now I need to~ mmmm!" Hana said but got cut off by hideo's lips

Hideo then roam his hands around hana then started to play with her pussy.

'Noo! If he continues I won't be able to hold back my pee!' She thought while trying to escape hideo's hands but, her body felt so weak as she can't put her strength out.

Kiyoshi then look below him and saw hideo kissing with hana while playing with her body.

He covered his mouth and thought 'aren't they siblings? What is happening? Why is that girl with a gorilla power not resisting him?' Many question came out of his mind.

"Hana, even though we are not real siblings do you think we can tell our parents about this?" Hideo ask as he notice kiyoshi looking at them.

Hana shook her head.

"Hana suck on it" hideo said as he pulled his cock out. Kiyoshi saw hideo's cock while they were all showering but, hadn't seen it's full glory.

'How did his thing became that big?' He thought while trying to cover his mouth.

Hana started to suck on it while licking the head.

"It feels so good!" Hideo praised then pulled hana's shorts off her then started to finger her .

"Noo! Don't!" She said but, was too late as she pee all over hideo's hand.

"Mm? Did you just pee?" Hideo ask hana looked away then saw kiyoshi lying down on the floor looking at the two.

"Kyaaaa!" She screamed

The vice president came and ask "what? What is it hana?" She ask.

"Uhmmm~" kiyoshi tried to explain but, was interrupted by hana.

"Noo! Don't say it!" Hana said.

hana only look away from embarrassment but, at the same time angry at kiyoshi for interrupting them.

"The work for today ends here, go back to your prison"

Morning came by, hideo and the others are lined up in front of the vice president.

She explained the workload.

Kiyoshi ask if there is work on weekends. Then was told that there is making everyone cry out in disappointment.

The president came in and said "prisoners who exhibit good behavior will have three hours of free time." Making them scream excitedly.

They started to work their asses off clearing the waste land as the underground council watch them.

Hideo only locked mari with his 'pheromone' making her look towards hideo with a frown as she question what she is feeling.

The same goes for meiko she started to pant for breathe as she just stare at hideo working.

Hideo started to sweat as his 'pheromone' starts to get stronger.

Meiko's legs starts to shake as she tries her hardest to not pounce on hideo.

"Kaichou! The underground council guidebook is finished!" Hana run towards them and said.

"Good job hana!" Mari look at hideo one last time then left.

She knock on the door then opened it "The guidebook is finished" she said then walk towards the computer then left the guidebook there.

She then opened the computer then saw what her father was looking at.

"This is why I don't like men!" She said with anger. She went back to the place and saw hideo still working while the other is taking their breaks while talking.

"Daisuke! You should stop and take a break!" Kiyoshi said.

"No, I want to have a break time on the weekend" he answered while carrying woods on his shoulder.

"We got permission from the vice president so its okay!" They said.

"Yeah yeah you should just take a break"

"Why are they on breaks? They aren't making any progress, are they?" The president said.

"At this rate, we'll have to have them work over the weekend, too."

"Noo! Madam president! That's not fair!" They all said

'Fucking bitch, I thought if she sees me working harder than this 5 I will be excluded!' Hideo thought then started to work.

A week passed by, during the week hideo would sneak out with hana when it's her turn to watch out for them. Hana would harass kiyoshi tryjng to tell him not to tell anyone about her relationship with hideo. Kiyoshi only nodded as he is scared of hana.

"Ahhn! More! Daisuke! I'm going crazy!!!" Hana moaned loudly not caring if anyone could hear as she gets drilled by hideo from behind.

"And stop asking kiyoshi about the thing he witnessed, leave it to me" hideo said as he starts to fuck her faster.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I understand! No more! I'm going crazy!" Hana screamed.

From behind a tree meiko is peeking at them while she unconsciously starts playing with her pussy.

"Hana, what are you doing with your little brother!" Meiko muttered as she look at hana's ahegao face with jealousy.

"Hana I'm cumming inside!"

"Cum! Cum inside me!! Hii!"

Hideo pulled his cock out as semen came out of hana's pussy.

"Let's go back they will suspect us" hideo said to hana who is still shaking her ass.

Hideo gulped then slapped her ass. Hana woke up from her stupor.

"Let's go now" hideo said to hana.

Hana nodded then got back by herself.

"Vice president I know you were watching us" hideo said while looking behind the tree.

Meiko jumped in surprised, she then came out from the tree while panting heavily.


Meiko run towards hideo and started to kiss him.

Hideo then started to squeezed her ass making her moan.

"Ahh! Ahh! Why do you smell so alluring!" She said with a mesmerized expression.

"Hehe, you look alluring as well." Hideo teased as he looks at her in the eye making her look away.

"And this breast looks so alluring!" Hideo said as he squeezed her breast making her look away as she was bullied cause of her large breast during middle school.

"Kneel down here" hideo ordered then pulled his cock out.

Hideo exposed meiko's breast. He looks at her pink nipples and skin that are white.

He pressed them together making meiko moan.

Hideo puts his cock between her breast and started to tit fuck her.


"Meiko can you press it together on your own" hideo said.

Meiko nodded then pressed her breast together.

"Suck on it while i fuck your big breast"

She stick her tongue out and suck on it.

"Good job! Your mouth and breast feels so good" hideo said as he can smoothly tit fuck her as her she sweat providing it with a type of lube.

"Im cumming! Drink it all" hideo said then started to go faster.


She moaned as she felt hideo's hot sticky semen going inside her mouth.

"Mm? Did you just came from that?" Hideo said as he noticed a puddle under her crotch.

She shook her head then started to drink hideo's semen.

"Let me see your tongue"

She stick her tongue out and look at hideo with lustful eyes.

"Good girl" hideo patted her head.

Making her blush as it was her first time that someone praised her other than the council president.

"Daisuke dono! Where are you?" Suddenly a voice called out from somewhere.

"I got to go now meiko chan!" Hideo said then left before he left he kissed her on the cheek. Makkng her blush furiously.

"Oh, I'm here what's the matter?" Hideo ask gakuto.

"Nothing hana san told me to call you" gakuto explained.

Hideo nodded then went towards hana and started working. Soon the vice president came while breathing heavily looking at hideo with lustful looks.

'Ahh! This smell again! I need to avoid seeing him!' She thought as she starts to smell hideo's 'pheromone'

Hideo picked up a piece of crumpled paper And puts it inside his pocket.

Time passed by, it was night time they were eating together hideo sat beside kiyoshi and whispered "kiyoshi, I know what you are trying to do now."

Kiyoshi started to sweat profusely "w-what are you talking about?"

"Its this" hideo handed him the paper.

"T-this is"

"I will help you do it but, I suggest you tell your friends they will help you for sure and about hana don't tell anyone or else I will ruin your date eith chiyo." hideo whispered.

"N-no what if they find out they would be against it. If I got caught our time in prison will be extended!" Kiyoshi said.

"Believe on your friends! They will help you!" Hideo said.

Kiyoshi thought for a while and then slammed the table.

They all look towards kiyoshi with confusion.

"Guys! I have been planning to escape!" Kiyoshi said with determined look.

"You! Why would you do that?" Shingo asked with anger.

"I-I, to tell you the truth I have a date next next week" kiyoshi said then showed the paper.

They all look at the paper shocked about it but, then celebrated.

"Yosh!! We are gonna get him to escape!"

"You guys, if you are gonna help each other, kiyoshi should buy somethings for us as well!" Hideo said.

They nodded then started to list out what they want.

"Guys if we get too much things they will know!" Kiyoshi warned.

They then decided on one item per person.

"Buy me a vibrator" the Hideo said then explained what type it is.

Kiyoshi nodded as he knew who he would use it to.

They then started to work on the wall taking turns to dig on the hole as they dump the garbages.

Time passed by the hole was big enough for kiyoshi to fit in. Tomorrow is kiyoshi's date with chiyo.

Hideo suggested to make it bigger than kiyoshi as if he gets stuck they will get caught by the council.

During this time hideo would target the president, vice president and hana with his pheromone when he can.

In a dorm room one can hear moans if they put their ears on the wall.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Daisuke kun! More I wanna smell you more!" She said as she rubs her pussy. It is the vice president.

"Ahhhhhn!" She screamed loudly as she climax then left as she remember he has to give a purchase list to the guys.

On another dorm room is mari hugging her pillow tightly.

"What is wrong with me! Why am I only thinking of him?" She muttered while blushing furiously.

On another room is hana who is sleeping silently. She was pretty satisfied as hideo and her would sneak out then do their acts.

Inside the prison hideo and the others are eating.

Suddenly the door opened then meiko came in with her tight pants and tank top on.

"Mm?" They look towards the door and look at her with lustful look.

"Vice president! Why are you here!" Gakuto run towards her then was slapped with the folder.

"Put your purchase list in here only one item per person. The student council will decide if we are gonna buy it for you" she explained then distributed the paper.

"Yes!!" They faked celebrating as they heard that approval part.

They listed what they want then gave it to the vice president.

She looked through it and saw hideo's

'M-me?' She frowned but blush at the same time.

"O-okay I'm gonna go give it to the president" she said then left.

Tomorrow came by hideo and gakuto is watching the tennis match of the girls.

During this time, kiyoshi is sneaking outside the school.

Suddenly, the vice president called out for hideo.

"call hideo in the toilet" She ordered

Hideo walk towards the bathroom, meiko followed behind him he look at gakuto then run towards the forest.

"Hey!" She said then chased for hideo.

Suddenly her hand was grabbed and pulled.



"So you have a cute side on you!" Hideo said while caressing her face.

"W-What are you talking about?" She said bashfully.

"You think I won't notice your gaze?" Hideo said then kissed her on the lips.

Meiko was surprised as her mind went blank, suddenly she felt something trying to go inside her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly welcoming hideo's tongue.


"Your mouth taste so good meiko chan" hideo said then started grope her breast.

"Just as I thought you're breast is the best" hideo said as he play her tits with his right hand while sucking on the other.

"Ahhn! My tits is feeling weird!" She said as she felt more aroused.

Hideo grabs her hide and guide it towards his crotch.

'It became this big!' She thought as she felt hideo's cock on her hand

She pulled his cock out and starts stroking it.

Hideo kept on playing with her breast as she moan.

"Daisuke kun my pussy, play with my pussy as well!" She said while breathing heavily.

Hideo starts to suck on her breast while playing with her pussy

"Ahhn! It feels so good I'm losing my mind! Iyaaaa!" She screamed making gakuto hear her 'iyaaaa'

Gakuto walk towards the sound as he was worried that hideo has done something.

"His coming towards here. Let's stop for now" hideo said then left after putting his cock back in his pants.

"Noo! Let's continue doing it" she said while grabbing on hideo's sleeves looking at him with puppy eyes.

"We can't do it now stop insisting or I might punish you later" hideo said then walk away as meiko let go of him.

"Are you okay daisuke dono!" Gakuto ask in concern as he sweat profusely.

"No it's good!"

Suddenly someone came out of the toilet it's kiyoshi.

"Kiyoshi dono!" Gakuto shouted loudly

"Did you got our stuff?" Gakuto whispered.

"Shut up!" Suddenly meiko's voice sounded out from behind him then whipped him making gakuto flew back.

Meiko was angry at gakuto as he interrupted them.

"You! Why were you there for such a long time?" She ask kiyoshi.

"My stomach hurt badly" kiyoshi made an excuse.

"Oh, is that so?"

Suddenly mari appeared with hana anger painted on her face.


"Ho? Then what is this?" Mari said showing her phone.


"You were on a date with my little sister, huh?" Mari said

"You're sister?!" Gakuto, kiyoshi and hideo said with surprise. Of course, kiyoshi acting as if he was surprised.

"Kiyoshi follow us! You, too meiko" She said with anger on her voice

"I-I understand!" Meiko said then look at hideo with a side glance.