
Revenge is always sweet

Hideo is a normal decent looking middle school student who fell in love with a girl and confessed to her. They became a couple but, the girl already had a boyfriend and was only using him to order him around. After knowing the truth, hideo became depressed and did not go to school. After a year of being depressed and being persuaded by his parents to come back to school, he came back but his body and his face greatly changed he became fat and his face was full of pimples. People started to bully him and girl looks at him full of disgust but, this did not got him discouraged and started to exercise and diet. After months of hard work he became more muscular than before and his face started to become clearer. For hideo this is not good enough. He wants to be more charismatic so, he can get his revenge on the people who used him, guys who bullied him and he specifically want to get his revenge on aimi the girl he confessed to but, used him. Suddenly, the end of his 2nd year in middle school he got a dream that greatly changed him and his body.... The world that mc visited: prison school, hotd, mahouka koukou no rettousei Ongoing:shokugeki no souma(food wars) and attack on titan world Disclaimer: english is not my first language and the first few chapters are hard to read and there is a lot of contradictions, since I was only writing to pass the time in this quarantine....please bear with it if you can. You can skip to the prison school fanfic part if you want to. I’m considering on rewriting the first few chapters if I have the time to do so... Art is not mine credits to the maker

Tento · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Hideo vs gramps

Hideo went outside following behind the old man.

"Hmph! So, how did you get inside here without us detecting you?" The old man asks him as he stances himself.

"Well, it was pretty easy" hideo said then turned invisible.

"Ugh! That's unfair you fucker!" The old man complained.

"Well, you attacked me behind my back the last time we met, right? So this time it's my payback!" Hideo said then punched his stomach.


The old man then released his magic. Soon the old man's surrounding turned to ice.

'Phew! I'm glad I flew up in time'

"You old retard! What if hideo kun die?" Miya said angrily.

"Calm down, miya... hideo is not that weak"

Miya looks at her then nodded, she look towards the battle, but soon he saw the old man flying backwards as he crashed into the tree.

Hideo not giving him a chance he started beating him up.



"Coward!" The old man insulted him as he gets beat down. Blood drips down his nose and mouth.

Hideo stopped as he felt the old man was about to use his magic again.

"You bastard! Show yourself!" The old man yelled angrily as he used his ice magic around him over and over again. Forming a big spike surrounding him.

"Old man! Calm down, I won't kill you, though it's satisfying beating you." hideo said then showed himself.

Hideo drew his katana out he used his 'nature's rage'.

Soon a lot of vines popped out from the ground. Remembering this vines, the old man felt his back sweat as he shivers from its sight. But having a pride himself he didn't back down as surround tons of ice to defend against it.

"I will knock you out with this!" Hideo said then made the vine fall onto him. He didn't make it into a blade as he doesn't want to kill him.


Hitting the ice with his vines he wasn't able to crack it.

'Tch! Fucking turtle!'

He attacked over and over again and was not able to break it.

"Hahahaha! Do your best!" The old man mocked hideo.

Pissed off, hideo added flame magic to his vine then slammed it towards the ice making it explode, immediately breaking the ice.

Genzou and his wife looks at this with shocked as they don't know what type of magic hideo did.

"Found you!" Hideo said then slammed it towards the old man.

"W-wai..." the old man yelled, but he was too late.

Losing consciousness from getting hit by hideo's vine.

'What? Is that all his endurance? I wanted to make him suffer more...' Hideo thought as when he beat down the dahan's they didn't lose consciousness that fast.

"Yeah you killed them... you probably don't remember as you lost your mind while killing a lot of them" the system interrupted his thoughts.

'Sorry....why are you here?'

"I'm here to congratulate you for completing your tasks!"

'Huh? What about saving miya?' Hideo asks.

"Preventing her from marrying tatsuya's dad, saved her from a emotionless relationship...making her more happy means she won't have to use her memory erasing magic"

'Is that so? But I haven't married maya yet...'

"Well you will marry her sooner than later."

'What is my reward?'

A/n: I remember writing his task on a chapter somewhere, but I can't fucking find it. I only remember some of it.... I don't even remember if I specified a reward 😭



1. being able to leave and enter in this world independently...

2. New skill! (Illusion maker)

3. Coins obtained 500,000


"Illusion maker?" Hideo muttered

'Can you explain that?'

"It's a weak illusion type, you can make it stronger by using it over and over again...."

'Uhmm... why didn't you just gave me something from naruto like the sharingan'

"That skill is only buyable in the store..."

'Do I have to wait to get it again!' He thought then remembered about his coins.

'How much coins do I have left?' He asks as he doesn't want to experience where he visited different worlds as he experienced various pain. He was tortured, raped, cheated on, mentally destroyed by his family, bullied and all sorts of negative emotion just came into his mind.

"The host still has 18,500,000 coins!"

'Nice I still have that much!'

Talking to his system he didn't notice maya and miya's voice as they call out for her.

"Hi-de-o-kun! Wake up!" Maya said as she pinch his nose.

"Oww!" Waking up from talking to the system he looks at maya and miya who is pouting.

"Why are you ignoring the two of us?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking about a lot of things" hideo said then wraps his arms around the two of them.

"What were you thinking about?" Miya asks as she rest her head on his chest.

"I will tell you later" hideo said as they walk towards maya's room.

"Gramps, are you good?" Genzou asks as he shakes the old man awake.

As hideo got close to genzou's wife, she said "take good care of my daughter!" With a smile on her face.

"I will!"

"You better! Or else I will kill you even if you try to hide!"

"Of course, I can't not treat your beautiful and kind daughter"

Hearing hideo's words they blushed as they kissed hideo on both of his cheek.

"We are in your care!" Maya and miya said at the same time.

"Of course!" Hideo smiled then went inside maya's room. He rested himself as he felt tired from using his magic then he thought if he didn't used his armor during the dahan fight he would have fainted mid fight and die right then and there.

As they walk towards maya's room he noticed miya pouting.

"Why are you pouting?" Hideo asks, noticing miya's behavior.

"Well, why do you only go to maya's room? Don't you want to see mine?" She asks hideo while pouting.

'So cute!' He thought then patted her head.

"Let's go to your room then"

Maya chuckled as she watch miya's behavior.

They went inside the room, then he noticed how woman like it was as there was a lot of colored pink things in it unlike maya that has normal stuff on it.

Hideo grabs miya's ass then squeezed it making her moan loudly.


She loses strength as she felt hideo playing with her pussy. She looks up to hideo as she rest her body on him.

Maya noticed hideo's hand then pouted "what about me?"


Hideo chuckled then grabs hers as well. The same as miya she lose her strength as she rest her body on hideo.

Hideo wraps his arms around their waist then push them down the bed.

He started kissing miya as he plays with maya's breast.

"Kiss me, too!" Maya said then joins in to kissing hideo as they double team him with their tongue.

"Let me and miya do it for you!" Maya said

Hideo nodded then laid down the bed.

Miya and maya positioned themselves in front of hideo's crotch.

They pulled his pants down revealing his underwear as his cock throbs in front of them.

"It's already this big.." maya said as she licks his cock with hideo's pants on.

"It got this because you two are too sexy"

"I'm happy" miya and maya said at the same time.

Miya joined in and started licking hideo's cock. Not being able to hold back anymore maya pulled his pants down, revealing his big cock.

Maya positioned herself as her wet pussy positioned in front of hideo. She opened her mouth and started sucking hideo's cock. Miya on the other hand started sucking his balls and licking it at the same time.

"Why are you this wet already?" Hideo said then put his finger inside his pussy.

"Its because of hideo ku~ huu!" She said with hideo's cock inside her mouth then moaned as she felt hideo's finger moving around inside her.

"Let me suck too!" Miya complained as she want to taste hideo's cock.

Miya position herself to hideo's side as she suck it from there.

Hideo looked over then started to squeeze her soft ass as he puts his finger inside her pussy.

"Uhmmm!" She moaned while she sucks on hideo's cock.

"You two are so good at this!" Hideo praised making them more motivated.

"It's my time to attack now" hideo said then buried his face on maya's pussy.

He licks the entrance of her pussy, hearing her soft moans. Hideo puts his tongue inside as he drinks her love juice.

"Ahhn! It feels so good!" She said as she lose strength forgetting to pleasure hideo.

'Not fair!' Miya said then went towards hideo's cock. She got miya out of the way as she starts to guide hideo's cock inside her.

"Mm...MMHM!.. AHHHN!"

As she put it inside her slowly inside her. She couldn't help, but moan as she felt hideo's cock going all the way inside her.

"Hey, it should be me first!" Maya said, waking up from her orgasmic state.

Hideo grinned then started attacking maya again as he hits her g-spot over and over again after maxing her sensitivity. Making her more sensitive to pleasure.

"S-shtop!" She said as she lose her strength again.

Miya grabs maya's face then started kissing her as she bounce up and down.

'Maya's breast!' She thought then started sucking maya's breast.

"Mmhm! Stop miya, if you two attack me at the same time..... I-I will... cum!!!!"

She came as she arches her back from pleasure. she lay down next to hideo as she breathes heavily watching miya bouncing up and down as hideo's cock push and pull inside miya.

"Hehe" miya chuckled as she looks at maya's blissful face.

Hearing miya chuckling, Hideo grinned then started to move his hips

"Ahhn! W-wait... I'm not rea~hii!"

She fell onto hideo's chest from losing strength.

"Did you just came from that?" Hideo asks her in a teasing tone.

She nodded while breathing heavily.

"I'm not done yet.." he said then started moving his hips. He grabs on her ass then lifted it up as he starts pounding her.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"

Feeling hideo's cock stirring her insides she couldn't help, but moan loudly.

"Ugh! So good! More! Harder!" She begged hideo to do her more.

Hideo started to target her with his 'pheromone'. Making her more sensitive as time passed by.

"AAGH! IM CUMMING!" She screamed as she suck on hideo's neck trying to suppress her moan.

Hideo made her move with his skill then started to kiss her.

"Mhmm! Mhmmh!"

Even though she came already hideo didn't stop his attack as he started to move his hips even faster.

Miya who couldn't talk from the pleasure anymore she started to make incomprehensible moans as she rest her head onto hideo's shoulder.

"I'm gonna cum inside you!" Hideo said

"C-cwum inshide mwe!" She screamed.

Hideo came deep inside her making her scream her moan for the last time, her eyes rolled back as she lose strength. He pulled his cock out of her following it his semen started flowing out of her pussy.

Hideo looked over to maya then grabs her. He made her lay down onto miya, her back facing the ceiling. Hideo rubs his cock on to the entrance of her pussy trying to find the hole then thust it in one go as he felt the hole.

"I-it's here!" She screamed loudly as she felt hideo's cock going inside her.

Hideo started pounding her roughly, making her moan loudly.

"Ahh! Ahh! ... hideo kun! More! Do it more!"

Hideo grabs both of her legs then closed it. He grabs her ass then spreads it revealing the entrance to her cave. He puts his cock inside it then started fucking her roughly.

"Augh! Hideo-kun! I wuv you! I wuv your cock too!"

Miya who is under maya started moaning as well.

"Augh! I'm so happy!" Maya screamed happily while she clench on to the bed sheets.

Hideo grabs her hair then started fucking her faster.

"Ahh! Ahh! It feels so good! Do it rougher!"


"Do you like that?" Hideo asks her after slapping her ass.

"Yesh, I wuv it!" She answered as she felt a mixed pain and pleasure coming from her ass.






"I'm cumming maya!" Hideo said as he felt his limit.

"Cwum inshide mwe, I want hidweo kwun's baby!"

"Uuuuuhh!" She moaned one last time as she felt hideo's semen going inside her.

Her eyes rolled back as she lay down onto miya.

Hideo lay down next to them then look at the two of them with a smile on his face.

Miya and maya looks back at him, if one carefully looks into their eyes you could see love hearts forming on their pupils.

By the door, genzou and her wife witnessed what happened.

"Darling, seeing them do it made me want to do it as well! Let's go to my room!" She whispered as she started rubbing genzou's cock.

Genzou felt a chill down his spine as he remembered how much sex drive his wife had.

He cursed hideo as he will get dried to death by her wife.

Hideo, of course knew that they were wafching mid way. He didn't stop as he was too indulge in making maya and miya to feel good, of course he, himself got lost to the pleasure.

"I love you, miya and maya!" Hideo said then kissed the two of them on the lips.

They smiled then said "me, too!" At the same time.

After a while of resting, hideo felt like going at it again.

They indulged in pleasure as they fuck again.

Dinner time came, they went down and started eating.

Genzou's wife noticed that maya and miya is walking weirdly as she laughed inside as she knew why they were walking weirdly.

Genzou on the other hand looks like she hasn't been eating for a long time.

Hideo chuckled as he knew why he was like that.