
Revenge is always sweet

Hideo is a normal decent looking middle school student who fell in love with a girl and confessed to her. They became a couple but, the girl already had a boyfriend and was only using him to order him around. After knowing the truth, hideo became depressed and did not go to school. After a year of being depressed and being persuaded by his parents to come back to school, he came back but his body and his face greatly changed he became fat and his face was full of pimples. People started to bully him and girl looks at him full of disgust but, this did not got him discouraged and started to exercise and diet. After months of hard work he became more muscular than before and his face started to become clearer. For hideo this is not good enough. He wants to be more charismatic so, he can get his revenge on the people who used him, guys who bullied him and he specifically want to get his revenge on aimi the girl he confessed to but, used him. Suddenly, the end of his 2nd year in middle school he got a dream that greatly changed him and his body.... The world that mc visited: prison school, hotd, mahouka koukou no rettousei Ongoing:shokugeki no souma(food wars) and attack on titan world Disclaimer: english is not my first language and the first few chapters are hard to read and there is a lot of contradictions, since I was only writing to pass the time in this quarantine....please bear with it if you can. You can skip to the prison school fanfic part if you want to. I’m considering on rewriting the first few chapters if I have the time to do so... Art is not mine credits to the maker

Tento · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Back to school with maya and miya

The next day

Hideo came to school with maya and miya. They got to class, as they separate classes.

Hideo walk inside his classrom while maya cuddles at him.

"I love you" she whispered then kissed hideo on the cheek before she went to her seat.

Hideo smiled at her then said nothing.

School ended, he went around and searched for kouichi to tell him what happened as leaving him in the dark is far worst than letting him know. Soon, he found him talking to another girl.

Walking up to him, he asks "hey, kouichi! Is this your girlfriend?"

"Oh, hideo! Yes, she is my girlfriend we started dating a week ago. Her name is maria! Maria, introduce yourself, he is my child hood bestfriend!"

"Oh, hi! Hideo san, my name is maria. Nice to meet you!"

She reach her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, too!"

I grab her hand then shook it.

"What about miya? Kouichi!"

"I figured that she wasn't really interested in me and I found a better woman..." he said then pinch maria's cheek lightly.

"Is that so? Goodluck on your relationship!" Hideo said said then left

As He was about leave He remembered why he was here.

"Uhmm, kouichi, I have something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"me, maya and miya are gonna get married..."

"Y-you three?"


"Haaa! I figured out as much. You are far better to be with miya than her being with that shiba tatsurou."

"Thank you, kouichi. I thought you will get angry at me"

"N-no! I'm not angry! I have my own girlfriend now!"

"Yeah, good luck man"

Leaving them behind, I look back and saw kouichi hugging her girlfriend.

"I worried for nothing..."

Soon, he came to the student council room with miya and maya.

'Hideo-kun... i want to do it with him!' She thought as she remember the feeling of hideo's cock going inside her.

She looks at hideo with lustful eyes as she breathes heavily.

Hideo looks at her behavior and found it strange as he wasn't targeting her with his 'pheromone'. Hideo ignored her then sat down next to maya as miya tried to sit on his lap again, failing as maya stopped her from doing so.


Miya looked at maya then look away with a hmph.

"Why did you bring your sister and hideo here?" Maki said as she looks at hideo intently.

"We will go home together, so don't worry and just ignore them" she said

Hideo looks at her as he felt like teasing her. He puts his hands on her lap as he starts rubbing it. Hideo put his hand inside her skirt then started to touch her pussy.


'Hideo what are you thinking!' She curse in her mind as she held her moan back.

Hideo grinned as he watch maya held her moan back while covering her mouth.

"Recently, there has been students running around bullying the 'weeds' in the school. I'm here to asks for any advice that we can stop it as there are a lot of them doing it"

"We don't need to do anything! Weeds are weeds, they are far inferior to us!" Reo said, aki frowned as she hear him say those words.

She slams the table as she said "Reo senpai! How are you in the committee if you treat the students unfairly!"

Hearing his words aki couldn't help, but get mad at him. Since the committee is there for all the students, not for the blooms only.

While listening to their words, hideo continued playing with maya's crotch as he feels her wet pussy. If the room was silent everyone would be able to hear the wet noises coming out from maya.

"Mhmm! S-stop!" She whispered as she rest her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, I will stop..."

Hideo stopped teasing her, but he couldn't help himself as he starts to target her with his 'pheromone'

"Good... let's do it later!" Maya said then winked at hideo.

Leaving her alone, hideo started talking to miya. They would whisper to each other as he ignore their meetings.

Hideo figured out that reo was really a piece of shit and shouldn't be in the committee. While learning this he learned that aki should have been the leader of the committee.

"Hideo-kun! Kiss me!" Miya said as she wrap her arms around hideo.

Couldn't help, but notice their action reo got angry as he started shouting at hideo.

"What are you doing here!? You're in the way! Go to another room if you're gonna do that!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to show affections to my girl."

Hearing his words reo got furious, he stood up and walked towards hideo.

"Stop! Reo! Let's talk about this problem first!" Akis said angrily as she wasn't finish talking to reo.

"You better stop him, cause if you didn't I might have killed him"

Hearing his words reo couldn't hold back anymore as he dashed towards hideo then grabbed him by his neck, smashing him through the walls.

Hidie sighed then thought "this again?"

"Y-you think you can fuck with me? Think again before you speak a word!"

"Pfft! Hahahaha! It doesn't even hurt!"

Maya and miya was calm the entire time as they knew hideo's power.

Hideo grabbed his hand then started to open it by force.

"Huh? You think you can win with raw power without using your magic? Keep dreaming!"

Reo said as he tightened his grip.

Hideo not using magic he opened his palm then breaking it at the same time.


Kneeling down reo held his hand as he looks at hideo.

"Well, that's what you get..." hideo said then went back to his seat.

"Come back to your conversation, I'm not gonna bother you again!"

'So, he got miya and maya as his own woman now, huh? I guess I have no chance anymore!' Maki thought as she looks at maya and miya cuddling with hideo.

"Let's see if You will win against my magic!" Reo said then strengthened his body with his cad.

He dashed towards hideo then punched him on the face.


Reo giggled, but frowned as he look at hideo blocking his punch with two of his finger.

Hideo, of course strengthened his two fingers with magic with his knowledge mix with his inhuman stats he was able to achieve this.

Hideo holds his fist then stood up, strengthening his fist he prepared himself to punch reo.

"This is how you throw a punch!"

He punched reo in the stomach making him kneel down in pain. If he wasn't holding onto his fist, he would have flew back already.

"Urghh! Bastard!"

"You shouldn't have fucked with me, I was holding myself to beating you up back then as all you did was insult me. Now that you gave me a reason to beat you up, I couldn't hold back anymore."

"Reo senpai! Are you okay?" Aki asks reo worried about him.

She looks at me angrily while saying "Y-you went too far!"

I shrugged then sat back down.

A/n: small chapter cause I'm pretty busy. japan is in quarantine, but a lot of fucking homework is given and I need to send it to the teacher within a week....