

Living life to the fullest wasn't an option Death wasn't a choice Resurrection was a coincidence Being whole was his birthright The missing link between two worlds Bringing both peace and destruction

ellives · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Infiltration

"where am I" Williams sits while glancing at his surrounding, which appeared to be pitch black "hello anyone around"

"What lurks in the dark, are said to be ancient and never to be revealed" a loud deep voice echoes the surrounding

"hello, " turning around to find the source of the voice but to no avail

"But the ignorance of man is his destruction and also his salvation" the voice echoes again

"Okay you can stop the jokes now, please put on the lights it's quite scary and cold here" trying to cave in the heat from his body while snuggling the blanket

" JOKES....YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE, DO YOU KNOW THE PRESENCE OF WHOM YOU ARE IN AT THIS VERY MOMENT" the voice echoed more loudly causing Williams to muffle the loud sound with his hands as the raging cold assaulted his every being

"I'm sorry" William replied while grovelling beneath the sheets, " may I ask in whoms presence and care I'm in" trying to find the voice from a peep hole the blanket had


"So you basically have amnesia...well it doesn't matter....what can I call you...and why cant I see you...that's very creepy"


"What do you mean by that , you saying I'm still not worthy" William shrugs off the blanket as he gets up from the bed" I would let you know, I won first places English decathlon 7 times , so I don't think I won't be able to process anything you say " standing with his chest while expressing pride"

"HA HA HA" the laughter resounded "YOU ARE THE FIFTH TO MAKE ME LAUGH IN YEARS, ALL MY MASTERS SOUGHT AFTER WERE POWER AND RICHES," the darkness began to swirl taking the form of a human cloaked in darkness as it began to approach Williams "BUT FROM YOU I SENSE OTHERWISE.....IF YOU WISH TO KNOW MY NAME, YOU MUST FIRST KNOW THE ORIGIN" As a blinding light shone


"So how long before he awakens " stacie inquires while stuffing her mouth full with Breakfast

"I'm a doctor, but I can't assure when he would wake up" replies while losing his appetite"but I can assure you it ain't gonna be any time soon, given the way he stressed his body and carried you all out" standing up from his chair Heading to the balcony, "but from analysis I took last night....we should hope for the worst"

"Worst" Mrs fletcher expression showed concern and fear " what do you mean by worst " she asks while standing up from the chair

" what a nice way to end breakfast " stacie murmurs

"Well last night I went to check on Williams, and during my visit three spectral images were homing around him, I thought they were one of yours, but my thought changed as the nazgul started growling" he turns around to Mrs fletcher " you know what that implies right" as they both keep staring at the room

"Come on, what does it mean" stacie jumps up while feeling a chill down her spine"dont leave me hanging here "

" a nazgul has no fear except in the presence of a greater evil" he replies " those spectral images were deaths henchmen sent to harvest the soul of the departed, but somehow the order of josen learnt to command them to do thier biddings, but the nazgul arent afraid of those...they are toys to the nazgul, my concern arose when Williams levitated and started speaking in drekanic causing the spectral images to claw thier Insides out" facing Mrs fletcher

Mrs fletcher still trying to process everything she heard felt her legs grow weak and fell barely saved by the pillar she used for support

"Mom"stacie rushed to her mothers side to aid her "are you alright" she turns to silas " just what does drekanic mean "while shifting her gaze to her mother who seemed to be muttering something barely audible

"Drekanic is a language, in history it's said to be the gibberish the early cave men spoke, but it was so unstable, as the only language then it was spoken by all man, animal, Angel's, gods and Demons, then civilization came in and with it new languages until it was forgotten and became nothing more than a tale" he replies while watching the door"I'm afraid what we are dealing with here is way older than we can imagine", he shows utter seriousness "and the term greater evil is an understatement here"

"But, b.....ut "Mrs fletcher tries to speak after getting her composure


"Are all troops in position" a man wearing a white pleated suit adorned with medals with gold rims, making his appearance a pain to look at noon, what stood out among all his attire was the symbol of a wolf and snake fighting which appeared to be moving

"Yes sir, all civilians have been evacuated apart from the occupants of apartment 301b" a man with a black tux replied back

"Wasn't necessary none the less, I have been tasked to ensure no one leaves here alive today, so no one leaves here today" he turns around causing all the figures around him to avert their eyes" do I make myself clear, now begin attack"

"Sir yes sir" he tries to reply while squinting his eyes to avoid the blinding Rays from the figure ahead him, "all troops commence attack" he turns back to dish out instructions


"I would suggest we hand him over to the standard authorities " silas speaks while averting his gaze from Mrs fletcher,

"No....I have lost my job because of him....handing him over won't change a damn thing" she laments while her expression showed she was thinking at a rapid rate

"BOOM" the door burst open as men trooped in holding weapons

"Everyone on the ground " one soldier scream

"They can't hear you idiot, the blast numbed their hearing" another spoke while gesturing them to get on the ground "tell the captain we have subdued the occupants"

" no need I watched it first hand " the voice frightened the soldier as he was sure none was behind him a moment ago "so this Is the untouchable iron queen, I have to admit I'm dissappointed at what I'm seeing" he walks slowly to the bounded Mrs fletcher who was struggling as she was bounded by a cloth "no need to struggle, this was specifically crafted for you" turning to meet silas "and you have yet taken the choice once more" he stands and dusts himself " let him go"

"B...but sir we were ordered to kill them all" the second in command voiced out

"Who do you think gave us our Intel." Turning to look at the commander "so I said let him go"