

Living life to the fullest wasn't an option Death wasn't a choice Resurrection was a coincidence Being whole was his birthright The missing link between two worlds Bringing both peace and destruction

ellives · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Team 16




A scrawny old man paces back and forth while nibbling profusely on his nails, turning around swiftly by the sudden gush of wind, as a figure emerges from the shadow

" Your mission was a total success I presume" he says while smiling and letting out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding back while heading towards the wine cellar.

"Yes sir" the masked figure prostrate as he approaches the elder

"I hope it wouldn't be traceable back here" turning around with two glasses of wine handing one over to the figure before him "I have a figure to maintain here as it pertains to the rising of Grath "

"All evidence has been taken care of sir" rising as he accepts the wine

The massive doors swing ajar as a guard enters" all elders have been summoned urgently" the guard announces

"Ok I will be right there, let me just tend to my guest.." while turning to his rear

"Is everything alright sir" the guard inquires "you are the only one in here"

"Nothing everything is fine"turning as he addresses the guard spotting a letter on the table "all is Good..... a toast to the future", he mutters to himself as he lifts the wine cup with a smile towards his lips.


"Is he gonna be alright " worry flashes through Mrs fletcher now totally dazed face

" I've done the best I can" a man in his early 30's sighs letting out a gust of air, " you've put me in a lot of trouble coming here" puffing on his pipe " why here of all places"

"It was the place I could think of at the moment," covering her face to hide the sudden heat rushing to her face

"Huff...you could have gone anywhere, but you chose to come to my humble abode" a smirk creeps upon his face "that means esteem you put on me must be really high"

"Enough with all this, can someone explain what happened to williams" disgust appears on stacie's now boiling face

"Well ....what you have there isn't no human, I will assure you that" he points towards a room "that there is what we call a nazgul"

"A what now" stacie echoes

"A nazgul,... they are creatures whose very sights was said could wipe out an army, legend has it that a nazgul was brought by a malevolent soul, but this one was found left for dead" he blows on his pipe

"A nazgul in this century, that should be impossible in every way" Mrs fletcher steals a glance at the room Williams was

" oh...sorry I wasnt referring to him", he smirks "i was referring to my latest test subject

"Hufff" letting out a sigh of relief, "then what's going on with him" Mrs fletcher asks

" Well he is perfectly fine, as far as my human eyes can diagnose," taking off the headband he was wearing " but the aura coming from his body says otherwise, it's destructive, chaotic, dark, so dark the darkness looks like a baby next to it" while looking at Williams with his now visible third eye," it's as though something ancient has wrapped him in a cocoon "migrating back to his chair

" A contract" Mrs Fletcher asks

" No,"  he replies while swaying his chair, slightly rubbing his covered arms as he seemed to recall a past event

"Then what is it" Stacie asks worried

"He's been through a lot, it's taking a liking to him, more like a mutual relationship" drifting back to reality and heading towards the door

" Let's leave him to rest, and hope he doesn't rage" dragging both thier hands through the door



The door swings ever so noisy as a petite figure appears with a dazzled look approaching the man undergoing his meditation

"What is so important that you had to interrupt me from my midday meditation " without turning to bat an eye at the approaching figure

" We got a transmission sir" she replies shaking as the monstrous aura invade her very being from every angle possible

" And how is this transmission useful to me " he asks begrudgingly without batting an eye at the figure while leaving his meditative state

"It says it has begun" she answered bluntly while shaking feverishly

Opening his eyes to look at the figure before him "you said what"

"I.....i...it has b...begun sir" she says while prostrating and praying the ground should open to swallow her up

"Hahahaha ..." He laughs at the top of his voice "don't tell the others, keep it for a while, but first what has begun" he asks the figure

Being shocked by the laugh and the question she couldn't help but feel disappointed at the director " I have no idea sir" while hiding her face

"No need to bother about that,,..... but who was the transmission from" he asks

" It was from team 16" she replies

" So..." He asks " I don't keep their names in my head "while looking at her dazed

Just how are you the director she thought to herself "the team consists of the students from Summerville high "

" Names ....I need names" he asks as he crosses his legs on the table, while leaning back on his chair

Staring at him with unbelief she replies while trying to hide the anger as the fear she had moments ago had vanished " their names are Chris Stratford, Theo McCall and Dorothy Sanchez"