

Living life to the fullest wasn't an option Death wasn't a choice Resurrection was a coincidence Being whole was his birthright The missing link between two worlds Bringing both peace and destruction

ellives · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Martins" Silas stands heading towards the door "you just had to break my fucking door" he speaks while gathering the scattered pieces "was it necessary, I mean was there no alternative to smashing the door" heading towards martins "these were hard to find, I chose this cause of it's a natural resistance to magic"

"Why do you weep over ordinary woods...they can be gotten from anywhere" turning around to face the now fuming Silas " I mean look around you can use the one down the street.....it should be ordinary and not hard to find"

"Ord....ord....ordinary" showing disgust as the words hit him hard "Dalbergia is an exotic wood with high resistance to magic, it isn't easily found as it is a rare and exotic wood" screaming at Martins

"If I was to go with my original plan.....trust me you would not be weeping over a mere door" he replies while maintaining his cool

"And would you be so kind as to inform me what that plan was and why you didn't execute it," he asks while trying to maintain his cool

"Well my original plan was to nuke the building so please stop lamenting over the wood, I'm pretty sure it's at a happy place" Martins chuckles while making himself comfortable leaving Silas in a dazed state

"Now back to the matter on the ground, I see only 2 female whereas I was briefed of a male, 6'3 feet tall, I was even briefed on his genital size, said that would be our only means of identifying him, but I'm pretty sure the boss was just being horny"staring at the duo being guarded, " or unless one of you can shapeshift, which I highly doubt is possible for any of you"staring back at Silas with an expression clearly showing mockery

"He is over there, but I warn you he is in a very unstable state" Silas points while trying to avoid contact with Mrs Fletcher as he felt her eyes tossing daggers at him

"Do not worry, my boys have been trained for this sort of event" getting up from his chair " let the first squadron move in"signalling them to start moving

The first squadron approached the door while being cautious of the sound coming from the remaining doors

Martins turns to continue talking to Mrs Fletcher "I heard tales of you while I was still climbing the rank" removing the pocket watch from his pocket check time as he seemed to be in a rush "THE UNTOUCHABLE PRIESTESS"

"Oh .....really, I didn't know I was that famous, I just hated to be touched by people who wanted to take advantage of me, hence the nickname" Claudine replied after giving up on the binding attached to her wrist

"So Mrs Fletcher...is it alright if I call you Claudine, I mean given the situation I think it's alright to call you by your maiden name"

"Yeah given the situation, I feel you should be fr...."

The door suddenly bursts open as the commander of the first squadron rushed in, trying his best not to stumble on his own feet "sorry to intervene sir, but it seems as though the room is void of any life-form"

Standing from his chair while facing Silas "what's the meaning of this...you told us he was in there, are you trying to play coy with me"

Silas was perplexed as he was sure moments before they came in, he saw Williams sleeping turning to face the commander "Check again, there is no way he can escape, we are on the 7th floor, and the only way out is through the nonexistent front door that you and your annoying zombie men broke down

"watch your tongue and tone Silas" glaring at Silas "he is still in this apartment, a man of your calibre should be able to sense the life forms in this room" he chuckles while getting up from his chair and heading towards the room

" why must you always look for ways to make me seem useless "choosing not to argue about a past event, "you know I can't detect life forms cause I am flawed" Silas taking cue also follows" but if he is here how can he mask his presence when he is unconscious" while looking one of the soldiers into the eyes

"would you calm down already, you sure do ask a lot of questions" turning around to meet Silas gaze "haven't you noticed for a room with 2 windows it is unusually dark for this hour of the day", taking a look around as he heads towards the window

approaching the window a hand suddenly surfaced from behind the dark curtain grabbing martins from the neck causing an upset among the soldiers who immediately fell into formation

"Woah there tiger for someone who just woke up your grip is quite strong" his face clearly showing the discomfort from the arm on his neck "do you wrestle bears for a living"

"Williams it's not what you think" Silas steps forward "they mean you no harm, they are only here to take you in for questioning"

"Do you take me for a fool?" increasing the intensity of his grip "do you think im deaf" inching nearer to the window frame

"no I don't and I know you aren't deaf "seeing as the approach to toy with his intellect had failed" but how much did you hear?"

"I heard everything from the day I was brought here" seeing as he had run out of space to back started planning a new means of escape

"martins enough already we all know you can escape so let's cut the bull crap already and let's be done with this" Silas showing anger and resentment

Martins tries to break free but notices that the more he tries the more he feels his energy being drained as realization dawns on him he tries to signal a soldier but notices that he has been silenced and the only one possible of such action was his master or so he thought.

while trying to gather his thoughts as to how this was happening to him his eyes catches a reflection of himself on the mirror across the room as his physical appearance took the form of Silas. with a dread filled face his eyes fall upon a replica of himself where Silas was once stood

Silas smirks as all had gone according to his plan, "commander I have changed my mind dispose of them both" turning his back towards the sound of the soldier's gunshot, "are they both dead" he asks the commander

"affirmative sir" the commander replies while locking his gun to prevent any unnecessary fire

"and their bodies," He asks while exiting the room trying not to look behind as the sight of blood always irritated him

"they fell out the window sir into the trench there is no way they could have survived....."

"ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR" the whole building shook as the foundations threatened to give way

"that lucky bastard how does he always survive" running to the window despite his irritation to blood "are you sure you shot him or you shot Mar...Silas"

The soldier was perplexed as he kept looking at martins who was so unpredictable meanwhile martin was amazed as his eyesight fell upon a set of Golden eyes stare back at him from the woods he chuckles to himself as his own eyes begin to glow Bloodshot Red "until we meet again brother"