
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

What is in a name

After a lot of fact-finding with GCA David thought he had it worked out. The timeline he knew only encompassed things that became known. This was why he knew about those in public office and had a lot of knowledge from the 20th century onwards. If it had not been for GCA listening in it seemed no one would have taken that report seriously.

Soon after the fight, the radios had nothing about it. Maybe the Men on the Wall ensured it was never recorded. While this helped explain what happened, it in no way reassured David.

He now had to consider all the hidden dangers that existed in this Universe, he felt a big headache coming on. any time if all the minds were wiped and it was not listed, or events reset, it would not be know to him.

He did not like how things were looking at all. David was no longer feeling so all-powerful anymore as began to worry about an endless list of possibilities.

To date he had never really dug into the timeline he was given, he always though only the highlights would do.

'GCA, based on the knowledge we have theorized what would be the safest way to proceed?'

'We do have the option, depending on your power level now, to warp reality into an Earth of our choosing.'

'I think that might defeat the objective of me being in this Universe.'

David mused over it for some time before he came to the realization that he needed to have a much deeper grasp of his own powers. And he knew of a way to do that.

'GCA, if I will be creating a new reality around the alter, will it act to advance my powers while allowing time to barely move out here?'

'Only if you used the Ka Stones ability, using your own would make it cease the moment you lay on the alter.'

'Since you are linked to the alter, are you able to influence the powers it might influence, or rather, would it make it improve a power faster if it focused on only one?'

'In theory, it would.'

'Please focus on any of my abilities involving molecular control, and then my mental powers, this way I should have power in reserve regardless of who we face. Let the ladies know I will be resting for 6 months. Also, upload all the information you have on my world's comics, they might just be more important than the timeline I have in my head.' Saying that David evoked the Ka stones power surrounding the altar and lay down.

'David, it is time to wake up.'

David sighed lightly as he had a sense of Déjà vu, "Steph, wake up." Said David as he started gently poking Steph in the ribs and canceled the Ka stones effect.

"Whoooo, what the hell?" David panicked a moment as he felt like the world had just realigned itself, "Okay, seems okay now, that was weird."

"Why does it seem like I am seeing double, accept allot more than double? Unless these are the other dimensions. "David focused a moment and once again saw the world as he did before. Finally, his poking produced a result and Steph got of the alter mumbling under her breath.

David stood up and slowly opened his mind, taking it very slowly, he was shocked to discover his sense was stretching to the moon easily when he sensed something there, although rather weak, there was a psychic there. He knew Xavier had done that before, but he had used Cerebro at the time.

As David was working to understand the changes he had undergone, he realized he was aware of Protons and even the Quarks if he tried, he could change them and remake them.

A gentle voice came from the side, "David, are you sure none of En Sabah Nur was put into the body?"

Confused David looked to Steph, "Yes, it is all me. Why are you asking?"

"Well, just like him you seem to always want more power to fight and protect, you had enough power to face the Levar alone before. You said you needed to give the people of this world power to face them or they would be weak when we leave. Now you fear another enemy and therefore take more power."

David was shocked, Steph was right, was he maybe becoming more powerful just to be stronger, with no noble goal like he imagined. Was this how villains were born, thinking about doing the right thing and going too far?

"You right. Thank you, Steph, I think I was starting to go down a very dark path there."

Shaking off what he believed was probably a life-changing moment David was once again thankful for the straight-talking woman he had as his side. He would never tell her that though, she would agree he should be.

"Oh, right. We need a name for me, one the agents can mentally call on if they are ever in dire need. With my power now, I have no limit to the number of mental links."

Giggling Steph suggested Apocalypse, this only got her a dirty look.

After many vetoed suggestions by Steph, they finally agreed on Genesis.