
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs


The war had ended. David was ready for this. People were relieved as this was a warning to the world. A lesson had been learned and the world would never go that far again. Yeah right.

The message was passed on to the most trusted members of the security team and agency, although it confused a few at first, they seemed to accept it.

As David expected, soon after the return of the soldier's people started to get sick. David was hoping the Mayor would contact him soon for help, if he acted himself it would seem suspicious and it was not time to attract that amount of attention.

Not long after David got his first mental link message from someone in the field. It was at this time he felt they might have misunderstood the message that had been sent out.

'GCA what message did we send to the men about the mental link? The exact message please.'

'" If you are in danger or in need of help beyond your ability, call on Genesis within your minds and he will answer." Was the message David'

"Oh, what the hell!" David shouted as he listened to the mental link, now he was going to be a cult since there was no way he could absorb or retain faith until he had the power approaching a god. Just great.

'My Lord Genesis, I am not sure if this is something, I am allowed to bother you with, but my niece is really sick, she is only 4 years old and I feel helpless. I know she is not part of us, but she is my niece, please, I will give anything, please save her.'

What the hell, she called him Lord, David wanted to crawl into a corner and hide.

Jenny was a good aunt, when she had got the new job, she had mentioned nothing to the rest of her family, but they knew she had done well due to the way she would spoil them. She would bring extra rations, meat, and even chocolate. She loved her little niece and spent all her days off with her family.

She could not believe her luck when she got the job, Mr. Bater was willing to hire men and women equally. Although she feared being sexually harassed, she could not turn down the pay and perks. Then all the woman got assigned to Ms. Stephenie, Mr. Bater gave Ms. Stephenie his second in a command position, she was not just a decorative assistant.

Soon after that she got shocked, Ms. Stephenie was stronger than anyone she had ever met, Mr. Bater was able to move her and her sisters from one location to another without effort. More and more amazing things started to happen one after another, she was convinced Mr. Bater, Ms. Stephenie, and Ms. Fox were amazingly powerful people.

Then they received the message to call on the aid of Genesis if they needed help. Jenny was a little taken aback and was scared they were becoming a cult. They had been good to her and helped her when she was desperate so she would give them her loyalty as long as she was asked nothing that would harm her family.

Tonight, she came to visit her sister, brother-in-law, and niece. When she arrived, her sister was in tears. Her niece had gotten sick with the same illness that was killing people. Jenny was heartbroken as she sat next to her niece on the bed doing the only thing she could, she prayed.

Recalling the amazing things Mr. Bater and Ms. Stephenie were able to do, she saw no harm in trying, it was all she had left, "My Lord Genesis, I am not sure if this is something I am allowed to bother you with, but my niece is really sick, she is only 4 years old and I feel helpless. I know she is not part of us, but she is my niece, please, I will give anything, please save her."

Hearing a slight gasp behind her she knew she has spoken her thoughts out loud, her sister had heard her words, she never had time to be embarrassed or try to explain, she was in shock. She heard a voice in her heard, she heard a reply.

'Reach your hand out to your nieces' forehead.'

After a moment Jenny realized she knew that voice, it was Mr. Baters' voice, Mr. Bater was Genesis? As her mind was in shocked confusion, she reached out her hand to her nieces' forehead and touched it.

Within the room a gentle green light seemed to emanate from Jenny's hand for a few seconds before it disappeared, Jenny heard the voice once again, 'The child is healed, and your family is our family.'

Jenny burst into tears as she heard the voice, she could feel her niece's temperature lowering under her hand as her sister rushing into the room after being stunned for a moment by what she had seen.

Smiling as tears still rolled down her cheeks Jenny looked to her sister.

"He said she has been healed."

Firstly, I am not English, I am Afrikaans, so do apologize if I miss some corrections. I am using Grammarly but only started after Chapter 5 I think?

I am loosely basing my time-line on MCU. Most of the characters will be based on Earth 616 just moving the timeline along.

Keeping that in mind please realize the villains you saw in the movies are allot weaker than earth 616.

As an example, Thanos is ranked with strength and speed of 10/10, Ms Marvel does not have a single max stat. She could never have lasted that well against him. And that is without a single power stone.

My Character will be powering up fast in be beginning against Stephs wishes (until ch35 I think I have it), he knows he will be facing Galactus (Bear in mind Galactus has almost all his skills at 10/10) amongst others. Although I have not decided on which version of Galactus 616 he will face yet, to be honest.

The powers I have given En Sabah Nur are initially as per Earth 616 and the Ka Stone. I then looked up and debated what would happen he slept for thousands of years. The results as way beyond what I have him at, I had to nerf him.

On a side note, my wife volunteered to write any intimate scenes after she read my attempt ... WOW

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