
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

To serve and defend

David waited for the men to compose themselves after they had all benefited from the serum.

"Very well, for those of you who have a way forward, work waiting, people able to help you, I suggest you return to your lives and enjoy them. There is no catch to this apart from being unable to reveal anything about it to anyone else."

As expected, the question came, "Sir, what happens to those that do? I mean it seems almost impossible to monitor all of us each day. I mean I have no intention to go back on my word, I am simply curious you understand."

With a light giggle the response came, not from David, but the attractive lady next to him, "Try it, talk to someone next to you about what happened here."

Opening his mouth, the man shut it again, then looked about, his eyes darting about in a very confused manner. "I … what happed?"

Grinning Steph spoke again, "The moment you try to think about what happened here, or the people here, you will forget everything that happened here."

A low murmur filled the room as people looked at each other, some in panic, "Oh relax, unless you were planning on breaking your word, you should have no issue with it. Of course, those who stay and choose to accept the offer will have something similar happen." David added.

"So, we will step out and leave you to decide. You will have five minutes; I will assume you are interested in the offer if you are still here when I return." With David's last words he and Steph stepped out the room.

Five minutes later they walked back in. Only ten people were left in the room. This was expected as most of the ones John sent had their own support network, the ones who stayed seemed to be the ones who were not fully aware of what they came here for.

"Very well, I shall get straight to the point. We need people with battle experience to work for a government agency. Although I say government agency, I mean it is registered there.

We receive no funding through the government and do not report to anyone, including the president. If an American is involved, we have full jurisdiction if we want it. You will receive high-level training, and depending on your results, serums to enhance you. You and your family will live where we move you with other agents' families. I can guarantee that the location is one of the safest on the planet at current. Your children will receive an education above any other. You can ask questions or head to the door Stephenie and I came in if you accept. If you reject the offer, please wait a few minutes."

While he was talking a thought occurred to David, 'GCA we need to get that Vibranium I had you locate, based on the blueprint of the celestial ship we need to create a replica as best we can. Use the agency resources if you need as in the short term it will enhance the defense of America. Notify me if you need my help, but it should be early enough that Wakanda will not notice us.'

Most of the men headed right for the door, Steph was glad to see the man she had given shoes too had headed to the door as well.

Three men remained; they seem troubled by something.

Steph and David grinned, "So, one from the Mayor, oh he sure underpaid you, and 2 from the understaffed FBI. Well now, I thought they would have less time to worry about other agencies and worry more about the war effort."

David's words made the men falter for a moment, the Mayor's man turned pale while the two FBI men recovered fast and drew their weapons. They knew something was up when they found they were unable to walk towards the door as they planned.

Both pistols started to break down into dust as David walked forwards.

"I might have let you go with a warning if you had sown some respect, but to pull your weapons on me." As David was speaking the men were still staring at their hands in disbelief.

David smiled at the men as he mentally rewrote some of their memories. He turned the one who had given them the assignment into a German spy in their eyes, someone who was likely in contact with other spies. They had found nothing here, just someone offering phycological aid.

They found a potion when they entered the suspected spies' home, and during a fight it broke, it fell on the agent with the lost hand. This must have been something the Germans had stolen from our labs as it regrew his hand!

They knew what to do.