
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

To get a Nat

"Wait, a real goddess?" Libby almost stuttered her question.

David nodded, "She was trapped within her own realm by Odin, he was kind of a jerk. She helped him get what he wanted and then he laid all the blame on her, his daughter."

"Oh wow, gods exist then. I am not going to lie, that is a bit much to swallow."

Billy chuckled, "Hey, my dad can kick their asses, try to add that to the drink you trying to swallow, hehe."

Libby's eyes widened as she looked at David, "Not in their own realm, his exaggerating. I could only defeat them outside their own realms, they draw power from their own realms."

Libby just shook her head and sighed.

'David, I have something in the warehouse I am unable to identify. It was already on its way here as a curiosity before I had a chance to scan it.'

'Send it to my lab and give me what information you do have.' "Sorry, I need to examine something, Steph, are you coming?"

Steph nodded happily as they both disappeared from the room.

Within the lab David had learned that this plant-like room seemed to contain celestial energy, this made him chuckle.

"I never thought he had been to this planet before. He must have come a lot earlier and left this, then planned to come back later." David grinned as he looked the item before him over, being very careful not to break the star seed Ego had left.

"Steph this is perfect, with this I can work on the formula. If I use this energy as the base energy it will make the formula much more powerful and override the side effects." As he was talking David was happily working away on his formula while Steph was wondering if she should just have an early night.

Meanwhile, in David's office, Libby was trying to understand the next step.

"Some bad things need to happen because they lead to good things. We are also not sure which things are going to happen. So, it gets very confusing at times."

'Billy, Libby, it appears the Atlanteans are relocating from under Antarctica to near the Pacific Northwest.'

Billy signed deeply, "Just like that."

And this way time passed, little Nat was sent to the Red Room for her own protection as Ivan misunderstood their true training, Namor McKenzie learned to distrust surface dwellers due to their lack of respect for the ocean. David develops his physical formula boost with the aid of the celestial energy to something greater than he originally planned. The world moved closer to another war.

1938. Billy and Libby snuggled a little on David's sofa while David and very excited Steph were about to head-on into the snow to get someone. The only one more excited than them was Marina. She had changed her clothes so many times David was getting ready to wipe the concept of clothes out of everyone's minds until he heard [I totally support you, dad.]

Marina could not help asking once more, "How is she doing now, is she still safe?" over the years he accent had faded, it helped that David had told her to try sound American to avoid issues.

"She is safe, the girls she chose to come with her are doing well. We need to go" said David as he smiled to the woman patiently, then teleported himself and Steph to a snow-covered forest.

(Author: Just a side note, I did not allow all the horrible thing to happen, the MC would create an illusion to make the teachers believe it did happen. The girls did get to see what they wanted to do to them though.)

As soon as they arrived, they could see a little redhead heading their way, followed by 8 more her size. Behind them came gunshots and shouting. David placed his hand on Steph's arm to stop her running forward.

It seemed the redhead had seen them, he previously desperate strides through the snow suddenly became focused as she headed towards the couple with the other girls following.

The girls soon noticed no more bullets were traveling past their heads, at this point Nat had made it to Steph and David and held them close, tears running down her cheek. Steph leaned in close, her hands traveling all over Nats' body as she searched for injuries. David noticed Nat seemed fine but one of the younger girls had a broken leg, the poor girl had dragged herself all the way here since she was the smallest and at the back, the others had not noticed.

David smiled as he walked over to the little girl, he raised her chin and looked into her eyes the smiled warmly, "No worries little one, I will take all the pain away."

The girl panicked and looked down to her leg that now looked healthy, she had been terrified they would not take her as she was damaged so did her best to stay close.

David smile changed slightly as he felt rage starting to gather behind him, it seemed his wife had scanned their minds to make sure nothing was programmed and discovered all the truth he had hidden from her.

Nat looked up as she felt herself and Steph start to move upwards, "Mrs. Steph? Magic man, I think someone is wrong with Mrs. Steph!"

David sighed and replied, "No, nothing is wrong with her, her reaction is normal. She loves you very much and she is angry they tried to hurt you."

The men running behind the girls had almost caught up when they heard a very loud crashing noise behind them, they slowly turned their heads to find the entire Red Room institute being ripped out of the ground.

All the guards flew towards the building like it was a massive magnet, then slowly it all got crushed together into a small square of solid material.

Steph placed the square on the ground clearing the area around it. A high-pitched metal screeching could be heard as words started to appear on the square.

-I now know who all of you are. -

David glanced at his wife; he knew for her this was a long way from over.

Gathering the children together David teleported them all to his office where clothes, snacks, and drinks now waited. For Nat another present waited, having teleported in she happily got out of Steph's arms to hug David when she stopped in mid-movement, tears started running down her cheeks as she never moved for fear she would break the illusion.

Steph leaned down behind her and whispered, "She is real, we kept her safe."

Nat leaped to her mom, throwing the poor woman to her back, but to her credit, she never let go of the little ball of red hair.

The other girls seemed to look a little awkward, but it did not last long as Steph and Libby soon showered them with affection.