
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A little truth

"I expected the fight to go that way but was also surprised, he normally kills people faster. You actually did well for the powers and abilities you have. I did it for two reasons, so you would be more inclined to listen to me next time, and so I could play the hero, hehe."

Libby tut'ed then nodded, "Yes, I want his powers. I hated being that weak. If I never had you to save me, I dread to imagine my fate."

"Urm, you really were in no danger you know." Billy looked a little embarrassed as he scratched his chin.

"I don't understand."

'Hi sweety, David and I are always listening for either of your mental screams."

"Aunty Steph? How are you able to contact me so far away?"

The mental voice giggled, "Sweety you could be anywhere on this planet and I could sense you, for David you could be anywhere in this Universe."

Libby's mind went blank while Billy chuckled to himself and walked over to change Libby's genes. He was sure as hell not giving her the claws or pointy ears. The claws were bone and ears never even looked cool.

Libby blinked and looked at Billy, "I barely felt that, and it was so fast?"

David, the only one from a time period that found every comment to have two means burst out laughing in Billy's ear.

It only took Billy a moment for their link to tell him why his dad was laughing.


"With dad's serum as a foundation it prepares your body for any future changes, so it would take a lot more change to your body to hurt you," Billy explained.

Billy searched the room and found only money, he was hoping for information or a way to take over Romulus's organization.

Slightly disappointed Billy and Libby headed back to New York, Billy wanted one more in his team before he prepared for WW2.

"['NO WAY!']"

"Did you really need to say it in every communication channel?" Billy kind of expected this response from his dad if he was being honest.

"Dad, with your powers you should have access to her realm, and you are mentally strong enough to hide her from anyone except a Celestial, so why not?"

"Do you realize how strong she is, why on earth would she agree to help you with your mundane tasks when she could get revenge?" David was not amused, as they sat in his office talking David and Steph were on the right sofa and Billy and Libby the left. At the moment the women were keeping quiet as they were not even sure who the men were referring too.

"You could convince her; you are stronger than her and you can offer her a place to get stronger."

"Then why would I let her join your team? If she did that you and Libby would be at risk, once her dad found out what we did he would come after you." David tried to explain, the irony that he was in fact arguing with himself was not lost on him.

"The answer is no!"

Billy leaned close to Libby and whispered, "He's just pissed mom tried to set him up with Diana."

Steph burst out laughing while David stared daggers at Billy. Libby on the other hand looked a little shocked by the news.

Billy realizing she might not know as much as he thought from her talk with Steph.

Billy, "You sure you want me to tell you, it might just freak you out."

"Sweety did you not explain it all to her yet?" Steph asked as she got her laughter under control.

Billy wanted to say something about it being his mom's job but just smiled patiently.

Libby snuggled herself back into the sofa and looked patiently at Billy, "Just tell me it all in one go."

Billy looked over to David and Steph for help, David just grinned while Steph actually seemed interested in the story he was going to tell.

[You realize you cannot tell her I can from another Universe, right? Just say your mom and the rebellion gave me a change of heart.] David let Billy know.

Billy sighed and began telling the story about his fathers' life in ancient Egypt, the deaths he was responsible for. When he came to the part about the change of heart Steph looked at David sweetly. This confused him as she was there and knew what really happened.

When he finally came up to date David shook his head, Billy looked very confused.

"Tell her the rest, about her other future," David added. Libby sat upright, what she had heard so far was amazing, but there was something about her own future?

"My dad knows the future as it was meant to be since he exists outside of time now, and something big happened to almost half the superheroes of the world, it is like the universe is preventing them from gaining their powers." Billy was unsure how to say it so thought some lies and truth might work.

David jumped in to help, "That child you and Billy brought to us. He was meant to crash on a farm in Kansas, be raised by an old couple with strong morals. He was meant to become one of the morally strongest heroes, as were you. You were meant to gain powers from the Liberty Bell and to lead a special task force of superheroes to help fight in the war."

Libby looked at David quietly as she seemed to be processing what he had just revealed.

"Is that why Billy came to me?"

"Yes and no. Billy could have chosen anyone, someone still meant to get powers, another "forgotten" hero, or just someone off the street. He decided on you after meeting and talking to you."

Libby nodded and took a deep breath, "Okay, so that is out the way then. So, who was the woman Billy wanted to add to the team?"

"Hela, the Goddess of Death."