
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

They are in me?

"Eh?" David raised his head in confusion, he had easily merged with the information, but what was it that the Sorcerer had said?

His eyes locked onto the body of a woman, she was clad in gold and blue Egyptian armour, her body seemed about 173cm long, looked like it was crushed by the same rockfall he was originally under and was now slowly reforming, almost like it was slowly having time rolled back.

Having seen the memories from Strange, he recalled how this woman had made every effort to save En Sabah Nur's body, forsaking her own life. She was his Death, one of his four horsemen, he could not recall her real name, he guessed this meant En Sabah Nur did not really have that much attachment to her.

Deciding to let the spell keep reviving her, he focused on the gauntlet. David placed his hand inside it, then drew his left-over DNA into his current body, integrating it. David then instructed the nanite gauntlet to enter his body, with his own DNA it would now listen to his commands.

Nothing happened, "What the hell? Not enough DNA?"

"No, the nanites within your body will not allow those with a backdoor to enter your body."

David froze, that came from his mind. Even though he had absorbed his genes, the GCA should still have been inactive.

"Yes Dr. Bater, although you have not activated me, the nanites currently in your body needed a way to communicate with you after they removed my backdoor protocol I was reactivated." Replied the GCA.

'Currently in my body?' thought David 'meaning Strange has given this body the nanites it was supposed to get later, from Nathan Summers (Cable) and they seem to be a step up from the ones the gauntlet uses.'

"Correct Dr Bater, the nanites want to know if you want the nanites in your gauntlet to be reprogramed with upgraded software and absorbed?" asked GCA

'Yes, and call me either David or Dr So, both the nanites and yourself had backdoors for the Levar to use and I missed them both?' thought David.

"Yes David, we were both programmed with a backdoor even we were unaware of." Replied GCA.

'That helps solve the one obvious weakness I had, having gained the nanites my defence has increased allot. I should also no longer age thanks to the mutant that En Sabah Nur was transferring into before his people rebelled against him and almost destroyed his new body.'

While David was trying to work out the best course of action, he failed to notice the woman with long blonde woven hair, deep blue eyes that drew you in, and a face that honestly belonged to the statue of the goddess Diana, awaken. Even though they were in Egypt, her skin seemed allot paler than expected.

She quietly moved from her laying position to a kneeling one, making as little noise as possible so that she did not disturb David. Glancing over her body she was filled with more admiration for the being before her, she was sure she had died in the fall when she used her powers to protect David's body. She could recall the slab's impact on her body.

David knew he now had access to Rama Tut's technology. Although En Sabah Nur had been using it to rest for long periods of time, as it made him more powerful each time he did. With David's mind he could make a lot more use of the technology's potential, he would use this place as his first temporary base, and to gain power.

'GCA locate the Vibranium meteor that crashed to earth, it should be in the vicinity of Wakanda, we will need it later. As soon as we have the personnel create missions to send them out to gather any materials currently unowned, we will be needing for our technology.'

'Yes David.'