
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A pleasant chat

David blinked a few times; something was not right. Well, many things were not right but looking up and seeing layers of massive stones laying above him, meant something more than originally assumed was not right.

With a slight sigh David reached up to push on the concrete slab he judged to be over 20T in weight off. Something he regarded as a useless effort but attempted regardless, allot like a prisoner shaking his prison bars. The slabs easily lifted and then flipped over, this caused David to pause and not know what he expected to see, he stared at his hands. He knew the target was regarded as one of the more powerful humans, it was just that reading about that level of strength and experiencing it were vastly different things.

David slid his now freed body off the altar he had found himself trapped on, trying to not put too much effort into any of his actions as he was worried about causing damage.

Although not part of his plan, he had some idea of what had happened to him, he could make this work … probably.

Sliding down to the ground in a seated position, David raised his knees and lowered his forehead to rest on them, his hands resting, palms down on the dirt on either side of him. He started taking slow, deep breaths.

After a minute, he became aware that he was not alone and raised his head. Hovering before him while sitting cross-legged was a man with a red high collared cloak draped over him, around his neck was what looked like a glowing green eye. Looking old and worn, Dr Strange spoke, "Well, it seems you are calm enough to chat now, welcome to what might well be the last time I can reset us all."

David was slightly taken aback, although he knew this was a world of superheroes, he had never expected to talk to one, "I have read about you, sorry, it has been so long, and I am still sorting my mind out. Are you the one resetting this universe each time? I think I recall you were able to manipulate time or something like that?"

"Ah, yes, I am Doctor Stephen Strange. I saw once the Levar arrived that we had no way to defeat them, So I keep trying to alter something each time I reset, to change the outcome, but nothing worked. When you crossed over though, the future became unreadable to me. I am taking that as a good sign.", replied Stephen with a slight grin.

Nodding slowly David replied, "Okay, I think I understand the situation, we need to ensure this world can repel or defeat the Levar. If I can help you here, would you help me find a way to help my earth?"

"At the end, if we succeed, you might not need my help, but I am willing, of course."

"Okay, but something confuses me though. This body was only supposed to only have regeneration, the rest of its powers should be moments away, frozen inside the transference machine" David hoped he was not going to be facing a mental battle with the designated owner.

"Oh, this was the change I was attempting in this time loop. To awaken En Sabah Nur early, I had prepared his body with all his powers so that it could handle his mind. I was hoping he would listen to reason. Then I noticed your portal opening. Oh, this is yours, it might help." Stephen raises a gauntlet that was resting in the folds of his cloak and offered it to David.

David signed in relief as he realised, he would not need to face some battle for control of the body.

David accepted the outstretched gauntlet. Looking inside the gauntlet he was relieved to see some scrapings of his skin and even a tiny amount of blood.

"I cannot stay in this time much longer, the strain I have been putting on myself after all these resets are starting to have an impact. There is one more thing I can do to try to help you though. En Sabah Nurs' memories, as well as the course of the last timeline, if you are willing, I can pass them to you. It will make using his powers, and trying to plan ahead, allot easier." Said Stephen as he watched David's curious behavior.

Looking up from the gauntlet David nodded once, "Yes please, that would be of great value. If I meet you again, will your younger selves know about this meeting?"

Stephen grinned as golden runes started to encircle his hand, reaching forward he tapped David's forehead, "No, but he might be able to sense my magic on you, that might be a lot of fun."

Feeling new information entered his mind, David closed his eyes to help understand it all.

"Oh, I have left you a present, it was meant for En Sabah Nur, now … well whatever, good luck." said Stephen as his image faded into nothing.